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Demonstration of the COBRA Teardrop Concept Using Two

Smallsats in 8-Hour Elliptic Orbits
Authors/POC*: John E. Draim*
Vice President, Astrodynamics and Launch Vehicles
Space Resource America Corp.
1101 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20004
Tel: (202) 756-4390 Fax: (202) 756-7441

Dr. Richard Inciardi

Senior Vice President & General Manager, Program Operations Group
Space Resource America Corp.
Washington, D.C.

Dr. Paul Cefola

Technical Staff
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Lexington, MA

Dr. Ron Proulx Dr. David Carter

Principal Member, Technical Staff Principal Member, Technical Staff
The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
Cambridge, MA Cambridge, MA

ABSTRACT: Space Resource America Corporation is engaged in developing new concepts for
communications satellite systems that will avoid interference with any of the Geostationary satellites and
can provide a significant increase in global capacity compared with that of the GEO ring. Additionally,
since all satellites in such a system are flying in formation, they will not interfere with each other. The
company has filed for a series of patents on the orbital arrays, or constellations, that appear to hold the most
promise in satisfying both commercial and government requirements. Each of the three active arcs of a
single 8-hour satellite has a ground trace that resembles a coiled COBRA, and the orbits were so named.
The acronym-like name COBRA was later amplified to “Communications Orbiting Broadband Repeating
Arrays”. One of these arrays employs six 8-hour period leaning elliptical orbit satellites describing three
continuous closed paths in the Northern Hemisphere. Ground antennas follow these satellites as their active
arcs describe a repeating teardrop-shaped closed path in the sky. The tracking rate is very slow- averaging
about 10 degrees/hour. It is possible to demonstrate all of the features of this array, however, with only two
satellites. SRA is planning such a demonstration using two smallsats with a limited broadband
communications payload. The communications payload will operate at Ku band or higher. The repeating
ground tracks of this planned satellite duo will allow for an 8-hour demonstration daily in each of three
Northern Hemisphere regions. The three teardrop shaped loops are separated in longitude by 120 degrees.
One teardrop is centered upon the United States, the second on Japan and eastern China, and the third on
central Europe. Conveniently, each regional demonstration will begin and end at the same local time of
day. The use of smallsats for this demonstration is very desirable, in order to hold down costs of both
satellites and launch vehicles. The design lifetime of the satellites will be approximately six months to a
year, with the satellites being de-orbited at the appropriate time.

