Student A Mat 152 Final Project

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Immigration Justice. MAT 152 – Final Project.

1- Using the attached table “Profile of the Unauthorized Population: United States”
(Appendix 2), create a graph (Histogram, Polygon, Pie
Chart, Pareto...) for minimum 8 of the following variables: (there are 16 tables, you must do
minimum 8 graphs)

a) Demographics

Top Countries of Birth

Mexico 5,944,000

El Salvador 655,000

Guatemala 525,000

China 362,000

Honduras 355,000
Regions of Birth

Mexico 7,593,000

Caribbean 351,000

South America 685,000

Europe/Canada/Oceania 579,000

Asia 1,774,000

Africa 318,000
Years of U.S. Residence

Less than 5 2,009,000

5 to 9 2,246,000

10 to 14 2,722,000

15 to 19 1,936,000

20 or more 2,387,000

under 16 803,000

16 to 24 1,653,000

25 to 34 2,935,000

35 to 44 2,839,000

45 to 54 1,725,000

55 and over 1,346,000

c) Education and language

English Proficiency

Population ages 5 and older 11,214,000

Speak only English 1,063,000

Speak English "very well" 2,978,000

Speak English "well" 2,281,000

Speak English "not well"/"not at all" 4,891,000

Top Languages Spoken at Home

Population ages 5 and older 11,214,000

Spanish 7,913,000

English 1,069,000

Chinese 371,000

Tagalog 247,000

Korean 152,000
d) Workforce

Labor Force Participation

Civilian population ages 16 and older 10,491,000

Employed 7,003,000

Unemployed 546,000

Not in the labor force 2,942,000

Top Industries of Employment

Civilian employed population ages 16 and 7,003,000


Accommodation and food services, arts, 1,364,000

entertainment, and recreation

Construction 1,194,000

Professional, scientific, management, 1,069,000

administrative, and waste management

Manufacturing 939,000

Retail trade 737,000

2. See the statistics table below each graph.

3. I focused on Demographics, Education & Language and Workforce. Starting with the
statistics of demographics it is observable that the mean is elevated due to Mexico's high
rate of birth. Based on the region of birth data collected we can concur that the mean of all
data collected is relative to Asia. Based on the mean of chart #3 we can determine that the
mean and 5 to 9 years of Residency range are relative to each other. For chart #4 we can
see that the standard deviation is considerably lower than the age ranges that we observed.
When analyzing the department of Education and Language, we discovered that in chart #5
the mean best represents the population of people that speak English “not well” or “not at
all”. In chart #6 we discovered that the Korean speaking population does not represent a
large portion of the population of people ages 5 and older and we came to this conclusion by
calculating the range of the population. After analyzing the department Workforce we can
conclude that the standard deviation from chart #7 only represents a third of the total
population. In chart #8 we discovered that the standard deviation and the mean gave us
comparable numeric data to better understand the inner workings of the immigrant

4. When it relates to immigration there are many interconnecting factors that one must
observe. They all correlate and factor into the data we collect. For example the amount of
years that most immigrants have lived in the U.S is more than 10-14 years and this
correlates to age because it shows that as an immigrant there is a high chance that you
migrated to the U.S at a young age. Also there is a correlation that can be observed from
English proficiency and languages spoken at home. Through further analysis we can
determine that the amount of people who do not speak English very well or well at all is due
to the fact that the top language spoken at home among the immigrant population is
Spanish. Comparing the mean of each graph it is observable that the mean of the regions of
birth is the same as the age's mean. The mean of English proficiency is greater than the
mean of the top languages spoken. Labor force participation correlates to top industries of
employment in a plethora of ways. For example we can see that there are over 2 million
unemployed workers who are seeking jobs but the amount of workers in smaller job markets
like retail and manufacturing show that there are people searching for work but refusing the
lower paying jobs.

5. The data analysis findings ultimately did not change my stance on immigration reform. We
have always accepted immigration reform. I understand that it may be difficult to adapt to a
new language, culture and environment so I am not surprised that the proficiency in certain
American traditions and languages shows a decline among immigrants, it is to be expected.
6. The pros of immigration reform is it gives immigrants more job opportunities, safer places
to live, better access to resources (food,water,etc) and better education. In my opinion there
are not really any cons to immigration reform if done correctly. A con is for certain immigrants
with extraneous situations immigration reform laws could make it more challenging to get
into the country. Also the penalty for illegal immigration seems unjust when you understand
that they are simply trying to gain a better life.

7. There are a lot of factors that prompt people to come to their own conclusion about
immigration justice. One of the first factors that comes to mind is the disparity between
Immigrant language proficiency compared to their English speaking coworkers. I feel like
there could be some type of English assistance program put in place to help close the
language barrier gap. While there can definitely be a lot of improvements to immigration
justice, a positive sign that eases my mind is of the 11 million workers in the Immigrant
workforce population only 546,000 are unemployed. While this is a low percentage of the
population it can still be lowered if the right laws are implemented in order to aid Immigration
justice reform. Another factor that helped me come to my own conclusion about Immigration
Justice is seeing the benefits that immigrants bring to the country and knowing that I want to
see more. For example a benefit is that many immigrants are natural entrepreneurs and they
are often highly educated and they bring a new cultural perspective to the workforce
environment due to the fact that they come from a completely different background. In the
United States, about 800,000 people become naturalized U.S. citizens. To achieve this goal,
they first had to be a legalized immigrant. Their presence does more than bring an exchange
of cultures. It allows for more knowledge and wisdom to be shared with others. By increasing
the cultural awareness of everyone, more moments of common ground can be found.
Overall immigration justice is definitely trending in the right direction but that does not mean
our conclusions about it should be good, because there is still much work to be done.

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