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Supplementary Information for

“They Love Me, They Love Me Not”: An IRT Based Investigation of the Child

Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire on Japanese Sample

Supplementary Table S1
Descriptive statistics of Child PARQ-J Mother
Child PARQ Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Response percentages
Option Option Option Option
1 2 3 4
Coldness/ Lack
of affection
Item1 1.94 .59 .50 1.64 19.4 69.3 9.6 1.7
Item3 1.76 .62 .37 .26 33.0 58.5 7.8 0.7
Item9 1.71 .75 1.05 1.20 42.5 47.3 6.6 3.6
Item12 1.71 .72 .85 .56 42.6 45.9 9.3 2.2
Item13 1.49 .63 1.19 1.55 56.9 38.0 4.0 1.2
Item 17 1.87 .73 .57 .18 31.3 52.6 13.8 2.3
Item19 1.67 .69 .79 .34 44.6 45.1 9.0 1.3
Item 22 1.59 .68 .95 .57 50.9 40.3 7.6 1.2
Item 24 1.56 .62 .82 .47 50.6 43.6 5.1 0.7
Item 4 1.18 .50 3.19 10.94 86.4 10.1 2.7 0.8
Item 6 2.10 .91 .23 -.99 31.0 33.2 30.5 5.3
Item 10 1.42 .68 1.55 1.77 67.7 23.5 7.6 1.2
Item 14 1.43 .69 1.57 1.83 67.8 23.1 7.8 1.3
Item 18 1.68 .83 .80 -.61 53.4 26.2 18.9 1.5
Item 20 1.91 .82 .50 -.59 36.3 39.8 20.9 3.0
Item 2 1.79 .79 .63 -.45 42.0 38.8 17.2 2.0
Item 7 1.68 .77 .79 -.28 48.8 35.5 14.4 1.3
Item 11 1.63 .71 .78 -.22 49.8 38.1 11.4 0.7
Item 15 1.84 .78 .51 -.52 37.5 42.5 18.2 1.8
Item 23 1.39 .62 1.62 2.77 66.7 28.5 3.6 1.2
Item 5 1.73 .86 .81 -.49 51.4 27.2 18.7 2.7
Item 8 1.33 .58 1.82 3.20 72.8 22.6 4.0 0.7
Item 16 1.52 .72 1.26 .99 59.7 30.2 8.6 1.5
Item 21 1.39 .65 1.69 2.54 69.2 24.0 5.6 1.2
Note. Percentage represents the percentage of respondents who endorsed specified
options 1-4 on 4-point Likert type scale for each item (option 1 = almost never true,
option 4 = almost always true). Warmth/ affection scale was reverse coded to create a
measure of coldness/ lack of affection scale to keep consistency with the rest of the
factors. Child PARQ-J= Japanese Child PARQ.
Supplementary Table S2
Descriptive statistics of Child PARQ-J Father
Child PARQ Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Response percentages
Option Option Option Option
1 2 3 4
Coldness/ Lack
of affection
Item1 1.96 .73 .58 .46 24.9 57.2 14.6 3.3
Item3 2.12 .81 .44 -.16 21.1 51.2 21.9 5.8
Item9 1.88 .77 .67 .26 32.2 50.7 13.6 3.5
Item12 1.83 .80 .91 .66 36.7 48.8 9.6 5.0
Item13 1.78 .76 .83 .50 39.3 46.9 10.6 3.2
Item 17 1.89 .76 .70 .43 31.2 52.6 12.6 3.6
Item19 1.76 .72 .76 .55 38.1 49.8 9.8 2.3
Item 22 1.74 .76 .90 .58 42.1 44.8 10.0 3.1
Item 24 1.67 .70 .95 1.04 43.9 46.9 6.8 2.3
Item 4 1.18 .48 2.96 9.39 85.6 11.3 2.7 0.5
Item 6 2.12 1.0 .30 -1.16 36.3 24.7 30.0 9.0
Item 10 1.44 .70 1.50 1.45 67.7 22.2 9.0 1.1
Item 14 1.41 .69 1.59 1.78 69.2 21.4 8.3 1.2
Item 18 1.68 .85 .92 -.29 54.2 25.9 17.2 2.7
Item 20 1.78 .82 .77 -.14 43.3 38.3 15.3 3.2
Item 2 1.96 .91 .47 -.84 38.1 32.3 24.5 5.0
Item 7 1.76 .82 .73 -.41 46.3 34.2 17.2 2.3
Item 11 1.64 .76 .99 .35 51.2 35.7 11.1 2.0
Item 15 1.85 .82 .56 -.61 40.1 37.5 19.9 2.5
Item 23 1.45 .66 1.40 1.68 62.9 30.2 5.8 1.2
Item 5 1.55 .76 1.22 .73 59.2 28.2 10.6 2.0
Item 8 1.38 .64 1.82 3.31 69.7 24.5 4.3 1.5
Item 16 1.45 .68 1.45 1.73 63.8 28.4 6.5 1.3
Item 21 1.42 .66 1.62 2.46 66.5 26.7 5.3 1.5
Note. Percentage represents the percentage of respondents who endorsed specified
options 1-4 on 4-point Likert type scale for each item (option 1 = almost never true,
option 4 = almost always true). Warmth/ affection scale was reverse coded to create a
measure of coldness/ lack of affection scale to keep consistency with the rest of the
factors. Child PARQ-J= Japanese Child PARQ.
Supplementary Table S3

