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Gevra Area.


Chief of Medical Services ,

SECL Head Quarters .Bilaspur .

Sub: Report regarding Mental Health Services – Reg .

Sir ,

My report regarding Mental Health Services are as follows .

Key Facts :

1. Decent work is always key for good Mental Health .

2. 15% of working age adults were estimated to have mental disorder .

Interventions to assess Mental Health:

1. As per Industrial Health rules, Mines Rules, 1955, As a part of Initial and Periodic Medical Examination,
We screen each and every Employee for Mental Disorders.
2. Maintaining interdepartmental cooperation to opportunistically screen patients and referral to
Psychiatry Services.
3. Established good communication with all stake holders by actively involving each and every possible
platform raising the importance of Mental Health.
4. Conducted Health education for Health Care Providers
5. Conducted Health Education for Employees and their Family members through
a. Presentations of Power Point
b. Videos of Short Duration been played in Televisions installed at OPD, IPD
c. Distributed Pamphlets regarding Drug Deaddiction and Importance of Mental Health

Interventions to deal with Mental Disorders :

1. Providing individualised Psychiatric solutions as Individualised Counselling and pharmacotherapy.

2. Launched Drug Deaddiction services which receives patients as a part of opportunistic screening of
patients who attend OPD for selective chronic diseases associated with Addiction of Drugs /
3. Provision of referral services to whenever required .

This is for your kind information and information please .

Sincerely Yours ,


Senior Medical Specialist (Psychiatry) ,
NCH Gevra Area . SECL .

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