Draim, John E. 15th Annual/USU Conference on Small Satellites

Introduction: apogees from drifting away from their initial
latitude. The Russian Molniya orbits had
Space Resource America Corporation is arguments of perigee at or near 270 degrees so
currently engaged in developing advanced that the resulting coverage was highly biased to
satellite constellation concepts for next- the northern latitudes. Molniyas also had
generation satellite communications systems. repeating ground tracks, ensuring steady
SRA’s COBRA Teardrop Array (Pats. Pending) coverage with only moderate station-keeping.
represents one example of such a new approach
using elliptical orbits. Its genesis lies in an Since their introduction, large numbers of both
earlier SRA development named “COBRA” due the GEO’s and the Molniya’s have been orbited.
to the shape of its active arc on a map of the Western nations mostly favor the GEO satellites,
world (Pats. Pending). A prime requirement for while the Russians have used a mix of both
both of these systems is that they not interfere Molniyas and GEOs.
with the established ring of GEO satellites.
Complete coverage of the entire Northern In recent years, however, new paradigms for
Hemisphere requires only six of the SRA basic communications satellite constellations have
COBRA satellites or just six of the COBRA been developed. Rather than operating with
Teardrop satellites, in 8-hour elliptical orbits. A individual GEO satellites, multi-satellite Walker
working demonstration of the Teardrop concept and Beste type constellations were designed and
is planned that will use only two smallsats. This in some cases placed in orbit (Iridium,
demonstration will actually provide 8 hrs of Globalstar, Orbcomm). In the equatorial plane,
continuous coverage, sequentially, to each of elliptical orbits can be designed having their
three Northern Hemisphere market regions apogees always pointing to the sun (APTS
spaced 120° apart in longitude. orbits)5,6. This increases the daytime coverage
capacity (at the expense of night-time coverage).
A Brief Background on Elliptical Arrays: These elliptical equatorial orbits can be
interleaved with circular equatorial orbits to
The principal advantage of the GEO provide controlled augmentation to daytime
(Geostationary circular) orbit is that the satellite capacity (the “Gear array”)7. The Ellipso satellite
appears to be nearly stationary in the sky. telephony system combined some features of
Therefore, the ground station antennas have a both the GEOs and Molniyas in a unique, hybrid
very easy job; they just need to stare in one constellation.8 It was designed to provide
direction.1 A major disadvantage of any GEO continuous coverage from the North Pole to 55
satellite results from its orbiting over the degrees South latitude. In Ellipso, two planes of
Equator. As users move higher in latitude, the leaning, elliptical sun-synchronous orbits were
elevation angle to the GEO satellite becomes less used, with periods of approximately three hours
and less, until at 75° to 80° of latitude the and apogee altitudes of 7846 km. These two
satellite disappears below the observer’s horizon. inclined orbital planes remained edge-on to the
sun year round, with the apogees slightly
In April 1965 the first 12-hour elliptical Molniya favoring the sunlit hemisphere (thus biasing
communications satellite was launched by the coverage towards daytime hours). The third
Russians.2 The fundamental concept of their plane used circular equatorial orbits at 8040 km
highly elliptical Molniya orbit was to force the altitude to give tropical and southern hemisphere
satellite to spend long periods of time over the coverage. The problems experienced by the
higher Northern Hemisphere latitudes. A typical Iridium and Globalstar systems, coupled with the
Molniya orbit lingers over Russia for global economic downturn, made it virtually
approximately eight (8) hours per day. By impossible to attract sufficient investment capital
carefully positioning the satellites in sequence, as for this type of system. In June 2001, the
few as three (3) satellites can provide continuous Federal Communications Commission revoked
coverage of the entire (then Soviet Union) land the license for the Ellipso system, due to failure
mass.3 All Molniya orbits have orbital to meet its construction milestones.9
inclinations of approximately 63 degrees in order
to reduce or eliminate rotation of the line of Other new paradigms in elliptical orbit
apsides (major axis of the ellipse) due to constellation design have been introduced. In
gravitational perturbations.4 This prevents their 1992, Draim introduced the eight (8) hour

elliptical orbit constellation named TinkerBell.10 Elliptical Orbit Basics
Maas also studied the eight (8) hour orbits and
displayed the ground tracks associated with It should be pointed out that 63.4 degrees
leaning these orbits.11 Ulivieri investigated the represents the “critical” inclination for elliptical
application of shorter period elliptical orbits, orbits. At any other inclinations, the line of
including a five (5) hour orbit with eccentricity apsides (major axis of the ellipse) will rotate
of 0.5, inclination of 60 degrees and argument of within the orbital plane, causing the apogee and
perigee of 180 degrees.12 perigee latitudes to drift. The stability of the line
of apsides is necessary, when designing
These new elliptical orbit constellation designs constellations that will match increased
have started to make their way into commercial coverage, or capacity, to high interest market
constellation design.13 Two FCC filings for regions, and maintain this relationship over
elliptical broadband communications systems time.14,15
were made in January 1999. These were the Most elliptical arrays use a 90° or 270° argument
Virgo system (for ‘Virtual GEO’) submitted by of perigee, or angles within ten degrees of these
Virtual Geosatellite LLC, and the Pentriad two values. This places the apogees at or very
system, submitted by the Denali Corporation. near the maximum latitudes defined by the
Space Resource America Corporation is not inclination angle- 63.4 degrees South or 63.4
associated with either of these two corporations. degrees North latitude respectively.
The US Sirius digital audio radio system
(DARS), which plans to commence operations A significant variation in the appearance of a
this year, uses a 24-hour elliptical orbit repeating ground track elliptical orbit is very
constellation with three satellites in a repeating evident when using other than a 90° or 270°
ground track centered on the North American argument of perigee.