Items of Child PARQ-J (Mother and Father)

My mother (father)
1. Says nice things about me (C/LA)

2. Pays no attention to me (I/N)

3. Makes it easy for me to tell her (him) things that are important to me (C/LA)

4. Hits me, even when I do not deserve it (H/A)

5. Sees me as a big nuisance (UR)

6. Punishes me severely when s(he) is angry (H/A)

7. Is too busy to answer my questions (I/N)

8. Seems to dislike me (UR)

9. Is really interested in what I do (C/LA)

10. Says many unkind things to me (H/A)

11. Pays no attention when I ask for help (I/N)

12. Makes me feel wanted and needed (C/LA)

13. Pays a lot of attention to me (C/LA)

14. Goes out of her/his way to hurt my feelings (H/A)

15. Forgets important things I think s(he) should remember (I/N)

16. Makes me feel unloved if I misbehave (UR)

17. Makes me feel what I do is important (C/LA)

18. Frightens or threatens me when I do something wrong (H/A)

19. Cares about what I think, and likes me to talk about it (C/LA)

20. Feels other children are better than I am no matter what I do (H/A)

21. Lets me know I am not wanted (UR)

22. Lets me know s(he) loves me (C/LA)

23. Pays no attention to me as long as I do nothing to bother her/him (I/N)

24. Treats me gently and with kindness (C/LA)

Note. Bold items indicate the items those were selected in the shortened Japanese
version (Child PARQ-J-SF) of Child PARQ-J (Japanese Child PARQ). C/LA=
Coldness/Lack of Affection, H/A= Hostility/Aggression, I/N= Indifference/Neglect,
UR= Undifferentiated Rejection.
Supplementary Table S4
Results of Item Parameter Estimates of GR Model of the Child PARQ-J Mother (Father)
Slope Item thresholds
Child PARQ
a C/LA a H/A a I/N a UR b1 b2 b3
Item 1 0.968 (1.374) -1.201 (-1.153) 1.687 (1.561) 2.964 (3.120)
Item 3 0.872 (1.097) -0.584(-1.194) 1.825 (0.879) 3.287 (2.332)
Item 9 1.093 (1.340) -0.282 (-0.774) 1.875 (1.590) 2.657 (3.033)
Item 12 1.656 (1.575) -0.360 (-0.636) 2.328 (1.966) 3.913 (3.073)
Item 13 2.009 (2.039) 0.389 (-0.616) 3.661 (2.477) 5.095 (4.222)
Item 17 1.195 (1.410) -0.757 (-0.848) 1.544 (1.701) 3.103 (3.099)
Item 19 1.500 (1.982) -0.244 (-0.670) 2.282 (2.597) 3.998 (4.422)
Item 22 2.078 (1.963) 0.053 (-0.438) 3.121 (2.471) 5.233 (4.096)
Item 24 1.664 (1.862) 0.028 (-0.322) 3.050 (2.818) 4.806 (4.209)
Item 4 1.106 (0.924) 1.638 (1.445) 2.705 (2.531) 3.572 (3.510)
Item 6 0.611 (0.758) -0.581(-0.439) 0.426 (0.351) 1.893 (1.686)
Item 10 1.692 (2.232) 0.901(1.121) 2.661 (3.118) 4.462 (5.549)
Item 14 2.452 (2.681) 1.226 (1.432) 3.531 (3.759) 5.874 (6.496)
Item 18 1.129 (1.163) 0.129 (0.163) 1.248 (1.296) 3.275 (2.967)
Item 20 0.987 (0.939) -.0492 (-0.232) 0.998 (1.234) 2.646 (2.550)
Item 2 1.064 (1.391) -0.296 (-0.517) 1.269 (0.922) 3.001 (2.822)
