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FFBL (Instrument)10/09/17

Opposite word:
1. Enigmatic:
A: explicit B: Energy C: System D: Impolite
2. Ancient:
A: Later B: Raw C: Recent D: Historical
3. Reluctant:
A: inside B: worried C willing D:
4. Assist:
A: access B: Hinder C:Board D: Facility
5. Palpable:
A: Doubtful B:Combined C:High D:Intengible
6. Quell:
A:increase B: Swallow C: Assimilate D: volatile E: regulates
7. Path : Highway
Pen : Paper
A. Yard : Alley
B. Path : Highway
C. Vein : Artery
D. Brook : River
8. Alloy: Metal 
A: Aluminum: Copper
B: Compund : element
C: oxygen: gas
D:Pair: individual
E: amalgam: silver
A; touchdown: referee
B: motivation: coach
C: somersault: acrobat
D: model: sculptor
E: rink : skater
10. Pattern: Garments:
A; Blueprint: Structure
B: Fashion: Dress
C: Design: Execution
D: Mentors: Students
E: Shape: Sculpture 
11. Sufficiency: Scarcity
A: Haze: Clarity
B: death: Lack
C; Flood: water
D: Eclipse: Sunlight
E: muck reader: trouble
12. MATV and CATV are used in:
Cable tv
13. Control unit counts from?
14. memory counter is the part of 
15. Memory counter sends ----------- signal of the next instruction to memory?
16. ------------ is used to isolate a bit?
A: And B: Not C: Flag
17. Sinusoidal oscillator are? 
A: Stable
b) Marginally Stable 
18. If the gain of the open-loop system is doubled, the gain margin
a) Is not affected
b) Gets doubled
c) Becomes half
d) Becomes one-fourth
19. In transfer function lead lag compensation is needed for?
a) Transient Response tmproovement
b) SS response improvement
c) Both
20. the frequency of standard AM receiver in range is(10.7Mhz for fm)
a) 455KHz 
21. Addition of poles in a TF cause:
A: Lead compensation B: Lag compensation C: lead lag compensation
22. A nibble is equal to
a) 4 bit
b) 8 bit
c) 16 bits
23. 0.685 to binary 
24. SCR is characterized as:
A: has 3 junctions
25. FEts are beneficial due to:
A: low noise
B: small size
C: high gain
D: all above
26. Form factor of AC wave form Rms/Avg value
27. Which one of the following has the least value of form factor?
(A) Sine wave
(B) Square wave
(C) Rectangular wave
(D) Triangular wave
28. The value of ac signal at 45 is called:
a) RMS
b) Instant
c) Avg
d) DC
29. If Emitter junction is forward bias and collector junction is reverse biased then transistor operates in:
a) Active region
b) Saturation Region
c) Cut off
d) Inverted Region
30. The potential between two positive charges of same magnitude at midpoint is:
a) 0V
b) 2V
31. CMRR: the ratio of the common-mode gain to differential-mode gain
32. Valence of Si atom 4
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