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Well, my definition of "major issues" is a bit different than a engine accelerating faster than you are used

usually costumers complain about too slow accelerations.

Anyway, it is very easy to adjust the acceleration to your preferred response time.

1) Test if your TX is correctly aligned. Just go to the second screen on the fadec ("Pulse=.." ) and check
that at full throttle the percentage at right side of the first line is 100%. Then check that at "OFF" it is at
zero and the value increase linearly with the throttle movement. If not, check your TX.

2) Set the throttle curve to "Full Expo".

3) Set the accel delay to 60, decel to 20 and stability to 100.

4)Start the engine and accelerate to full power click by click.

5)Once at full power look at the pump power (right side of the RPM reading), and anotate/remember this

6)Set idle.

7)Move to the menu "pump limit" and set the value to a 15-20% higher than the value you read. If the
engine arrive at full power at, say, 300units, set to 360. If you do it with the engine running could be that
the rpm drop at idle, simply ignore it, it will self calibrate in few seconds.

8) Go to full power again. The engine will take longuer to arrive, wait for that the fadec calibrates the full
power again.

9) Once at full power, decrease to idle, but by one click at time, waiting 2-3s between clicks to give time to
the fadec to calibrate the curve.

10) Once at idle, calibration is done. Now you can play with the throttle. If you find that now it is too slow,
just decrease the accel delay to have faster accelerations and decel delay to faster decelerations. Usual
values are <20, but this depends of your taste.

This is the "complete" procedure. No need to play with anything else.

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