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Capstone Project Proposal Draft

Name of student: Gavin worth

Date: Febuary 27, 2023
Capstone strand I have chosen is Peoject strand
Proposed title for my project: Diy home gym equipment

What is your inquiry question that interests you for further research? It should be a question that
connects with a purpose, passion or personalized area of interest for you. This is a question that
you cannot just google an answer for. Please see examples from your Capstone booklet.
My inquiry question is:

How can I make home gym equipment more accsesable to those who want to be active at
home, on a budget.

Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question. Explain WHY you are
choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry connect
to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I know how expensive gym equipmant is, and have had to buy or build everything I currently
have myself. I personally enjoy creating and building and wood work is a big part of that, as
well as I know how much weight lifting can help a person. The purpose this project serves for
me is being able to teach others ways they can be active at home.

Background: What background knowledge/connections/prior learning do you have in this

area of inquiry?

Ive been weight lifting myself for over a year now, and know how to make due with what i
have at home. I also have taken many years of woodwork during school and have experience
building. I also know my creative ability is quite good from the freedom I was given in the
class. Ive also actualy made home gym equipment already from scratch. Im confidant in my
ability to do so because the equipment Iv’e made has heald together and served its purpose

Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What
connections does this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals?

Im not sure what career i want to go into, but i do know I enjoy being creative and working with
my hands. I can connect this project to a career in video editing. I will be making
demonstrational videos which i will have to edit. I will be making a youtube channel to upload

the videos to. Youtube is something ive always enjoyed whcthing, and something ive always
wanted to do. Its not really a career path but content creation interests me.

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: What subject areas and core
competencies will be connected with your project? Outline and explain the connections.

Gavin February 14,


Core competency reflection

Personal awareness and responsibility
“I am personally responsible, self-motivated, and can advocate for myself.”
My job is a great example of this. I wake up early in the morning make my own breakfast
and drive myself to work. This demonstrates personal responsibility and self-motivation
because I am self-reliant on getting to work. It doesn’t matter if I’m too tired or want to stay
up late the night before because I know my responsibility the next day and that is priority. I
also can advocate for myself because if anything happens such as traffic, I know I’m in the
wrong. On the rare occasion I’ve been late due to weather or traffic I’ve worked extra at the
end of the day to make up for wasted time on my shift.
“I understand my decisions and actions can effect me.”
I know when if I stay up to late, I’m going to not be functioning at one hundred percent the
next day. This is why anytime I plan on staying up late I take into consideration the risk for the
day prior. If I have a math test or work the next day, I will probably not risk, it. But if it’s the
weekend or I know nothing important is going to happen the next day I most likely will. Still,
in doing so I know my day isn’t going to be great because of my actions.
“I use a variety of strategies to manage my personal wellbeing”
I do use strategies to manage my personal wellbeing, just not necessarily a variety. My main
go to for personal wellbeing is physical activity. This strategy has worked well for me and still
does. But I do think focusing on diet and reducing screen time would be good as well. I do
believe if I broadened the number of strategies I use, it could positively impact my personal

Social responsibility

“I am aware of my community and environment and work independently and collaboratively
for the benefits of others.’’
As for community I have independently picked up litter in my area even when it was not
necessarily convenient to me. As well as in general I don’t litter and when I see my friends are
I will encourage them to clean up after themselves. In addition to that I have shoveled
neighbors' driveways and fixed their garbage bins when blown into the road. For collaborative
acts I am currently working in one of my classes in groups to raise money for the homeless. I
also independently raised fifty dollars to donate on my own time.
“I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate strategies
to resolve problems.”
In the first semester this year I was in vegan foods twelve. I found a few of group members
had problems with me for reasons I didn’t understand. I took their perspectives into
consideration although this didn’t change my perspective on the situation, I still respected
their perspective. Instead of arguing or creating conflict I chose to notify the teacher of the
situation and separate the group to forgo the conflict. Once again, the group members chose
to argue. But at the end I did what I could, and the conflict was resolved as a result.
“I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions including online.”
I do value diversity, but I can't say I actively demonstrate this in my day-to-day life. I also
can't say I actively defend human rights or advocate for others. That’s not to say I don’t value
these things I again, just don’t actively do anything to demonstrate it. I do believe that I act
ethically in all my interactions as this is something I strongly value. I believe I could better
advocate for others and defend human rights if I was better educated on the subject. This
way I could not only understand the topic when brought up but educate my peers on issues
going on.

