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Medical Discrimination

Dr. J Marion Sims is considered the father of modern gynecology. In South Carolina, and

the central park, in New York, there is a statue in honor of this man and his contribution to

the modern medicine. However, behind his story, there are three names: Anarcha, Lucy,

and Betsy. the representation of the racial discrimination in medicine treatments. During

1845and 1849, Dr sims experimented surgeries with the slaved women, without using any

anesthetic methods. He perfected a surgery that continues to help women today, but he

practiced this technique through experimental surgeries on unanesthetized enslaved

women.For that reason, Sims have been stipulated as cruel and racist. But the story of those

three women has a deep meaning for the ethical medicine nowadays.

A study made in 2015 shows the false beliefs about biological differences between black

and withe patients that persist those days. Medicine students and residents believe that

black body is biologically different and, in many cases, stronger. (citar) Black patients

continue to receive less pain medication for broken bones and cancer. This unequal

medical care African Americans still receive today, must be considered a public health

concern. Public health is the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and

promoting health through the organised efforts of society.(citar).

The best way to commemorate Anarcha, Lucy and Betsy are fighting against racial

discrimination in medicine, doing political and educational efforts and verify that the

human right be guaranteed for everyone. As parto f this political and educational prposal, the

implamentetion of ethical cousses in colleges could be the solution for the racial believes that

students and residents have. Those courses must be implemented as parto d the medicine studies
curriculum in every university of the united states, and must be parto f the ethical component of

the carieer.

Another solution, is to implement rigorous revisions to the trearments and medical practices in

hospitals. There must be a special institución in charge of the regulation of medical procedures,

with the authority to impliment not onliy public policies, but also fines and punishment to

institucions that incure in ratial discrimination.

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