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Macromolecules cooking lab

Jazlene Polanco

Mr. Ruiz


Introduction: Brownies are a delicious chocolaty treat. They were originated in the United

States the first person who made brownies was Bertha Palmer to be served at the Columbian

exposition world’s fair in 1893, the brownie was created in the palmer house kichen in the late

19th century. Their name comes from the story ‘’The Brownies’’ by Juliana Horatia Ewing

written in 1870. While baking the brownies macromolecules will be present. One of them is

protein, protein is a naturally occurring, extremely complex substance that consists of amino acid

residues joined by peptide bonds. The way proteins are in this recipe is when I add eggs because

they are a great source of protein. Lipids will be in my brownies because I will be adding

vegetable oil lipids are any of various organic compounds that are insoluble in water.

Carbohydrates are in brownies because it all the sugar that’s in them carbohydrates sugar

molecules. The brownies are going to have nucleic acids because the milk and eggs have DNA

because they came from an alive animal. Nucleic acid is a naturally occurring chemical

compound that serves as the primary information-carrying molecules in cells

Purpose: the purpose of this lab is to see if the brownie Height will change if I have the eggs or

if I take them out

Objective: The objective of this experiment is to determine if we can take out the eggs entirely

from the brownies.

Hypothesis: If the eggs get taken away from the brownies, then the brownies height will change,

and I will taste different

Materials: 1st brownie batch

2 large eggs, 3 tablespoons, milk, 2/3 cup, vegetable oil, oven, 9x13 inch pan, 5x8 bowl, and


Materials 2nd brownie batch: 3 tablespoons, milk, 2/3 cup, vegetable oil, oven, 9x13 inch pan,

5x8 bowl, and spoon

Procedure batch 1:

Take all the pots out of the oven and then when the pots are out set the temperature to 350

Fahrenheit, Open the brownie box, get the brownie mix out of the box, open the bag that the

brownie mix is in and pour the brownie mix into the 5x8 bowl then grab the tablespoon cup pour

3 tablespoons of milk into the 5x8 bowl then get the 1/3 cup and pour 2/3 of vegetable oil in the

5x8 bowl grab the 1 large egg gently tap it on the rim of the 5x8 bowl then let the egg yolk fall

into the 5x8 bowl and do the same with the second egg, mix all of it together with the spoon after

everything is all mixed together pour the mixture into the 9x13 pan put the oven Mits on open

the oven that was already preheating and slide the 9x13 pan in the oven and check it every 2

minutes out of the 20 the brownie mix will checked on to see if the height has changed.
Procedure batch 2: Take all the pots out of the oven and then when the pots are out set the

temperature to 350 Fahrenheit, Open the brownie box, get the brownie mix out of the box, open

the bag that the brownie mix is in and pour the brownie mix into the 5x8 bowl then grab the

tablespoon cup pour 3 tablespoons of milk into the 5x8 bowl then get the 1/3 cup and pour 2/3 of

vegetable oil in the 5x8 bowl mix all of it together with the spoon after everything is all mixed

together pour the mixture into the 9x13 pan put the oven Mits on open the oven that was already

preheating and slide the 9x13 pan in the oven and check it every 2 minutes out of the 20 the

brownie mix will checked on to see if the height has changed.


Conclusion: In conclusion my hypothesis was correct because the brownie gave the brownie

more height than the one that has no eggs. One source of error was I wasn’t being accurate on the

time because I kept forgetting to set the alarm every 2 minutes. Another source of error was that

I was confused on how to measure the brownies so my first method was sticking the ruler in the
brownies but since the brownies were fragile it would deflate it. So, my second method was I

used the back of the spoon to get a flat surface and put the ruler on the side of the pan. A

correction I could have made for my first source of error was to put a timer every time I was

done checking so it was more accurate. A correction for my second source was to learn that

putting a ruler in the brownie when it's not read will deflate it.

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