Critical thinking
“I can analyze and critique my own learning.”
I've demonstrated this in several of my classes in the past. A lot of the times in social studies
we had to do a personal reflection at the end of a project or unit. I was able to identify that
my weakness was in my broad or sweeping statements when talking about topics in my essay.
Later this was confirmed by my teacher who also agreed with a couple other critiques I had
on my demonstration of learning in the class. I knew what I needed to do better and what I
was already doing a good job of.
“I can assess my progress.”
Last year in my creative writing class we wrote many original stories either fictional or about

our life/experiences. At the end of the semester, I looked back at some of the first stories I
wrote in the class and noticed how rushed even my good copies seemed. I noticed how the
more recent stories I had written were a lot more descriptive and better at showing the
environment rather than telling the environment. I was able to assess how far I had come
within those months in English in my short story telling capability. I was also more confident
in my progress when I saw where I started in the semester.
“I understand the purpose for my work and consider my audience.”
I understand the purpose of my work during projects or work outside of school. To perform at
my best during a task I need to make sure I understand what and why I am doing. I find I am
lacking when considering the audience, I am doing the work for. I tend to do my work the
best way I see fit not always the best way for the audience. I need to remember who the work
is for not only at the end of doing the work but during it as well.

Creative thinking
“I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious mind to
generate new ideas”
I have demonstrated this skill in my woodwork class last semester. When wanting to make a
dumbbell rack for my garage I looked at examples online. But I did not see any designs that I
liked so I used aspects of their functionality as well as some techniques I previously learnt in
the class. Not only did I use ideas from my surroundings but my peers/teachers Aswell as my
own new ideas. It was a perfect demonstration of my creativity no one in the class had done it
before so I had to start from scratch.
“I can persevere and understand that failure can be productive.”
Although this is not what the schooling system promotes, I do believe I have this skill. When
I started learning to drive my mom's car, which is manual, I stalled it many times. These
failures are needed to learn how to drive a manual car and I knew that, so I didn’t give up. Its
defiantly easier to persevere and learn from failure when I care about what doing. I also
demonstrated this skill when learning to snowboard. falling down hurts but in a way that
failure is motivation.
“I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that influence how
people think about subjects”
I believe I can make new and unique ideas. I do not think that my ideas influence others and
their view on a subject. In my 20th century history class for a final project, we had to make an

artifact that related to our topic. I did my presentation on the use of helicopters in warfare, so
I made a turbine engine model; for my artifact. Although this idea was creative and unique it
did not influence anyone about how they thought of the subject. I recognise that a model of
something more specific to warfare would have been a better choice to educate and change
the minds of others on the topic.

“I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.”
In my socials class last semester, we had to work in groups for a couple mini projects. We
made a poster on a day in the life of a concentration camp prisoner. I did my fair share of
work and got other members of the group that were less active to join in. The main problem
of the poster was the number of photos and news clippings given. We had to choose one
topic, so we did the “day in the life.” Then we worked together to pick out the pieces of
media that worked best with the topic chosen.
“I can reflect on the process of learning and share what I’ve learned.”
I've done multiple reflections for different classes. Specifically for science last semester our
final presentation was a representation of everything we learnt from the class. I was able to
use what I learnt about the human body and biology to give an in-depth presentation of the
effects of anabolic steroids on the body. This presentation allowed me to use the research
skills I had better develop by the end of the semester, as well as the knowledge from other
units wed gone over.
“I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider different
perspectives, and build consensus.”
I can listen and contribute to meaningful discussion. I've demonstrated this through
conversations and debates with my friends. We can have meaningful discussions about
morals. But I sometimes am unable to see their perspective on a subject due to a difference in
beliefs. I am not religious and when someone begins using religion in a debate it becomes
hard to see in their eyes. I think I could better consider their perspective if I was simply more
open to understanding it.

