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Caellum Young

Pace Gardener

Promiscuous Meatball Diapers

2 May 2023

Promoting the Smaller Clubs

Dear Brighton High Administration,

At Brighton there are multitudes of clubs that no one knows about or talks about.

People only talk about the bigger clubs like NHS and the different sports like football

and cheer. At Brighton there are 50+ clubs and most of those clubs don’t get talked

about or promoted enough. While we have things like club rush where we have all the

clubs trying to recruit new members it isn’t enough. Most people go out during lunch so

they won’t be able to attend club rush. Two alternatives to it could be to make club rush

a multi day activity. For the second idea, instead of having club rush take place during

lunch we can have it during flex or in the middle of the day like an assembly.

More ways that we can promote clubs is through flex. We can have people from

each club come into some flex classes to come and talk about what they do in the club

and what the environment is like inside of the club. This would be a good way to go into

detail about one club at a time instead of hearing about all of the clubs at one. Another

we can promote is through social media and emails. If the Brighton instagram and email

talks about the different clubs it would be a great way to get people talking about the


More ways to promote the clubs at Brighton could be more events for the clubs. I

had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Christensen the dance teacher and when I asked
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her what she would want for her club she said “I would love more performances,

assemblies and half time shows.” By doing more events for the clubs we would be

promoting them and it would help for recruitment. Another way to improve club

promotion would be to have an instagram page run by the SBO’s to show off all of the

clubs in one page instead of having multiple instagram accounts.

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Aruscavage, Laila & Christensen, Lindsay and Laniez, Lara. Personal interview. 24, 25 & 26

April 2023.

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