ω = 270°

Figure 1
8-Hr Elliptic Ground Tracks with Varying Amounts of “Left Lean”



Figure 2
8-Hr Elliptic Ground Tracks with Varying Amounts of “Right Lean”

The 90/270 non-leaning tracks appear to be A Basic COBRA Array

roughly parabolic and symmetrical about a
north-south axis. For other than 90° or 270° A six-satellite array using 8-hour left-leaning (or
arguments of perigee, the ground traces have a right-leaning) elliptic orbits is capable of
noticeable lean, or tilt, either to the right or to the continuously covering virtually all the Northern
left. Figure 1 shows several 8-hr ground tracks Hemisphere. In Fig. 3, all six satellites are placed
with varying amounts of ‘left lean’, depending in a single, left-leaning, repeating ground track.
on the argument of perigee selected. Figure 2 We refer to this arrangement as a basic COBRA
shows a similar plot for right leaning ground array. Since there are three complete cycles
tracks. The further the excursion from 270° (or (orbits) per day, there are three ‘loops’ in the
90°), the more the lean. In point of fact, the ground track. Apogees are all in the Northern
authors of this paper have studied elliptical orbits Hemisphere, where the orbital velocities are
with ‘maximum lean’ (i.e., with both apogee and lower and more closely match the earth’s
perigee lying in the Equatorial plane- equivalent rotational velocity. For this reason, the Northern
to arguments of perigee of 0° or 180°).16 Hemisphere loops are narrower than they are in
the Southern Hemisphere, where the velocities
One other important characteristic that satellite are much higher with satellites traversing a wider
constellation designers employ is the repeating range of longitude in less time. The three
ground track. These orbits, when viewed from distinct loops, as well as the three apogee (and
an earth oriented frame of reference, have nadir three perigee) locations all lie exactly 120
points tracking over the same path with some degrees apart in longitude, as one would expect.
selected repeat cycle. Normally this repeat cycle A right-leaning six-satellite COBRA array is
is selected to be one day, or an integral number shown in Figure 4. In the left-leaning loops (Fig.
of days, although other repeat cycles can be 3), the satellites at 15°N have a mean anomaly of
used.17 90°, while those at 60°N have an MA of 270°.
This situation is just reversed for the right-
leaning loops (Fig. 4).

A single satellite in a leaning eight-hour elliptic 270° MA satellite goes silent and an oncoming
orbit should be considered as a basic building 90° MA satellite becomes active (see Fig. 3),
block having a number of desirable ground antennas would be required to shift
characteristics. One is that the ground trace of position suddenly (or ‘slew’) approximately 45°
the active arc is oriented more in the north-south to maintain communications. During this
direction, roughly along a meridian of longitude. slewing period a brief interruption of
We can select any preferred meridian (or communications might be expected, particularly
meridian trio), by adjusting the right ascension of for mechanically oriented antennas. One way
the orbit. In this manner, the basic COBRA orbit around this problem is to use phased array
(and by extension the basic COBRA multiple antennas. Another approach (but not too
satellite arrays), yields a number of advantages economical) is to use multiple antennas. Also,
for tailoring coverage of selected latitudes or there are electronic methods for handling such
geographical areas. By contrast, a non-leaning handoffs involving buffering or memory storage.
elliptic orbit has a more east-west orientation for
the active arc that provides no such flexibility for Payload Duty Cycles in Elliptic Orbits
selecting coverage areas. Moreover, we have no
control over the parallel of latitude in which It is important to recognize that in most elliptic
these non-leaning satellites congregate; this is constellations, the satellites are not continuously
constrained to a range at or near 63.4 degrees of active. Rather, they are predominantly most
latitude- which happens to be the critical useful at the higher altitudes at, and on either
inclination for elliptic orbit line-of-apsides side of, their apogees. Here, they have larger
stability. footprints, and appear to move very slowly.
When viewing a computer simulation of multiple
Although the basic COBRA array provides prograde elliptic orbit satellites in a common
continuous Northern Hemisphere coverage, it is ground track, they do in fact move more slowly
evident that at the changeover points, where a

Fig. 3 Left Leaning COBRA Track with Six Satellites

(Satellites at 15°N are at Start of Active Arc. Those at 60°N are at End of Active Arc)

Fig. 4 Right Leaning COBRA Track with Six Satellites
(Satellites at 60°N are at start of active arc; those at 15°N are at end of active arc)

at and near apogee, and thus tend to ‘bunch In the basic COBRA six-satellite array, the
together’. Conversely, while they are passing satellites’ communications payloads are active
through other portions of the track, at or on along the short arcs between 15 and 60 degrees
either side of the perigee locations, they will tend of North latitude in Figures 3 and 4. Each of
to move much more rapidly, and their in-track these short arcs represents exactly one-half of an
spacing will be much greater. In these regions, orbital period. In terms of mean anomaly, these
the payload is turned off, but the solar arrays can active arcs lie between 90° and 270° MA. Since
still generate electrical power for storage in the this translates into exactly one-half of the orbital
satellites’ batteries. period, the payload duty cycle is thus 50%. The