Personal and cultural identity


“I understand what is important to me.”
I know what I value as a person. I demonstrated this during all about me poster we did in
careers. I was able to identify what traits I look for in people as well as myself. I know myself
well and this project was just a reminder of that. I also know that physical health is important
to me and that’s because I enjoy being active and I want to be able to do that for most of my
lifetime. Not only do I know what I value but I know why.
“I understand how and what I value has and will shape my choices.”
The friends I've made and continue to make are a direct influence of my values. I would not
choose to associate myself with them if I saw them as unfit or unworthy of my time. I also
understand that things like my morals will shape how I live my life. I'm not currently working
in a fast-food restaurant because I've told myself I'm better than that. I value my
independence and that’s why I chose to get my driver's license as fast as I could. I choose to
work because making my own money gives me the Independance of owning a car as well
buying my own stuff.
“I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world.”
I don’t think I could identify myself in terms of relationships with others simply because
some relationships I have are based off proximity not necessarily by choice. I also don’t know
how I identify myself in terms of relationship to the world other than being a taxpayer and
contributing member of society. I believe I could better identify myself with the world and
others if I gave it more time and thought. I have never thought about this question and I'm
not sure how one identifies with the world or relationships with others.

Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to
present your project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once
completed. You may use a combination of mediums.
o Electronic portfolio: Prezi or PPT
o Physical portfolio
o Website
o imovie presentation
o YouTube channel

I will be making a youtube channel to upload my videos to. They will visualy show the process
of design and building and explain how to do it yourself.

Description of my Capstone project. Specific Project Details of the Capstone Project: what
will you research, create, study, produce, solve, investigate? What product will be produced

at the end of this project for evaluation. Write a one-page description outlining your

Gavin Capstone one pager February 28, 2023

Reasearch: Before I start my project, I will research and answer the following. What materials will I
need to use to construct my projects that will be strong enough to withstand some abuse while also
being cost effective and easily obtainable? This will not only include the woods or plastics or (main)
materials, but also glues/bonding agents, screws/nails and stains. I will also need to find the most
cost-effective way to obtain hand tools. Weather that be used tools off Facebook marketplace or
stores which offer the best prices. I will research these topics online as well as some field research
where I will travel to different hardware stores in the area. I also want to figure out which pieces of
equipment I can DIY that will have the widest variety of uses and best value overall.

Create: My goal is to create a short series of videos outlining how to DIY home gym equipment in a
simplified and easy way. I plan to center episode one around my findings in my research. Such as the
most cost-effective way to obtain everything from the materials to hand tools. As well as what
common hand tools you will need for all the projects to come. For the rest of the episodes, I will need
to do the research first and decide what equipment I should make. The formula for all the episodes
will be as follows. An introduction which goes over the commercially available piece of equipment and
all its uses and benefits. Then a quick 3D render of what the DIY piece of equipment will look like
when complete as well as an orthographic drawing, followed by the materials and tools needed for
construction. To make it simple I will also make a diagram of all the pieces/cuts of material labeled
with dimensions. Then it will cut to what will be a slide show of each major step, with a voiceover
explaining what is being done and how. AT the end of the video, I will record a quick demonstration of
the piece of equipment in use. I want to make the videos as short and easy to understand as possible,
so I plan on trying to make them each around five minutes.

Tools: for creating the videos I plan on editing them on Davinci Resolve 18, a video editing software.
I've used it in the past but am still learning so I will be able to develop this skill as I go. For the 3D
modeling and orthographic drawings, I plan to use a free 3D design software called Sketch up. I've also
used this software in the past and its very simple to use. For capturing my designs from Sketchup I will
use the screen recording feature on my pc. For taking photos and videos I will probably just use my
phone, but I do have a hand Heald camera if I feel that would better suit the project. Of course, I will
also be using hand tools for the construction of the projects.

