Antigone Questions

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Loraine Keach

Professor Pike

English 102

30 March 2023


1. How are Antigone and Ismene related? They are sisters.

2. Who are the two brothers mentioned in the prologue? Polyneices and Eteoceles

3. What is King Creon's decree? No one should bury Polyneices.

4. What is Ismene's decision regarding the King's decree? Ismene not going to help


5. What does the Choragos compare Polyneices to in the Parados? A wild eagle


6. What city has "seven gates in a yawning ring"? Thebes is the city .

7. What does the Chorus compare Thebes to? The chorus compares Thebes to

chariots singing for joy.

8. How does Oedipus die? Oedipus gouges his eyes out.

9. Who is the new King of Thebes? Creone is the new king of thebes.

10. How did the new King of Thebes claim heir to the throne? He was next in the

blood line being the brother of Jocasta.

11. What crime has Polyneices committed? Polyneices broke exile.


12. What news does the sentry bring to Creon? The news is that someone has already

buried Polyneices.

13. How was it decided which of the sentries would bring the news about Polyneices

to Creon? They played dice.

14. What does Creon demand that the sentry do? He wants to find out who buried


15. What did Polyneices tomb look like? It was lightly dusted with gold dust.

16. Who has the sentry captured and brought before King Creon? Antigone was

brough before the King.

17. How did the guards manage to capture Antigone? They found Antigone burying


18. How did Antigone react to being captured by the sentries? Antigone did not deny


19. What reason does Antigone give for defying Creon's decree? Antigone tells Creon

your not God. The laws of God about burying the dead are more important than

your laws.

20. Who else does Creon have arrested in connection with the crime of burying

Polyneices? Ismene is also arrested.

21. Why is Antigone angry with Ismene? Ismene didn't help Antigone bury their

brother when she asked.

22. How were Creon and Antigone related? Creon is Antigone’s Uncle and Antigone

is engaged to marry Creon's son, Haimon.


23. What is to be Antigone's punishment for burying her brother? She's going to be

put to death.

24. Who is the fortunate man? The man "who has never tasted God's vengeance.".

25. What is Haimon's initial response when his father asks how he feels about the

King's decision to execute Antigone? He will obey his father, he agrees with him.

26. What does Creon say that men pray for? He says that men pray for attentive and

dutiful sons.

27. Why is Creon intent on harshly punishing all those who break the law? Creon

wants to show his power.

28. What does Haimon claim is God's crowning gift to man? Haimon thinks the gift

to "reason."

29. What does Haimon tell King Creon about the people of Thebes' allegiance to

him? Haimon says that they fear him.

30. Who does the Choragos support? He supports Haimon

31. How does the city feel about Antigone's crime? They sighed sympathetically with


32. While Creon is ranting at his son, what does the king threaten to do? He will

make Haimon watch Antigone's death.

33. What is Creon's death sentence for Antigone? He's going to lock her in a vault in

a wilderness.

34. Who is Aphrodite? The Goddess of Love

35. Whose fate does Antigone compare to her own? She compares hers to Niobe.

36. What does Antigone beg the people of Thebes to bear witness to? That She was

unjustly judged.

37. Who does Antigone blame for her terrible misfortune? Antigone blames Oedipus.

38. Who is considered a virtue? Reverence is considered a virtue.

39. Who came to the princess while she was locked away? Zeus came to the princess

40. Who "bore the gods' prisoning anger for his pride"? Dryas' son bore the anger for

his pride.

41. What is the "half remembered tale of horror" that old man tell? Ares wife watched

ripped out the eyes of his sons.

42. Who is the blind prophet who comes to speak to King Creon? Teiresias is the

blind prophet.

43. What does the prophet claim that he heard which frightened him? He heard the

birds fighting.

44. What happened when the prophet began "the rites of burnt-offering at the altar"?

He says that instead of flourishing they melt.

45. What does the prophet claim can be done to repair the evil performed against the

gods? If Creon changes his mind.

46. What is King Creon's reaction to Teiresias' message? He tells him to get out of


47. What is it that Creon claims all prophets love? All the prophets love to ridicule


48. What advice does the Choragos give King Creon once Teiresias leaves? The

advice he gives him is free Antigone and build a tomb for Polyneices.

49. Who says, "All men make mistakes" ? Teiresais says this.

50. Who does the messenger claim is "a walking dead man"? Creon is a walking dead


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