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Compelling Conclusions Assessment

Step 1: Write the rough draft. Revise and edit your draft.

Step 2: Paste your completed final draft in the space below. Remember to use proper MLA
formatting throughout your document.
Rain, cloudy days, no sunshine all these things create a gloomy mood when they
occur. Just how these things create a gloomy mood in day-to-day life, a mood can be
created in text too. There are many ways that authors do this and when executed
correctly we can see the application of literary elements in the text. In “A family
Supper”, Kazuo Ishiguro creates the mood of sadness and disappointment through his
use of character and dialogue.
The author uses character to execute the sad mood that he creates in “A family
Supper.” The author states the following about his father “His general presence was
not one which encouraged relaxed conversation; neither were things helped much by
his odd way of stating each remark as if it were the concluding one.” Here we can
gather the idea that the communication was not prevalent in their family. The
narrator says that he has never been close with his family, even implying that his
father is a hard person to talk to. This singles out the narrator and really makes us feel
for him. The author’s father states “I for one am prepared to forget the past. Your
mother too was always ready to welcome you back - upset as she was by your
behaviour.”. Here the father of the narrator inserts a negative comment about what
the narrators deceased mother thought of him when she was alive. We can gather,
because the narrators father mentioned his mother this created an element of
sadness, he then turned that sadness to disappointment when he said upset as she
was by your behavior. In this paragraph we can see how the author used character in
order to set the mood of sadness and disappointment.
The author also uses dialogue to execute the sad mood seen in “A Family Supper.”
As he states “She always used to say to me how it was then-fault, hers and Father's,
for not bringing you up correctly. She used to tell me how much more careful they'd
been with me, and that's why I was so good.” As we can see from the dialogue the
sister of the narrator is implying that the narrator wasn’t good, like she was. Here the
narrator is portrayed again in a negative way and compared to his sister. Here the
feeling of disappointment is again instilled. The author father states “'Kikuko is due to
complete her studies next spring,' he said. 'Perhaps she will want to come home then.
She's a good girl.” Here the narrator’s father is imping that she will want to come
home because she is a good girl as he has stated before. He has said nothing about
the narrator this instills a sadness in the text it makes us feel bad for the narrator as
he is sort of neglected. As we can see in this paragraph dialogue is used to create a
mood of disappointment and sadness.
In the short story “A Family Supper” the author has instilled a mood of
disappointment and sadness. He does this using the employment of the literary
elements, character and dialogue. The author uses the characters in the story to

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employ this mood, the author also uses dialogue, and conversation between
characters to also create these moods.

Step 3: Reflect on your writing process using the chart below. Respond in complete sentences.
Reflection Question My Response
1. Think about your writing The most challenging part of the writing
process. What was the most process I feel is writing the conclusion.
challenging aspect of this literary The reason for this is because you have to
analysis? Explain in 2-3 summarize the ending of your essay
sentences. without making it reparative.
2. Consider your editing and I noticed that I forgot some quotations
revising process. What areas of whenever citing evidence. And a couple
strength and weakness did you of grammar mistakes.
notice in your writing? Explain
in 2-3 sentences.
3. What is something content or I learned that you have to pay very close
writing-related you learned attention to the prompt and make sure that
throughout the literary analysis you do not sway off topic. It can be
writing process? Explain in 2-3 confusing because you are also writing a
sentences. essay and analyzing literature.

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Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
Compelling Conclusions Rubric
On Target Almost There Needs Improvement
20-16 points 15-12 points 11-0 points

 The essay has an  The essay has an  The essay may be missing
organized introduction, introduction, body an introduction, body
body paragraphs, and paragraphs, and a paragraphs, and/or a
conclusion. conclusion that are conclusion.
 The introduction has an mostly organized.  The introduction may be
intriguing hook, a  The introduction missing a hook, a bridging
bridging statement, and contains a hook, a statement, and/or a
an insightful thesis bridging statement, and thesis statement.
statement. a thesis statement.  The body paragraphs only
Organization  The body paragraphs  The body paragraphs loosely relate to ideas
(20 points) thoughtfully extend, relate to ideas introduced in the thesis
analyze, and clarify the introduced in the thesis statement.
ideas introduced in the statement.  Ideas in the essay may
thesis statement.  Ideas in the essay mostly not flow due to a lack of
 Ideas in the essay flow flow through the use of transitions.
logically through the use transitions.  The conclusion
of transitions.  The conclusion attempts unsuccessfully rephrases
 The conclusion to rephrase the thesis the thesis statement,
rephrases the thesis statement, summarizes summarizes the essay's
statement, summarizes the essay's ideas, and ideas, and/or provides
the ideas, and provides provides closure for the closure for the reader.
closure for the reader. reader.
30-24 points 23-18 points 17-0 points

 The use of evidence  The use of evidence  The use of evidence may
demonstrates that the demonstrates that the not demonstrate that the
student thoroughly student attempted to student attempted to
analyzed the text. analyze the text. analyze the text.
(30 points)
 Content and analysis  Content and analysis  Content and analysis
reflect outside-the-box reflect typical thinking and reflect typical thinking
thinking and interesting insight into the author's and insight into the
insight into the author's style & literary elements. author's style & literary
style & literary elements. elements.
Evidence and 30-24 points 23-18 points 17-0 points
(30 points)  Evidence is used in a  Evidence is used in a  The essay lacks
logical manner with a logical manner, but an elaboration and
balanced mixture of excessive use of direct connections, instead the
direct quotes, quotes may distract the essay follows a pattern of
paraphrases, and reader. presenting and
summary.  There is an attempt to paraphrasing evidence.
 The student thoughtfully elaborate on evidence,  There is no attempt to

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
explains evidence. but the connection is use signal words to
 Appropriate signal words unclear or incorporate evidence.
and phrases are used to underdeveloped.
incorporate evidence.  There is an attempt at
the use of signal words
and phrases to
incorporate evidence.
15-12 points 11-9 points 8-0 points
(15 points)  MLA formatting is  MLA formatting is mostly  MLA formatting may be
present and correct. present and correct. missing.
10-8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points
 There are virtually no  There are a few spelling,  There are several
(10 points)
spelling, punctuation, punctuation, or spelling, punctuation, or
or grammatical errors.  grammatical errors.   grammatical errors.  
10-8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points

 The student thoroughly  The student attempted  The student may be

& insightfully reflected to reflect on their writing missing parts or all of the
(10 points)
on their writing process process but may be reflection component of
and included examples missing insight or this assessment.
as needed. examples from the essay.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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