MT460 01 Strausbaugh Tai Unit9

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Tai Strausbaugh
March 7, 2023

MT460- Strategy and Policy

Implementation Strategy

1. Successful Strategy Implementation

In order to successfully implement the strategy for our new product of silver embedded bandages

a plan must be followed. Taking the time to set goals, timelines, and expectations is going to

keep the team motivated to be able to launch this new product. By developing, producing, and

selling this new product Smith & Nephew will be able to offer more than their competitors to the


1.1 Value Chain & Strategic Implementation

As the manager the value chain is and important layer to the system. This is going to help bring

the big picture in focus and how to make sure that activities being done are beneficial to the

launch of the new product.

1.2 Organizational Design & Strategic Implementation

Functional structure is going to be help give the best results for this company. Because there are

many different groups of products it would make sense to use this structure. According to Indeed

(2023) advantages to functional structure is that employees will be grouped on skills which

promotes more teamwork. By making teams for each type of product it will help to ensure that

each one gets the focus and attention needed to be successful.

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3.1 Balanced Score Card

Customer Perspective Internal Perspective

Objectives Measures Objectives Measures

 Offer more products  Sales of new product  Increase demand  Compare monthly sales

Innovation and Learning Perspective Financial Perspective

Objectives Measures Objectives Measures

 New technology for  Monitor searches on  Increase revenue  Budget

consumers new product online

Figure 2. Balanced Scorecard

3.2 Strategic Initiatives

Launch new product
Objectives Initiatives Priority
Raise brand awareness Increase advertising 1
Offer more products Launch new product line 2
Lower cost Find new suppliers for resources needed 3
Use clean or raw natural materials to
Environmentally friendly production 4
eliminate waste

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3.2 Timeline & Milestones

  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Increase online
Strategic Revamp social media Offer sales to new
advertisement Offer referral program
Initiative 1  


Strategic Research competition Brainstorm and design

Begin production Advertise new product
Initiative 2 products prototypes for new products


Review processes to see Increase production to

Strategic Reduce production time to
Research supplier cost where lean measures can be offer larger quantities of
Initiative 3 done
cut down


Initiative 4 Look into how competition
Research new materials or other companies are Reduce waste Use green materials

Figure 3. Timeline & Milestones

3.3 Priority Strategic initiative

Raising brand awareness is essential for any company to be successful. As Jallad (2022) explains in

order to retain customers as well as gain new brand awareness needs to be a priority. Having a brand

that is a household name will increase how much the brand is being talked about which will in return

increase sales. If sales are increased and more people are talking about the brand, then launching new

products should be successful.

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Resource Allocation.
4.1 Resource Allocation & Management
Resource allocation is important in order to prevent staff burnout. The idea it to take work and divide

it up so that everyone is getting equal amounts to do. Management should make sure to take the time

to understand the tasks that need done and assign the person who would be best fit. The people who

are assigned to do certain tasks should have the right training, knowledge and skills.

4.2 Resource Audit Process

Conducting a resource audit is important to the company because it will show the state of resources.

This will show management where the strengths and weaknesses lie with how resources are being

used. In order to conduct and audit a manager will need to collect data, investigate the findings, give

feedback, and then come up with a plan of action.

4.3 Resource Management Checklist


Resources – People
This initiative is going to require that people from marketing backgrounds be used. In order to ramp up brand
knowledge the company is going to need to heavily rely on the marketing team to use their skills. A team of 5-6
people is going to be needed to brainstorm and manage advertisements that will be eye catching to the customers.

Resources – Finances
The marketing team is going to need to budget in the cost of running advertisements as well as the cost of paying the team. There
is going to be cost involved with brainstorming and creating the digital data that will be used for advertisement.

Resources – Equipment & Materials

The team is going to need materials such as computers, charts for data collection, and paper. The team will need to first outline
the advertisement on paper and charts in order to work out how thing will be done digitally on the computer.

Resources – Facilities

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The team is going to need a meeting room to be able to brainstorm and go over goals. There will also need to be offices for the
team to work individually on projects to go towards the overall goals. This type of team needs to be able to work together and
talk about things so having them in one building together makes sense.

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Key Performance Indicators

5.1 Purpose of Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators are an important part of meeting goals and targets. As Harlow (2022)

explains that these targets will help the team gauge their progress. The goal is to be able to take what

is being done, examine the process and make sure it’s the best way to go. In order to be the most

efficient with time and resources it is important to make sure things are running smoothly.

5.2 Making Moves

In order to be above the competition, it is important to look at these performance indicators.

Making sure that our products are of high quality and performing to expectation. Another thing

to make sure is to check on loyal customers as well as new ones. Send out surveys on the

services provided and the products they purchased to make sure they are working.

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Strategic Goals, Objectives, & Incentives

6.1 Continuous Improvement Philosophy

The Kaizen philosophy is going to be the best choice for Smith & Nephew. The thought behind this

philosophy is that continuous changes happen no matter what. There should never be an excuse as to

why things can not be better. Taking the time to train and educate the staff continually throughout the

year is the best way to be on top of what is on trend. It is important for management to put the time

into the employees who do the work and keeping them growing.

6.2 Problems & Challenges

Anytime there is a problem or a challenge the first step is to look at the big picture. Gather as much

information about the issues at hand. After all information is gathered that is relevant the next step is

to evaluate what is happening and how it can be fixed. Is there a small solution to the problem or

does the issue need to be completely changed. By investigating the processes already in place, the

management team will be able to see where changes need made and how they can be done.

6.3 Continuous Improvement for Competitive Advantage

The management team will need to create a workspace that is safe and meaningful. Employees are

going to want to come to work where they feel that their thoughts and opinions matter. By taking the

time to listen to employees’ suggestions the management team will be able to make changes to

continue to improve processes. The employees are the ones doing the work so taking advice from

them will be the most beneficial.

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Culture & Performance

7.1 Purposeful Organizational Culture

The purpose of organization culture is going to be the way the company behaves and carries itself.

The company will need to create beliefs and values that they will stand behind and have their

employees stand behind. This is typically going to fall under the code of conduct at and organization.

7.2 Incentives & Rewards

By creating targets and goals for the company it will be able to track and measure how things are

going. The management team can create incentives and rewards for staff who are actively participate

in. Offering free training programs and classes for the staff to take is a great way to encourage them

to grow in their knowledge and skills. Another thing that the company can do is offer gift cards or

trips as a reward to those who are going to show they were a large part of hitting goals or targets.

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Harlow, J. (2022). What is a key performance indicator (KPI)? Retrieved from

Indeed. (2023). 4 types of organizational structure: Definitions and examples. Retrieved from


Jallad, R. (2022). Council post: To convert more customers, focus on Brand Awareness. Forbes.

Retrieved from


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