SAT # a (km) e i (deg) RAAN (deg) ω (deg) M(deg)

1 20261 0.6458 63.41 60 226.45 90

2 20261 0.6458 63.41 180 226.45 90
3 20261 0.6458 63.41 300 226.45 90
4 20261 0.6458 63.41 0 226.45 270
5 20261 0.6458 63.41 120 226.45 270
6 20261 0.6458 63.41 240 226.45 270

Table II

Apogee Alt (km) Perigee Alt. (km) Apogee Lats, All (deg) Perigee Lats, All (deg)
26978 807 40.5N 40.5S

Apogee Long1 (deg) Apogee Long2 (deg) Apogee Long3 (deg)

103.7W 16.3E 136.3E

Perigee Long1 (deg) Perigee Long2 (deg) Perigee Long3 (deg)

103.4W 16.6E 136.6E

Start of Active Arcs Lat (deg) End of Active Arcs Lat (deg)
15.5°°N 60.0°°N

Start Long1 (deg) Start Long2 (deg) Start Long3 (deg)

100.0W 20.0E 140.0E

End Long1 (deg) End Long2 (deg) End Long3 (deg)

110.6W 9.4E 129.4E

shape of these active arcs suggested a coiled Northern Hemisphere) teardrop-shaped trace. To
snake and actually led to calling them “COBRA” a mid-latitude observer on the ground in or near
arcs. Later, working backwards from this the teardrop it then appears that one active
acronym, the expanded name “Communications satellite is continuously circling nearly overhead.
Orbiting Broadband Repeating Array” was It should be noted that this closed path is only
coined to fit the acronym initials. The orbital possible because the left-leaning COBRA active
elements for the basic six-satellite left-leaning arcs go from South to North, while the right-
COBRA array are given in Table I. A number of leaning arcs travel in the reverse direction – from
key orbital characteristics involving apogee, North to South! Since the original, basic
perigee and crossover data are presented in Table COBRA active arcs started and ended on a
II. different meridian of longitude, it was necessary
to make adjustments so that all of the COBRA
The SRA COBRA “Teardrop” Array Teardrop arcs would begin and end on the same
longitude. After doing this, it was relatively easy
The invention of the Teardrop concept retained to join the end points of the active arcs. Of
the good features of the basic COBRA, and in course, exactly joining the end points of the left-
addition removed the necessity for ground leaning and right-leaning active arcs, would lead
antennas to slew in position during the to a series of unacceptable in-space satellite
changeover, or transition. Basically, a left- collisions. We calculated that offsetting the
leaning COBRA track containing three satellites tracks by 15-20 km would avoid the collision
is combined with a right-leaning COBRA track problem, while not affecting tracking by ground
that also contains three satellites. These satellite based antennas. Figure 5 shows a six-satellite
triplets are time-phased, for each teardrop, to basic Teardrop array, with the active arcs
meet at two crossover points in space. The highlighted.
resultant effect is to create an inverted (in the

Fig. 5
Basic 6-Satellite Teardrop Array. Left-Leaning Satellites at Apogees; Right-Leaning
Satellites at Perigees

We have found that up to twelve teardrops can With the 50% duty cycle, these three Teardrops
be constructed in the Northern Hemisphere (and would then contain a total of 144 satellites
twelve in the Southern Hemisphere) while (including the inactive satellites). If all 24
maintaining a 2° angular separation between teardrops in both hemispheres were populated to
teardrops to prevent electronic interference. See the maximum extent, there would be 576 active
Figure 6. If satellites are spaced 2° in-track in a positions, provided by a grand total of 1152
COBRA Teardrop, as many as 24 active satellites.
satellites can be accommodated in each
Teardrop. See Figure 7. But, in order to The orbital elements for a basic six-satellite
maintain this teardrop coverage continuously COBRA Teardrop are given in Table III, with
requires the other two teardrops in Figure 5 to be various Teardrop orbital characteristics in Table
populated as well, giving 72 active NH positions. IV.