Solve: The problem I'm looking to solve is the absurd cost of gym equipment that currently exists. I
personally have spent a large amount of money on the equipment I have currently and even some of
that equipment can feel cheap. I've made a couple pieces of equipment DIY already, and for much
cheaper than what I would have spent on some cheap mass-produced version of it on amazon. I also
know the benefits of physical activity, and how many things in someone's life can make that in
accessible. Weather that is location and safety concerns, financial issues, or even something like the
covid pandemic the world experienced. Access to equipment like this can be life changing for many
people. Obesity rates are sky high, and self-image has a huge impact on mental health and wellbeing.
Fitness should be an option for everyone no matter their situation.

Product: The product I hope to have created by the end of this project is a series of videos beneficial
to the community. I wish to educate and help others become more active form their own homes as
well as overall improve themselves.

Te a
Resources/ Technology/Skills: Make an assessment of the resources, technology and
skills you will need to be able to complete this project. What is your plan to be able to
access/learn all of the resources necessary to achieve completion of this project? Detail
your plans.

As outlined in my one pager, I plan to use Davinci Resolve 18 (video editing software),
Sketchup (3D modeling software), and youtube to upload the videos to. For the creation of the
equipment i plan to make evrything from scratch. I will use my creativity and understanding of
building to create the projets. The only skills i think ill need to improve upon are my
technological skills when it comes to the video editing portion as its something im not super
experienced in.

Mentors/Community Connections: What types of mentor(s)/community connections will

you need to help you complete your capstone project? How will your mentor(s) help you?
What is your plan to access the mentorship/community connections necessary for this

The only mentor i plan on having is Ms.Dahl, my woodwork teacher. I wouldnt say i need a
mentore for this as im pretty experinced by now in woodwork, but im sure she will have some
insightfull ideas and feedback to offer. As for community connection, the woodshop has a
scrap wood bin just like home depot which will also be usefull in constructing my projects on a

Project limitations: What are some project limitations and potential obstacles that you foresee
that might affect progress with your Capstone Project?

The only forseeable obstical I can predict is difficulty fitting in the work on the projects in my
schedule. But since the whole point of my projet is simplicity and accesability, weather or not
im able to fit this in my schedual will prove weather or not my strategie is effective. If im
unable to then i know ive failed, but if I am than I know Iv’e fixed the problem of time

Other considerations: List and detail any other related information/ considerations about
your project that you feel should be included in your project proposal.

The only other thing I think i should mention in my proposal is that i plan to spend no more
than 250$ total on all supplies I use. I think this price point may need to be slightly more
flexible but im hoping it will suffice.


Attach a REFERENCE LIST. Your list should be written using correct APA formatting.
An example is provided on page 21 of your Capstone booklet.

Canada, P. H. A. of. (2011, June 23). Government of

Canada. Retrieved February 24,


Kim, A. (2018, June 15). Motivation to exercise: How

obese teenagers view physical activity. Medical

News Bulletin. Retrieved February 24, 2023,

Maidenberg, M. P. (2016). Childhood, Adolescent,

and Teenage Obesity: Recommendations for Community Initiatives in Central Harlem.

Health & Social Work, 41(2), 85–91.

Reid, M.-A., Wekesser, M., Erickson, K., & Freeman, J. G. (2021). Examining the Influence of
Physical and Health Education on Ontario Grade 9 Students’ Physical Activity
Intentions and Behaviors. Physical Educator, 78(6), 584–605.

Slingerland, C. (2022, July 25). 10+ DIY Homemade Gym Equipment Ideas. Simplified
Building. Retrieved February 24, 2023,

Taylor, B. (2010, September 1). Poor and fat: The link between poverty and obesity in
Canadian children | CBC news. CBCnews. Retrieved February 24, 2023,


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