LECTURE 3.0 - Analysis of Tension Members PDF

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• Introduction for tension members
• Tensile Strength
• Analysis of tension members
– Staggered Fasteners
– Block Shear
• Tension members are structural elements
that are subjected to axial tensile forces.
• They are used in various types of
structures and include truss members,
bracing for buildings and bridges, cables in
suspended roof systems, and cables in
suspension and cable-stayed bridges.

The basic design check for a tension

member is to provide enough cross-sectional
area to resist the applied tensile force.
Tension Members
Tension Members
Tensile Strength
• For members subjected to tension, the two basic
modes of failure are tensile yielding and
tensile rupture.
• Tensile yielding occurs when the stress on the
gross area of the section is large enough to cause
excessive deformation.
Tensile Strength
• For members subjected to tension, the two basic
modes of failure are tensile yielding and tensile
• Tensile rupture (fracture) occurs when the stress
on the effective area of the section is large enough to
cause the member to fracture, which usually
occurs across a line of bolts where the tension
member is weakest.
Tensile Strength
The nominal strength in yielding is:

The nominal strength in rupture is:

Fy = Minimum yield stress
Ag = Gross area of the tension member.
Fu = Minimum tensile stress
Ae = Effective net area of the tension member.
Tensile Strength
LRFD: In load and resistance factor design, the
factored tensile load is compared to the design
strength. The design strength is the resistance
factor times the nominal strength.

can be written for tension members as:

where Pu is the governing combination of factored loads.

Tensile Strength
The resistance factor ft is smaller for fracture
than for yielding, reflecting the more serious
nature of fracture.
– For yielding, ft = 0.90
– For fracture (rupture), ft = 0.75

The smaller of these is the design strength of the

Tensile Strength
ASD: In allowable strength design, the total
service load is compared to the allowable
strength (allowable load):

where Pa is the required strength (applied load),

and Pn/Ωt is the allowable strength.
Tensile Strength
• For yielding of the gross section, the safety
factor Ωt is 1.67, and the allowable load is

• For fracture of the net section, the safety factor

is 2.00 and the allowable load is
Sample Problem 1
A1⁄2 × 5 plate of A36 steel is used as a tension
member. It is connected to a gusset plate with
four 5⁄8-inch-diameter bolts as shown in Figure
3.3. Assume that the effective net area Ae equals
the actual net area An.
a. What is the design strength for LRFD?
(ans = 76.1 kips)
b. What is the allowable strength for ASD?
(ans = 50.8 kips)
Sample Problem 1
a) Design strength (LRFD)
The design strength based on yielding is
where Pn is
The design strength based on fracture is
where Pn is
a) Design strength (LRFD)
The design strength based on yielding:
Compute for Ag:
Note Ag is the area perpendicular to the force.


a) Design strength (LRFD)
The design strength based on fracture:
Compute for Ae:
Based on the problem, Ae = An , and An is the net area
perpendicular to the force.
From NSCP 2015:
a) Design strength (LRFD)
The design strength based on fracture:
Compute for Ae:
Based on the problem, Ae = An , and An is the net area
perpendicular to the force.
From AISC:
Section B4.3 of the AISC Specification
requires the addition of 1/16 inch to the actual
hole diameter. This mounts to using an
effective hole diameter 1/8 inch larger than the
fastener diameter. In the case of slotted holes,
1/16inch should be added to the actual width of
the hole.
a) Design strength (LRFD)
The design strength based on fracture:
Compute for Ae:
Based on the problem, Ae = An , and An is the net area
perpendicular to the force.

Ae = 1.75 in2
a) Design strength (LRFD)
The design strength based on fracture:
Compute for Ae:
Based on the problem, Ae = An , and An is the net area
perpendicular to the force.

a) Design strength (LRFD)

The design strength based on yielding is 81.0 kips

The design strength based on fracture is 76.1 kips

The design strength is 76.1 kips

b) Allowable strength (ASD)
The allowable strength based on yielding is

The allowable strength based on fracture is

The allowable strength is 50.8 kips

Effective Area
• Of the several factors influencing the
performance of a tension member, the manner
in which it is connected is the most important.
• A connection almost always weakens the
member, and the measure of its influence is
called the joint efficiency.
• This factor is a function of the ductility of the
material, fastener spacing, stress
concentrations at holes, fabrication procedure,
and a phenomenon known as shear lag.
Effective Area
Shear lag (U) affects both bolted and welded
For bolted connections,
Ae = AnU
For welded connections,
Ae = AgU
Analysis of Tension Members

Analysis of Tension Members
Analysis of Tension Members
Analysis of Tension Members
Analysis of Tension Members
Sample Problem 2
Determine if the channel is adequate for the
applied tension load shown. The channel is ASTM
A36; it is connected with four 5⁄8-in. diameter
bolts. Neglect block shear.
Sample Problem 2
To determine whether the channel is adequate or
not, compare the design strength to the given
factored load Pu.