SAT # a (km) e i (deg) RAAN (deg) ω (deg) M(deg)

1 20261 0.6458 63.41 138.5 232 180

2 20261 0.6458 63.41 18.5 232 180
3 20261 0.6458 63.41 258.5 232 180
4 20261 0.6458 63.41 100.2 308 0
5 20261 0.6458 63.41 340.2 308 0
6 20261 0.6458 63.41 220.2 308 0

Table IV

Apogee Alt (km) Perigee Alt. (km) Crossover Alt, All (km)
26978 798 20730

Apogee Latitudes, All (deg) Crossover LatS (deg) Crossover LatN (deg)
44.9N 20.4N 62.2N

Crossover Long1 (deg) Crossover Long2 (deg) Crossover Long3 (deg)

100W 20E 140E

Apogee Long1 (deg)* Apogee Long2 (deg)* Apogee Long3 (deg)*

110.6W 9.4E 129.4E

Apogee Long4 (deg)** Apogee Long5 (deg)** Apogee Long6 (deg)**

89.4W 30.6E 150.6E

* Left-Leaning Active Arcs

** Right-Leaning Active Arcs

Fig. 6
Diagram Showing 12 Northern Hemisphere Teardrops. (This is the Maximum Number
Possible While Maintaining at Least Two Degrees Separation
between Adjacent Teardrops)

Fig. 7
Snapshot of Single Teardrop Showing Twenty-Four Active Satellites
With a Minimum 2° In-Track Separation

Coverage Characteristics:

The footprints of the basic COBRA and COBRA launch considerably more than twice as much
Teardrop satellites are quite large, due to their satellite mass into a final Teardrop orbit, as into
relatively high operating altitudes (21,000 to a GEO orbit.
27,000 km). Typically, the footprints for both
the active arcs in a Teardrop array centered on The operating altitude range of the satellites is
the US extend well down into South America, about two-thirds that of the GEO satellites. This
for low to medium elevation angles (5-10 means lower link margins, lower latency or time
degrees). See Figures 8 and 9. The minimum delay, and lower requirements on transmitted
elevation angles for such a Teardrop for power.
observers at all locations within the continental
US are actually in excess of 50°, with average The effects of radiation have not yet been studied
elevation angles even higher. in detail for the 8-hour elliptic COBRA orbits.
However, studies on a 3-hour sun-synchronous
Advantages of ‘Teardrops’: orbit have been conducted. These showed
considerably lower radiation levels exist for
A major advantage of the Teardrop system is that these leaning elliptical orbits than for the non-
it takes considerably less energy (smaller launch leaning versions. This lessening of radiation
vehicles) to launch into an 8-hour elliptical orbit, occurs because both the apogees and perigees are
than into a 24-hour GEO orbit. It is fairly well closer to the Equatorial plane in these leaning
known that the apogee kick impulse required to orbits. The perigee altitudes are mostly below the
circularize a GEO orbit requires approximately Van Allen belt, while the apogees are above this
the same mass of fuel as mass in the satellite belt in Equatorial latitudes. In the mid-altitude
itself. Since the GEO transfer orbit is range, the satellites are generally at mid- to high-
approximately a 12-hour elliptical orbit, it should latitudes, where the radiation levels are much
be obvious that a given booster should be able to lower.

Fig. 8
Snapshot of US Teardrop Demo with One Satellite at Southern Crossover Point over
North America and the Other Satellite at Southern Crossover Point of European
Teardrop. (10° Elevation Angle Contour Line Shown)

Fig. 9
Snapshot of US Teardrop Demo with Both Satellites at Northern Crossover Point over
North America with minimum of 15-20 km separation to avoid collision
(10° Elevation Angle Contour Line Shown)

