Cod 17.06.21 PDF

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Certificate of Default

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Name : Dounne:Alexander............................................................................./Lien claimant

Address : C/o GRAMMA’S, P.O. Box 218, London E6 6BG.

Mr Michael Clark, Ms Shanil Gowrea, Mr Ed Scully, Dr June Raine (CEO) 'Joint & Severally'……...
/ Lien debtors doing business as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHPRA).

Address: MHRA – 10 Floor, 10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 4PU

DATE: 17/06/21


As you have not responded to the following Notices -

1. AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION : sent to you on 2 February 2021 and received by you on

03 February 2021 (07:04) signed by WALTER.

2. 2nd Request : sent to you on 4th March 2021 - and received by you on 08 March 2021 (07:01)
signed by SADIQUE.

3. 3rd Request : sent to you on 13th March 2021 - and received by you on 17 March 2021 (07.02)
signed by THOMAS.

4. NOTICE OF INTEREST : sent to you on 6th May 2021 and received by you on 10th May 2021.

5. NOTICE OF FAULT & OPPORTUNITY TO CURE : sent to you on. 19 May 2021 and
received by you on 20 May 2021

6. NOTICE OF QUESTIONING: sent to you on 26 May 2021 and received by you on 27 May 2021
7. NOTICE OF FAULT & OPPORTUNITY TO CURE: was again sent to you on 04 June 2020 and
received by you on 7 June 2021… therefore you are now in Dishonour.

Accordingly, I hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF DEFAULT.

Autographed this day the presence of the city / town of London...............................

Lien claimant autograph ........................................................................................................

By: Dounne:Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Solicitor autograph ............................................................................................... SEAL

Notary Public autograph ........................................................................................... SEAL

Enforcement in the High Court is governed,,l by CPR Parts 70 and 74 together with RCS Orders 17, 45 to 47
and 52 as in schedule 1 to the CPR. ??????

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