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. 11d2aU-1:Tu fan Tha Had 1-4

2 w om Th Rood a lakn 5 -

3. 21ho )2: Thsndl d Hogc 12-It

22 61--3.Thutt Ci L-2
5gle2s 0-3. Potm Pain ontulod24-80
6 3 2-1o U-u Thhek 4d 3-36

7 0 0-5:Thu Snaka hndTh 36-42

. 815:P.i Alunnddtha43-5
q. B7U-b: Ma CwAeo 55
lo. s D O-6 NoHn ou taun 6o-6
I.2tio - : Pockig A0-
12.2o2to) %: ioc Fonta tp:141(-32
3.211g2oto U P:On b i cTru 1-95
1423122o()-1:hu berd o h q% -1
No. Teacher
DATE:4- 1d6E
Remarks Unit 4 Th fun th nad

LAmul the sleSnq Ln 30-uO99LLsdx

Ohaudid ammu ind lseek whet

usas the Aulietd,"tha loesk 1
a om eund ta \Ledkin the att a
h s beub At ua av oKA Iseek and
PLuintiA n ths pacLhiuueda Ls4
t L T u xu nat mainq his lesk-
uasalseut delslemo Aeuaki

2 Ohai did auais qxadlaih

alout 3K lseee

cceLdina e ha auandlothen
seoks uses Qite ohen in thee
daus he ueLLAAu iPHnteen
Popia huhele Ata4 s piateel
n papa HL alkg Addid net th

mewNa en ih pexeLa iRL he -LeeE3

eOhat kindsschesl eem did
Maua has ) D e i t s _

Maneie had a P L a l eindd

eem At ueca attashaal o e , P
H ticshar ms a michanios (
Gttauht ha uth tha holp 4

Dcsuil ths moia t i o i b c

int abea t 1hu ua Ihu Ho
Ongh teu Th fLa lhu Had's A
Lemsauy-chonaha useqth ehsd
i lepLatiud 5 E Vhical xusia
Co_ humantiasbRn uill luc
lksaat n utn pose3 will
Cemfai puiatid paal .Vitual
claoASmbu ARtac
ancd els &cheely.Reloetic tadhu-
Ondd - Lesk» uil Leloc tha u
a a s and de lseoks Kebpraludyt

nuL th ellsuina is 100 -1O Ed

L6m a anl centLat n d
Shestsueith thi dehel o t

a hasa i tha Laus oh natuLlhi

heCodcnpt e dusaiea heola

ia31ho rhel hat ociAtuel ceatun

0ae add a aiso r i L a L I oloui
4h&n Es ehbe hos itApauat

8hesle Moau'atmo useuld m

chonical tash ueuld p l a e
CaRaciiu Ih niehanical
useu d a l u a t i e l assdaA.
huia a a a a l alLLAL. &n

ustaA t s i bcheals ansdA.

LeQth U TAa H

Oneths A ths hina lasr

sches d, tha ua o .

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