The high elevation angles typical of both basic 6. Demonstrate successful ground antenna
COBRA and COBRA Teardrop facilitate the use slewing and seamless transition from
of higher frequencies for two-way satellite starting points of COBRA active arcs to end
communications. This is because the satellites points (Note: slewing not required for closed
are looking almost straight down at the earth, path COBRA Teardrops).
resulting in minimum signal attenuation. The 7. Demonstrate the minimum acceptable miss
attenuation due to rain, or severe weather is distance between satellites at the teardrop
roughly proportional to the cosecant of the crossover points. The proposed 15-20 km
elevation angle; thus satellites at 90° elevation minimum distance may be reduced once
angles would have much less attenuation (-3 db) sufficient operational experience with the
than satellites seen from the ground at a 30° teardrop demo has been accumulated.
elevation angle.18
Projected Applications:
Probably the only disadvantage with an elliptical
orbit is the changing altitude. This is not too The previously discussed advantages of the
difficult to handle, however, if the range of COBRA Teardrop arrays (high elevation angles
altitudes in the active arcs is not too great, as is at mid and high latitudes, closed path space
the case with COBRA. trajectory requiring no slewing of antennas to
new positions) open up a wide range of possible
Two-Satellite SmallSat Demo: applications for their use. Some of these will be
discussed in this section.
In order to demonstrate all aspects of the Basic
COBRA and the COBRA Teardrop systems, 1. Broadcast Radio/TV. The use of a Teardrop
Space Resource America is planning to orbit two constellation for this type of application
smallsats with minimal broadband capable would be in direct competition with existing
communications payloads. The demonstration GEO systems such as DirecTV (in the case
will result, among other things, in eight hours of of broadcast TV), as well as the 24-hour
continuous access for each of three regional elliptical Sirius and 24-hour GEO XM
Northern Hemisphere regions separated by 120° broadcast radio systems being introduced
of longitude. Moreover, these eight hour access this year. It should be noted that these
blocks will occur at the same local time of day in geosynchronous systems are somewhat
each of the three periods. limited in the longitudinal area covered-
they are intended to cover a region not more
Some of the goals of the two-satellite COBRA than 120° wide in longitude centered on the
Teardrop demonstration are: meridian location of the GEO satellite. By
contrast, the Teardrop array would cover the
1. Demonstrate a variety of broadband entire Northern hemisphere, with each
applications, using Ku or Ka band satellite sequentially serving different
frequencies. Include both fixed and mobile geographic areas. Thus, the same satellite
ground terminals of opportunity. would alternately be providing service to
2. Demonstrate the orbital stability of the North America, then to Asia, and finally on
system with minimum station-keeping ∆V. to Europe. The control of the satellites’
For COBRA Teardrop demonstrate a commercial payloads and service content
consistent “miss distance” between satellites would be passed from region to region
at the crossover points. matching the coverage area being served
3. Demonstrate lack of interference with until all three regions were covered. One
Geostationary satellites (active satellites will single regional service provider could thus
be visible in a different part of the sky). lease, or own, a maximum of one-third the
4. Demonstrate the angular in-track and cross- total capacity of the entire Northern
track COBRA satellite separations that can Hemisphere system. However, if several
be accommodated by various ground broadcast providers were to share the
antennas with two satellites operating at the satellites’ capacity in one particular region,
same frequency in close proximity. they each would then only be using a
5. Demonstrate successful handoffs at the fraction of one-third of the total Teardrop
satellite crossover points for COBRA system capacity. A significant market for
Teardrop. broadcast applications should be found

