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Brighton High School

CE 2010/ENG 12b Final Project

Name: Flora Weinem, Title of Plan: How BHS can better assist ESL students.

Action Plan

Goal: Spread more awareness about ESL students, making them more successful.

1. Spread more awareness to teachers at BHS about ESL students.

2. Track students' progress after teachers have been prepared to better assist them.

3. Have a volunteer team of peer students to help ESL students.

Objective 1: Spread more awareness to teachers at BHS about ESL students

Implementation Evaluation

What evidence indicates How and when will

What needs to be done? By whom and when? What resources?
success? evidence be gathered?

The idea is to bring guest

A school meeting once or The Brighton speakers that are experts The evidence will be
Success will be indicated
twice a year for the faculty administration will in ESL students to come gathered through surveys
when teachers have
with the purpose of arrange the meeting and spread awareness of taken by teachers
minimum preparation to
spreading more which will take place how important it is for evaluating their
be ready to assist ESL
awareness about ESL Fridays after school teachers to be prepared to preparation/capacity to
students. during staff meetings. assist ESL students. teach ESL students.
Objective 2: Track students' progress after teachers have been prepared to better assist them.
Implementation Evaluation

What evidence indicates How and when will

What needs to be done? By whom and when? What resources?
success? evidence be gathered?
Evidence will be gathered
The challenge is to pay
After teachers have more through teachers’ reports
more attention to ESL Success will be indicated
preparation on how to on ESL students
students and compare Comparing students' once we are able to look at
teach ESL students, evaluating these
their test grades, grades before and after, the difference in the
tracking students' categories:
assignment grades, and and comparing their aspects from grades to
progress and looking out - Test Grades
attendance, and most interactions during being more involved
for students' better - Assignment Grades
importantly look for a classes too. during class and seeing a
success will be the next - Attendance
difference to see if they positive change.
step. - Interaction during
are being more social.

Objective 3: Have a volunteer team of peer tutor students to help ESL students.
Implementation Evaluation

What evidence indicates How and when will

What needs to be done? By whom and when? What resources?
success? evidence be gathered?

It will be done by
A new opportunity for
Brighton High School Evidence will be gathered
students who have the Resources needed will be
students who are willing through the same method Success will be indicated
Peer Tutor class will be supported by the Brighton
to help others who do not as “Objective 2” but now, once there is a significant
assigned to them to help High School
yet know the English the peer tutors will be change in ESL students
ESL students with classes administration, teachers,
language so much yet. doing the reports and and they feel helped and
and any other difficulties and most importantly
They will be helping evaluating the same heard.
they might have with the students in this goal.
during school hours, in categories.
the peer tutor class.

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