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CodeIgniter is a popular PHP framework for building web applications.

Here are some technical

requirements for building a web application using CodeIgniter:

1. Web Server: A web server like Apache, Nginx, or IIS is required to run the web application
built with CodeIgniter.

2. PHP version: CodeIgniter requires PHP version 5.6 or higher to run. However, it is
recommended to use the latest version of PHP to take advantage of its features and security

3. Database: CodeIgniter supports a variety of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,

and SQLite. You need to choose a database and configure it in the CodeIgniter configuration

4. CodeIgniter installation: You need to download the latest version of CodeIgniter and extract
the files on the web server. You can also install CodeIgniter using composer.

5. CodeIgniter configuration: After installing CodeIgniter, you need to configure the application
by modifying the configuration files. The configuration files include database configuration,
base URL, and other settings.

6. MVC architecture: CodeIgniter follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which

separates the application logic, presentation, and data handling. You need to design the
application using the MVC architecture to make it modular and maintainable.

7. Controllers: Controllers are the backbone of a CodeIgniter application. They handle user
requests, interact with models to fetch data, and pass data to views to render the output.

8. Models: Models are responsible for handling data operations. They interact with the
database to fetch, update, and delete data.

9. Views: Views are responsible for rendering the output to the user. They display data fetched
from the controller and can contain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

10. Libraries and Helpers: CodeIgniter provides a set of libraries and helpers that can be used to
simplify common tasks, such as form validation, file uploading, and email sending. You can
also create your own libraries and helpers.

11. Routing: CodeIgniter uses a routing system to map URLs to controllers and methods. You
need to configure the routing system to handle user requests.

12. Security: CodeIgniter provides built-in security features, such as CSRF protection, input
validation, and XSS filtering. You need to use these features to secure your application.

13. Testing: You need to test your application to ensure it works correctly. CodeIgniter provides
a testing framework that can be used to write unit and integration tests for your application.

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