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1.- Where can I have a good cheap meal?

Here in San Miguel Vindhó Hidalgo, you can go to the Cruz Azul market, there are cheap
meals and breakfast, like orange juice, fruit and molletes or enchiladas or barbacoa. Or you
can visit a place called La Loma, there is a place where there twoo floors, on the first floor
they sell tacos of all styles, such as steak, suadero and pastor (quebap). All tacos are served
with roasted onions and sauces, the falvored sauces are: guacamole and red sauce. In the
tacos they have drinks but only soft drinks and different flavors. On the second floor of the
place they sell enchiladas, pambazos, sopes, flautas, etc., and to accompany them they sell
jamaica water and horchata. They also have rice and guava atole, in these places you eat
delicious and very cheap, since on average you do not spend more than $500.

2.- Where can I go with small children?

You can go to the park that is near the center of San Miguel Vindhó , there are games for the
children as resbaladillas, columpios, sube y baja, etc., the park is very large, also near there is
a field to play football. The park is very large, so the children can have fun.

3.- Where can I go in the evening?

You can go to the center of San Miguel, there you will find small staks, such as ice-cream
and pan de feria, you can take a walk and enjoy the landscape while you walk. This is what
you can do in the afternoon since it is a very small town, there are no bars or something like
that, it is only what you can do in the afternoons.

4.- Where can I go for a nice walk?

You can walk to the commercial center of the town, it is a small commercial center but
walking towards it you can enjoy it, also if you walk further, you can find a small auditorium,
which is also part of the town, usually in that auditorium they do it on weekends as a cinema,
but it is very very small, so you can enjoy a good walk there and by the way, see a movie.

5.- Where can I eat really good food?

There are no places as such, such as good food, no, there is a place that is called “La Fuente
de Sodas”, the food is relatively normal but not very good, so there is not an exact place for a
good meal. There is a city, not a big city but it´s near the town, the city calls Tula de Allende,
there are many places to go for search a really good food, actually I don’t now which is the
best place there, but, there are a lot of restaurants in that city.

6.- Can I go shopping on Sundays?

Yes, you can, there is only the commercial center or the market, there you can buy various
purchases of what you want, such as clothes, toys, even small souvenirs that you can also
buy. Although it is a town, nothing is closed in Sundays, only that you have to shop before 5
pm because, the shops closes so, that all the mercants can rest.

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