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Summative Assessment P/C:

Psychomotor Exceeds Goals (4) Meets Goals(3) Approaching Goal Needs

skills (2) Improvement (1)

Punches Skills exceed Skills meet the Skills are Skills need
goals. Uses 3 class expectation. approaching class improvement.
types of punches Uses 3 types of expectations. Attempts 2 or less
without error punches (Straight, Uses 2 or less punches (Straight,
(Straight, Hook, Hook, Uppercut) types of punches Hook, Uppercut)
Uppercut). Uses with less than 2 (Straight, Hook, but performs them
both dominant errors. Uppercut) with inaccurately.
and non-dominant more than 2
sides effectively. errors.

Kicks Skills exceed Uses 2 types of Performs one or Attempts incorrect

goals. Uses 2 kicks (Straight, less kicks with 2 kicks or performs
types of kicks Roundhouse) with or more errors. kicks inaccurately.
without error less than 2 errors. Does not use both
(Straight, Uses only one sides (Dominant,
Roundhouse). side (Dominant, or or Non-Dominant)
Uses both Non-Dominant)
dominant and
sides effectively.

Other Skills Includes 3 types Includes 2 types Includes 1 type of Does not include
of other of other other movements, other movements
movements, movements, without error throughout the
without error without error throughout the routine. (dodge,
throughout the throughout the routine. (dodge, elbow, knee)
routine. (dodge, routine. (dodge, elbow, knee)
elbow, knee) elbow, knee)

Cognitive Skills 4 3 2 1

Planning Sheet Fills out correctly. Fills out with a few Fills out with Fills out
All skills are errors. Most skills errors. Skills incorrectly. Skills
mentioned (3 are mentioned mentioned are are incorrectly
punch 2 kick). (More than 2 missing more than mentioned. Does
Includes other punches and at 1 punch or kick. not include a
movements. least one kick). Does not include category.
Includes other other movements. (Punches, Kicks,
movements. Other

Timing Plans time Meets time Does not meet Does not meet
management in expectation but time expectations, time expectations
an effective does not does not but and does not
manner demonstrate correctly demonstrate
knowledge of how demonstrates knowledge of how
(30 on 30 off) to break time knowledge of how to break time
(2 min of each apart. to break time apart.
pattern) apart.
(Repeats of a

Format Written work is Written work has Written work has Written work has
free of spelling a few (1-3) multiple (3-4) many (5+) spelling
and grammatical spelling and spelling and and grammatical
errors. Work is grammatical grammatical errors. Work
organized and errors. Work is errors. Work unorganized and
easy to follow. organized and unorganized and is hard to follow.
Work is neat and easy to follow. is hard to follow. Work is messy
easy to read. Work is neat and Work is messy and hard to read.
easy to read. and hard to read.

Affective Skills 4 3 2 1

Affective Fills out 3 correct Fills out 2 correct Fills out 1 correct Fills out 0 correct
Assessment examples of examples of example of examples of
Sheet positive feedback positive feedback positive feedback positive feedback
on Affective on Affective on Affective on Affective
Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment
Sheet Provided. Sheet Provided. Sheet Provided. Sheet Provided.

Cognitive Planning Sheet (Assessment):

Performer Name:_________ Date of Performance:_______

Please outline your 5 minute cardio kickboxing routine below:

● Include 3 types of punches
● Include 2 types of kicks
● Include other movements
● Show how time will be split up throughout your routine

Fill out your planning in the space provided below:

Affective Summative Assessment:

Performers Name: _____ Observers Name: _______

During the performance, give three examples of positive feedback below:
1: _______
2: _______
3: _______

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