among mobile terminals (ships, aircraft, 6. Meteorological. Fitted with the proper
automobiles, etc.) sensors, views looking straight down at
2. Broadband Point to Multipoint. This cloud formations, eyes of hurricanes, etc.,
application is aimed at the broad objective are continuously possible even at higher
of “Internet in the Sky”. It could serve users latitudes.
ubiquitously, especially in sparsely 7. Navigational. Surprisingly, the Teardrop
populated areas where fiber nets are non- orbits are actually more stable than either
existent due to cost considerations. GEO or LEO orbits. Being subjected to less
3. Air Traffic Control with Flight Parameter perturbing forces, their paths will be more
Monitoring. The Teardrop arrays would predictable. They could provide useful
appear to be ideally suited to commercial supplements to GPS or Galileo navigation
and business aviation requirements. They systems.
provide high angle of elevation satellites, 8. HDR Trunking. Using Intersatellite Links
and continuous coverage even in the polar (ISLs), complete and continuous one hop
regions where GEO satellites cannot reach. hemispheric interconnectivity can be
In utilizing their capacity for high data rate realized between all three active satellites in
transmission, they could provide continuous a basic Teardrop system. Thus, a station in
transmission of in-flight data and voice to an the US could transmit to the North
air route traffic center. To date, this type of American active arc satellite, which would
information has been transcribed on the select the ISL to either the Asian or
cockpit voice recorders (CVRs) and flight European Teardrop for subsequent
data recorders (FDRs) in order to reconstruct downlinking to their respective markets.
the circumstances around aircraft accidents.
Unfortunately, these devices go down with
the aircraft, and sometimes are lost or so
severely damaged that no information can be
extracted from them. The continuing Conclusions
transmission with immediate availability in
the event of an accident would greatly Basic COBRA and COBRA Teardrop arrays
improve the search and rescue capabilities have a number of significant advantages over the
(by providing GPS location of the crash site) presently congested GEO satellites ring circling
as well as an immediate indication of the the earth at the Equator. Among these are:
cause(s) of the accident. The data
accumulated at the ground collection site • Non-interference with GEO systems: The
could be erased upon successful completion design of the basic COBRA (and the
of the aircraft’s flight, to avoid overload of COBRA Teardrop) orbit eliminates any
data collection. electronic interference between these
4. Military Theater Communications. The use satellites and any satellite in the GEO ring.
of a series of Teardrop arrays could provide When in the active duty cycle, all COBRA
entire global coverage for military tactical satellites lie above a plane that passes
and strategic communications requirements. through the North Pole (or below a similar
Some or all of the channels, whether voice plane passing through the South Pole for SH
or data, could be encrypted as needed. The COBRAs). Thus, any observer on the earth
use of higher frequencies and higher data would find the COBRA satellites in a
rates is facilitated by the high elevation different portion of the sky than the GEO
angles possible. High elevation also implies satellites occupy with 10-15 degrees of
low probability of intercept (LPI). angular separation.
5. Maritime (commercial & military). Ships • Non-interference within a single (or
could satisfy most of their communications multiple) COBRA Teardrop system(s):
needs using Teardrop arrays centered on Up to 576 slowly moving positions that will
mid-ocean longitude meridians. Higher maintain a minimum 2° separation from
elevation angles result in less signal each other can be supported in a global
attenuation; this may become very important Teardrop system (having twelve Teardrops
under stormy conditions, when most in each of the Northern and Southern
maritime emergencies can be expected to Hemispheres).

• Higher minimum and average elevation Kashitani. In addition, we would like to thank
angles than GEOs in the mid to high the good people at Analytical Graphics for their
latitudes: In the mid to high latitude development of the Satellite Tool Kit software.
regions (including the polar regions), We found Satellite Tool Kit to be invaluable to
minimum elevation angles of 50° or more us in both the design and analysis of these new
can be achieved. Average elevation angles systems. In addition, the graphics outputs of
will be even higher. Polar triple coverage is STK have permitted us to display and explain the
always assured, since all three Teardrop underlying concepts of these new constellations
patterns will be continuously visible at high to a wide variety of audiences. All of the
Northern (or Southern) latitudes. graphics in this paper were prepared using STK.
• Cost Effectiveness: Although more
COBRA satellites will be required for
hemispheric coverage, the satellites will be
somewhat smaller, and will require much References
less ∆V to orbit. Thus the cost for their
launch vehicles will be significantly
decreased. Furthermore, less signal 1. McLucas, John L., Space Commerce,
attenuation due to the higher elevation Harvard University Press, 1991.
angles leads to an appreciable reduction in 2. King-Hele, D.G., Pilkington, J.A., Walker,
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preparation of this paper. Particularly, we would Specialist Conference, Boston, Mass., Aug.
like to thank Laurie Herwig at Space Resource 10-12, 1998
America for her assistance with the editing, 8. Draim, J., “Elliptical Orbit MEO
proofreading, and formatting of the paper. We Constellations: A Cost-Effective Approach
would like to acknowledge the interest, in this for Multi-Satellite Systems”. Space
new space systems architecture, on the part of Technology Vol 16 No.1, 1996, Elsevier
Dr. Charles Boppe of the MIT Department of Science Ltd
Aeronautics and Astronautics, and his two
graduate students, Melahn Parker and Tatsuki

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16. Draim, J.E., Cefola, P.J., Proulx, R., Larsen,
D., Granholm, G., “Elliptical Sun-
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17. Sabol, C., Draim, J.E., Cefola, P.J.,
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