Item 7 1.205 (1.300) -0.049 (-0.154) 1.573 (1.406) 3.474 (3.265)
Item 11 1.514 (1.673) -0.011 (0.061) 2.123 (2.186) 4.495 (4.006)
Item 15 0.870 (0.783) -0.423 (-0.317) 1.112 (0.964) 2.772 (2.491)
Item 23 1.835 (1.591) 0.900 (0.616) 3.476 (2.778) 4.744 (4.265)
Item 5 1.260 (1.379) 0.057 (0.396) 1.275 (1.951) 3.111 (3.503)
Item 8 2.020 (2.369) 1.368 (1.323) 3.788 (4.041) 5.583 (5.587)
Item 16 1.478 (1.462) 0.438 (0.628) 2.275 (2.514) 3.875 (3.930)
Item 21 1.817 (1.366) 1.037 (0.721) 3.092 (2.524) 4.708 (3.677)
Note. Child PARQ-J= Japanese Child PARQ, GR = graded response. C/LA= Coldness/Lack of Affection, H/A= Hostility/Aggression, I/N=
Indifference/Neglect, UR= Undifferentiated Rejection. Bold indicates the items those were selected for the shortened version.
Supplementary Table S5
Correlations of the Child PARQ-J-SF (Mother and Father), SOAS, and WHO-5-J
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Coldness (Mother) ----
2. Hostility (Mother) .45** ----
3. Indifference (Mother) .48** .52** ----
4. Undiffer. (Mother) .54** .60** .59** ----
5. Coldness (Father) .48** .30** .29** .34** ----
6. Hostility (Father) .29** .52** .35** .41** .36** ----
7. Indifference (Father) .35** .37** .47** .43** .53** .44** ----
8. Undiffer. (Father) .38** .44** .42** .56** .51** .56** .60** ----
9.Total PARQ (Mother) .74** .65** .70** .73** .42** .41** .44** .48** ----
10.Total PARQ (Father) .46** .43** .42** .47** .74** .57** .72** .71** .52** ----
11. SOAS -.29** -.20** -.21** -.24** -.28** -.24** -.23** -.27** -.27** -.30** ----
12. WHO-5-J -.37** -.26** -.28** -.36** -.36** -.25** -.29** -.34** -.37** -.37** .35** ----
M 9.89 5.71 6.50 5.96 10.67 5.71 6.81 5.80 28.06 29.00 24.02 69.87
SD 3.32 2.15 2.29 2.31 3.78 2.20 2.55 2.24 8.64 9.12 5.33 18.59
Skewness .69 1.44 .76 1.26 .73 1.43 .72 1.39 .93 .95 -.54 -.55
Kurtosis .29 2.23 .15 1.51 .56 1.90 .06 2.06 .83 .87 .52 .15
Range 6-23 4-16 4-16 4-16 6-24 4-16 4-16 4-16 18-71 18-71 7-35 0-100
Note. Child PARQ-J-SF= Shortened Japanese Child PARQ (Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire), SOAS= Sense of Authenticity
Scale, WHO-5-J= Japanese version of the World Health Organization’s well-being index.
**p< .01
Supplementary Figure S1. Item Information Function (IIF) curves of the Mother version of Child PARQ-J (Japanese Child PARQ;

according to four sub-factors). Each curve represents the amount of information (Y- axis) each item provides over the θ range (X- axis).
Supplementary Figure S2. Item Information Function (IIF) curves of the Father version of Child PARQ-J (Japanese Child PARQ;

according to four sub-factors). Each curve represents the amount of information (Y- axis) each item provides over the θ range (X- axis).

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