Therefore compute for the design strength based

on yielding and rupture/fracture.
Based on yielding:
Based on fracture:

Net Area of the Channel:

Based on fracture:

Net Area of the Channel:

Based on fracture:

Effective Area of the Channel:

Based on fracture:
Design strength

The design strength based on yielding is 109.19 kips

The design strength is 109.19 kips

Since, 75 kips < 109.19 kips

The channel is adequate!

Staggered Fasteners
Staggered Fasteners
• If a tension member connection is made
with bolts, the net area will be maximized if
the fasteners are placed in a single line.
• The reduction in cross-sectional area is
minimized if the fasteners are arranged in
a staggered pattern.
Staggered Fasteners
• If a tension member connection is made with
bolts, the net area will be maximized if the
fasteners are placed in a single line.
• The reduction in cross-sectional area is
minimized if the fasteners are arranged in a
staggered pattern.
Staggered Fasteners
• The net width in a failure line consisting of
both staggered and unstaggered holes is
Sample Probem 3
Determine the maximum factored load that can
be applied in tension to the angle shown. The
angle is ASTM A36; it is connected with four
3⁄4-in. diameter bolts. Neglect block shear.
Sample Problem 3
Since the problem is to determine the maximum factored load,
LRFD method will be used.
Working equation is given by:

Therefore, the objective is to determine the design strength

based on yielding and based on rupture.
Based on yielding:
Based on rupture:
The challenge in solving staggered connection is
to solve the net area.
Based on the failure
plane, there are two
possible failure.
Failure Plane ABC
Failure Plane ABDE
Based on rupture:
The challenge in solving staggered connection is
to solve the net area.
Net Area of the Angle:
Based on rupture:
The challenge in solving staggered connection is
to solve the net area.

Failure Plane ABC

Based on rupture:
The challenge in solving staggered connection is
to solve the net area.

Failure Plane ABDE

Based on rupture:
The challenge in solving staggered connection is
to solve the net area.

The failure plane along

ABDE controls, since it
has a smaller net area.
Based on rupture:
Since, An is known, compute for the effective
Effective Area of the Angle:
Based on fracture:
Design strength

The design strength based on yielding is 116.96 kips

The design strength based on rupture is 103.97 kips

The design strength is 103.97 kips

Therefore Pu is equal to 103.97 kips

Block Shear
The LRFD design strength and the ASD allowable
strengths of tension members are not always
controlled by tension yielding, tension rupture or by
the strength of the bolts or welds with which they
are connected.
Block Shear
The failure of a member may occur along a path
involving tension on one plane and shear on a
perpendicular plane.
Block Shear
The failure of a member may occur along a path
involving tension on one plane and shear on a
perpendicular plane.
Block Shear
Block Shear
The nominal strength based on shear yielding is
Rn = 0.60FyAgv
The nominal strength based on shear rupture is
Rn = 0.60FuAnv
Fy = Minimum yield stress
Fu = Minimum tensile stress
Agv = Gross area subject to shear
Anv = Net area subject to shear
Block Shear
Combining the available tension and shear strength
yields the expression for the available block shear
Rn = (0.60FuAnv + UbsFuAnt) ≤
(0.60FyAgv + UbsFuAnt)
Agv = Gross area subjected to shear,
Ant = Net area subjected to tension ,
Anv = Net area subjected to shear,
Ubs = 1.0 for uniform tension stress (angles, gusset plates, and
most coped beams) and 0.50 for non-uniform tension stress.
Sample Problem 4
For the connection shown, determine if the channel
and gusset plate are adequate for the applied
tension load considering block shear. Assume that
the width of the plate is such that block shear along
the failure plane shown in Figure below controls the
design of the plate.
Sample Problem 4
The available block shear strength is found from the
equation below.

Determine first the values of Anv, Ant and Agv.

Ubs 1.0 (tension stress is uniform)

Considering the Plate:
Agv = (2)(4+1.5)(0.375) =4.12 in2
Anv = Agv - Aholes

Ant = Agt - Aholes

Considering the Plate:

=0.75[(0.60)(58)(3.28) + (1.0)(58)(1.21)]
=138.243 kips

=0.75[(0.60)(36)(4.12) + (1.0)(58)(1.21)]
=119.379 kips
The smaller value controls, so the available strength of
the plate in block shear is 119.379 kips.
Since, 119.379 kips > 75 kips, plate is adequate in
block shear.
Considering the Channel:
Agv = (2)(4+1.5)(0.220) =2.42 in2
Anv = Agv - Aholes

Ant = Agt - Aholes

Considering the Channel:

=0.75[(0.60)(58)(1.92) + (1.0)(58)(0.715)]
=81.2145 kips

=0.75[(0.60)(36)(2.42) + (1.0)(58)(0.715)]
=70.3065 kips
The smaller value controls, so the available strength of
the channel in block shear is 70.3065 kips.
Since, 70.3065kips < 75 kips, channel is not
adequate in block shear.

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