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UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023


MODULE 1 – Modern living, leisure & the importance of leisure


I. Introductory activities: Vocabulary building

1. Write your own definition of the word leisure.

2. Now, check the meaning of the word leisure in a dictionary and compare it to your definition. If
necessary, rewrite your definition to have a more complete one.

3. How is the word leisure pronounced? Are there any differences between British and American

4. Look up frequent collocations of the word leisure and write sentences using them.

Be ready to share your answers in class with your teachers and classmates.

II. Reading comprehension activity

1. Read the article "The Use of Free Time" by Mortimer J. Adler, PhD, and complete the
following activities. You can access the reading passage here:
LENI2-ING-2023: UNIT 1. Module 1. Leisure: II. Reading comprehension activity

Mortimer J. Adler, PhD "The Use of Free Time"

2. Once you read the text, solve the following activity.

UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023
MODULE 1 – Modern living, leisure & the importance of leisure

1. According to Mortimer J Adler, today we use the terms “leisure time” and “free time”

a. True
b. False
2. According to Aristotle, the two kinds of serious activities in which we can engage are the
a. Leisure activities and sleep
b. Business, toil or labour and leisure activities
c. Labour and playing
3. Aristotle describes "leisure activities" in the following way.
a. Although they produce the goods of the body, the comforts and conveniences of life,
they do not produce the goods of the spirit or of civilization. These include all the liberal
arts and sciences, and all the institutions of the state and of religion.
b. They produce the goods of the body, the comforts and conveniences of life and the
goods of the spirit or of civilization. These include all the liberal arts and sciences, and
all institutions of religion.
c. Although they do not produce neither the goods of the body nor the comforts and
conveniences of life, they produce the goods of the spirit or of civilization. These
include all the liberal arts and sciences, and all the institutions of the state and of
4. The author believes that we do not need recreation.
a. True
b. False
5. Leisure work and subsistence work are serious activities, but leisure is
somehow concerned with playing.
a. True
b. False
6. According to Aristotle, business or toil as well as leisure activities enrich our lives.
a. True
b. False
7. From Aristotle's point of view, the most fortunate of men are those who have enough
property so that they do not have to work for a living because:
a. They could spend their money on whatever they wanted.
b. They could spend their time on the arts and sciences and on public affairs.
c. They could devote themselves to relaxation and refreshment.

UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023
MODULE 1 – Modern living, leisure & the importance of leisure

8. It is good for a society to have much more free time as long as people do not use it to
develop their faculties, to grow mentally, and to participate in society and culture.
a. True
b. False
9. Aristotle’s times and our times differ in that:
a. In Aristotle's days, only a small segment of society formed the “leisure class”: slaves
or toilers.
b. Nowadays, very few people have free time.
c. Nowadays, all the people who work for a living also have free time to spend on
leisure activities.
10. The author believes that genuine liberal schools should also teach students how to use
their free time in an advantageous way when they become adults, since continued learning is a
great example of a leisure activity.
a. True
b. False

III. Listening comprehension activity

1. Listen to a radio interview in which a professor of philosophy, Al Gini, discusses The Virtues of
Leisure. As you listen, take down notes and answer the questions below. You can access the
interview here:

Source:  Stamberg, S. (2004). The Virtues of Leisure. NRP.

The Virtues of Leisure. NPR Radio Program.

2. Listening comprehension activity

a. What was Aristotle’s idea of leisure?

b. Currently, do we have the same idea about leisure?
c. Can being lazy/ laziness have a positive outcome?
d. What’s the importance of working on our lives?

3. Reflection time! Read your definition of “leisure.” Can you find any similarities or differences
between them and Al Gini’s definition and examples?
UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023
MODULE 1 – Modern living, leisure & the importance of leisure

Be ready to share your answers in class with your teachers and classmates.

IV. Reading comprehension activity

1. Read this text about the benefits of leisure time. You can access the interview here:

BBC (2010, November 1) Leisure-time exercise “reduces depression risk”. BBC, Leisure.

2. Summarize the main ideas of the text using the following graphic organizer. What are some of
the benefits listed in the article?

Be ready to share your summaries in class with your teachers and


V. Personalization

UNC – FL – CÁTEDRA LENGUA INGLESA II – Material para uso en la modalidad virtual – 2023
MODULE 1 – Modern living, leisure & the importance of leisure

a. Answer the following questions employing vocabulary used in the text you have read.
How do you use your free time? What are your favourite free time activities? Do you choose
activities that help you relax or improve yourself?

b. Look at the following list of activities; can you rank the five that are most important to you?

Spend time with Go to the cinema Go to a museum Go to the park

Go to the beach Go to a café Go to the zoo Play video games
Go for a walk Go shopping Go fishing Go swimming
Go skateboarding Go hiking Do handicrafts/ DIY Watch TV/ Series

How do you choose your free time activities? Are there activities that help you relax?
Do you choose activities that help you become a better version of yourself? Be ready
to share your answers in the following padlet.

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