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Speech of Praise Outline

I. Begin with a quote about the person you have chosen.
“Like father, like daughter.”

II. Explain how this quote connects to the person you are speaking about.
This phrase represents my connection with my dad and how signi cant he is in my

III. Preview your speech.

Today I am going to talk about my dad and how he has shaped me as a person.

II. Body
I. Explain this person’s role in your life. What is your relationship to this person? How do
you know them? How did you meet them? How long have you known this person?
• Many similarities: Same birthday, appearance, habits, interests

• Very close to my dad, mom jokes we are “twins” because of how similar we are

II. Explain a value this person possesses.

Hard working(only breadwinner of house), family focused, calm no matter the
circumstance, and ESPECIALLY concerned over every aspect of me.

III. Tell a complete story (from start to finish) that shows this person’s positive values and
the positive role he/she has played in your life so far
Part I:

• Me getting whooping cough when I was little, not bad but he freaked out, had a
sister that died young.

• Always asking if I’m ok when I cough now

Part II:

• Dad going on business trip, I’m always worried for him, worried that he’ll get hurt
or die.
III. Conclusion
I. Summarize your main points about the person very briefly.
My dad and I share many similar traits and the fact that we are both always worried
for the ones we love show that.
II. Clearly state why this person is worthy of praise.
My dad is worthy of praise because of how much he contributes to our house and
how much hardship he has gone through in his life just to arrive here to support me
and my mom.

III. Repeat the quote.

“Like father like daughter.”

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