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Module X : Data Processing

To do:
1. Data Processing : Meaning
2. Steps in Processing Data
a. Editing
b. Coding
c. Classification
d. Tabulation
e. Graphical Presentation

1. Data Processing : Meaning

- Intermediary step between data collection and data analysis.
- Eliminating all irrelevant data and retaining only the useful darta
- Arranging/ organize the data in a proper form so that it can be used for
analysis and interpretation

2. Steps in Processing Data

a. Editing
i. Involves examining errors and omission in data collection and making correction if
ii. Editing ensures accuracy, consistency of completeness of data for further
iii. Editing is further divided into two:
1. Field Editing
 Editing of data at the time of field survey itself
 Done by the interviewer
 This stepped is skipped in cases of online survey (Google Forms)
2. Central / Office Editing
 Editing of data is done at the office with detailed instructions given with
regards to editing work
 Done by the researcher irrespective if the work is outsourced or not
iv. In case of incomplete data:
Contact the respondent and get the data filled up again (difficult to do)
Plugin the answer yourself
Condition: If less than 10% of the people have not given some data and out of
those 10%, the unanswered question is less than 10% of the total form
Ways to plugin:
Trend Study
Neutral Answer
Put in a separate code (Causes inconsistency but at least the results are honest)
Last case scenario is discarding that respondent answers

b. Coding
i. Process of assigning numerical value to the answers so that the responses can be
recorded into a limited number of classes / categories.
ii. Coding can be effectively managed with the help of a codebook
iii. Classes must be:
1. Mutually Exclusive
c. Classification
i. Arranging the data in groups/classes based on some characteristics
ii. Helps to condense the data, facilitate comparison, helps to study relationships
iii. Classification can be done on the basis of
1. Attributes (Gender/ Education/ Socio Economic Classes)
2. Class Intervals (Age/ Income/ Height/ Weight)

d. Tabulation
i. Single Tabulation – 1 question in one table
Cross Tabulation – 2 questions in one table

e. Graphical Representation
Characteristics of a table
i. Always have a table no (If Intro has two tables, it will be 1.1,1.2,… and not 1,2,3)
ii. Always have a title of the table
iii. Always have a heading for the row and column (Bold, Center-Center Align) with
units of measurement
iv. Never use abbreviation in the table. If abbreviation is necessary, put a sign next to
the abbreviation (*, #, ~) and mention the full-form at the bottom of the table
v. Numbers are center align, words left and amount right
vi. Sources in APA format below the table within the width of the table
vii. Table should always be center aligned
viii. Charts and Table have different numberings. (Chart 1.1 & Table 1.1)
ix. Chart should have X-axis and Y-axis headers
x. Always have borders in charts
xi. Write the sample size below the chart
xii. The question should be complete and not in … at the end
xiii. Pictograms can be used for approximate data and not exact data
xiv. Pie charts should be used only for mode (nominal ordinal scale) with 4-5 option
xv. Each segment should have no of respondents along with percentage

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