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Classroom Observation

Name of Teacher:
RecordObserver: Date:

Use this observation sheet to support classroom observations between Senior Leadership Teams
and/or peer visits.

Identify what is to be observed prior to the observation to ensure that it is focused on your development
needs. This sheet can be used to reflect on areas of professional development and to highlight areas of

Specific area of observation: Reason for observation:

E.g. use of resources, meeting learner’s needs, E.g. area of development, an area of excellence, to
curriculum content, assessment strategies, outdoor learn from peers
learning, development of four capacities

Curriculum for Excellence Observation Notes Points for Discussion

Principles (highlight
when observed)
• challenge and enjoyment

• breadth

• depth

• progression

• personalisation and choice

• coherence

• relevance

Four Capacities
Use this space to reflect on how you are encouraging learners to become…

Confident Individuals Effective Contributors Responsible Citizens Successful Learners

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Classroom Observation Record

GTCS CLPL Standards Observation Notes Points for Discussion

Provides a safe and secure

environment for all learners within
a caring and compassionate
ethos and with an understanding
of wellbeing.
Motivates and inspires learners,
takes account of their specific
learning needs and considers
barrier to learning.

Applies principles of
the curriculum and
assessment design.

HGIOS 4 Challenge Questions Observation Notes Points for Discussion

Learners experience activities

which are varied, differentiated,
active, and provide effective
support and challenge.

The purpose of learning is

communicated and
effective explanations are
given for all learners.

Questioning strategies enhance

the learners experience and
enable higher-order thinking skills.

A wide range of innovative and

creative resources are deployed
including digital technology.

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Classroom Observation Record

General Observation Notes Areas of Excellence Areas for Development

May include features of

a good lesson:

• shared learning
intention/ success

• effective differentiation

• effective plenary

• assessment strategies
and principles applied

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