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Secrets of Body Language Video Reflection

Hitesh Chauhan

Licensed Practical Nurse, CDI College

Jessica Cushnaghan

February 07, 2023


Secrets of Body Language Video Reflection

Language is the way humans communicate with each other. Since childhood, the baby

watches their parents. How they speak: the lip movements, the eyes, and the words coming from

their mouth. This is when the process of learning a language starts and continues throughout life.

Language is can be verbal and non-verbal. I am going to talk about the importance of nonverbal

which is also known as body language, and how it is important in healthcare settings.

After watching the video “Secrets of body language”, I came across many examples of

non-verbal language. The major one is “Expression” The way we smile, our eyebrows, facial

muscles, and eye movements. Also, it can be the tone of voice, pitch of voice, posture, micro-

expressions, hand gestures, and body movements. The video shows all these examples where

politicians, celebrities, and policemen use these expressions to get away. Also, non-verbal

messages are stronger when it comes to verbal Vs non-verbal. Because as the video mentions,

“7% of human communication is verbal. 93% of what we communicate with others is non-

verbal”, Also, as I mentioned earlier, the baby first sees the movement of lips, and other signs of

non-verbal communication before they start speaking. Moreover, I do believe that non-verbal

messages are more reliable to trust, but it can be debatable as well. This video was packed with a

lot of information on recognizing facial expressions, and body language. I will start putting more

attention to hidden messages which might be there.

Moving forward, this video helps me to learn about universal expressions. Which are the

same all over the world. It can make us more efficient when dealing with clients from different

backgrounds to understand their needs from their expressions. Also, one should have the self-

awareness of their core values because it makes us a better person. If we will know our weak

points, only then we can work on them. Also, I learned so many non-verbal examples from the

video which can help me on the floor while working as an LPN. For example, while giving care

to a resident who does not speak English, or is from a different cultural background. I can still

understand the universal expressions which are, happy, sad disgusted, and angry from their

expressions. I can look for any discomfort in their expression and body language. I work as a

care aid in Hilton Villa Surrey, and I do have 1 resident who has quadriplegia, and he has little to

no movement in his arms and hands. I still remember my first shift with him, and I was also

newly graduated, so I was also not sure about a lot of things. When in the morning I started

giving him a bed bath, I asked him the temperature of the water by doing a hand gesture, and he

responded with his head and nodded yes! I understood that quickly. Similarly, a few days later, I

again had a shift in the same ward. I went for the Morning care, and I asked my resident. Is it

okay if do your morning care? He was closing his eyes over and over. I thought he is giving me a

Yes! Unfortunately, I misunderstood it. He wanted to sleep more, and I came to know that he

was grumpy all day, and didn’t even have breakfast. Also, fellow HCAs told me that he is the

last one to wake up. The outcome was negative, as he did not eat breakfast that day, and I was

feeling bad about it.

Additionally, I will remember a lot of things from this video and will use it as a skill

throughout my college journey as well as my professional journey as an LPN. The key points I

will use are, understanding the non-verbal signs, the hidden meanings, universal expressions, the

hand gesture and their meanings, the body language of a person, the eyes expression, and the

idea of believing in body language when there is the conflict between body language and words.

For example, a resident is explaining to me that he or she is feeling fine. However, I can see the

changes in the body language. I will report it using my skills, and back it up by taking vital signs.


(2018). YouTube. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

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