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TRS401_Progress Test 2_ Speaking Test

Part 1: Panel Discussion

Teachers are to divide students into groups of 3 or 4, give them about 3 minutes for
preparation and let them do the task in 5-7 minutes (depending on the number of
students in the group). The students are allowed to use a pen and some blank paper
for taking notes in their preparation.

Here are some suggested questions (in no particular order)

1. How do you understand DNA? Why is it important for life? Would you let
your children change their DNA?

2. What are genes? How is CRISPR used to edit genes? What are some
pros and cons of CRISPR?

3. The top goal of any company is to maximize their profit. To reach such
goal, a company needs some business strategies such as pricing policy,
M&A (Mergers and Acquisition) or marketing. What is the purpose of each
strategy? Give examples.

4. Discuss some M&A (Mergers and Acquisition) deals in Vietnam and


5. What are some factors leading to the success of a company? Take a

company you know as an example, and name the most important factor it

6. Discuss UX (User Experience) design, and give examples

7. What are some challenges faced by start-up businesses? Give examples

and offer solutions if possible.

8. Discuss some marketing strategies that you know. Take some particular
businesses as examples, and analyze theirs

9. Discuss different ways elephants use to communicate with each other.

10. Which parts of the body do elephants use to communicate with each
other? Compare with those of humans.

11. Elephants and other animals communicate using gestures, vocalizations,

or other methods. What do you know about these animals’

12. Describe some historical places that you have visited before.
TRS401_Progress Test 2_ Speaking Test

13. Are there any historical structures that you would like to take your parents
or grandparents to in the future?

14. Do you know any historical sites that are important to understanding
human history or culture? Give examples.

15. Some people say that the run-down historical buildings or structures in the
city centre should be demolished and replaced by modern shopping malls
for maximized economic benefits. Give your opinion.

16. How can history in general and archeology in particular help us

understand more about our existence in the past and the present? Give
examples and analyze.

17. Discuss the causes and effects of some natural disasters.

18. What can be done to limit the impact of natural disasters?

19. What are the causes of climate change? Make some suggestions to
minimize its impacts.

20. What do you know about global warming, its causes and effects on the
size and frequency of some natural disasters?

Part 2: Individual Questions

Teachers are to give EACH STUDENT a random question (in turn).
The students are not allowed to discuss with each other in this part.
The students are not allowed to use the paper note.
The students are only given a few seconds to brainstorm before giving the answer
(should typically last between 1-2 minutes).
Part 2 individual questions are not necessarily related to the students’ topic in Part 1.

The questions in this part are of shorter and simpler nature as opposed to Part 1.
You have the right to make up your own questions following the mentioned
instruction. Here comes the list of the suggested individual questions:

1. Do you support the use of genetic engineering to edit genes?

2. Do you know of any groups of people who are against CRISPR?
3. Do you know of any groups of people who favour CRISPR?
4. Can CRISPR be used on animals and plants?
5. What factors contribute to a business’ success?
6. What business strategy is the most important in contributing to a business’
7. What is the most difficult challenge if someone wants to start up a business?
8. Have you heard of any M&A deal?
9. Why would some business take part in an M&A deal?
TRS401_Progress Test 2_ Speaking Test

10. How do you understand UX design? Give examples.

11. How do you understand UI? Take some particular website to illustrate.
12. Do animals have feelings? Give examples.
13. What do you know about elephants’ sound frequency range?
14. Describe some historical places that you have visited before.
15. Do you know of any historical buildings that need urgent renovation and
funding from the Government?
16. Have you been through any natural disaster yourself?
17. Discuss the causes and effects of a natural disaster. Give examples.
18. What do you know about climate change and global warming?
19. Do you have any suggestions to cope with the effects of global warming?
20. How can the practice of using electric vehicles help us in the fight against
global warming?

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