Airfix Magazine - Volume 1 (1960)

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STEPHEN JOHNS tells hoW' to
make the most of a cle ver piece
of miniaturisation
I MAGINE a m~1 of a man j,ust a shade
over 1-inch hIgh. Then think of the
problems of ,painting . such ,. model, I,nd
you will reailse the dlfficurtl~ of workm&
to a scalt of I in 600. I h:wc heard several
people say of the model of H. M.S.
VIr/orlous: "Nice easy onc thal-ao bi"
it', casy to painl,'':' Carc in buiftling UII(/ ptllnt"w ;S11pt!rs/rIlCfllrc
But before you go slappina on details and II'/a$t will gi~e rcullsm to )lQur mmld.
on Ihis model in a carefree manner, just Uu Ihis piclUre of the actuul sMp as gllide.
remember the scale, aQd lreat Y/(tor!o~s
in a manncr more filting a very fC<ahsuc I have seen one very bilious-looking
piece or miniaturisation. Do nOI be deterred. Victorious made by a young modeller who
however. 35 if is still quite eas)' once you was confused by this phrase. He chose the
10 about the job in the right manner. very deepest green he could find-and
There ate several schools of Ihoo&ht glossy at that! To act the correct shade
on how 10 paint a plastic model. One mix some black with some an:en and lighten
advocates painting everythillJ before aSo the !'!:Sulling shade with while if necessary.
sembl),. but on Ihis model I found iI best The gun barrels are Jrey for about ~ne­
to I~t the assembly as two ICp.lIralC th ird of their Jenlth and the cnd two-thirds
stages: the hull and its trimminp, and the can be finish«! in Ilossy black. Added
flight deck and superstructure. Cement the realism can be liven to the model if you
two halves of the hull together. tit in all touch in the slits in the ,un turrets in a
the gun decks and the n paint whUl you matt black. Another minor poi')t 10 Ifive
have assembled so far. The smaller details. added life is to touch in the bilges. Just
such as gun turrets. guns. ami.uirt:l"J.n above the water-line, with Inan black
directol'5 an d boats are ea~ier to paint and then paint in very lightly the brownish
..... hile still on the moulding stem. and blackish stains where the bilae.waler
Wh at arc the coloul'5? The suaaestions has len its mark.
made in the instructions leaflet are a goad The flight deck is much e:uier to paint
brood ,uide, but need some qUl!!liIkati~n . before it been fined to the hull and
The colour of lhe plastic uself IS a quite before the superstructure has been added.
lood ballleship grey-but it 'A-iII look Colour is as for the gun deck.s, but there
more realistic if painted over in • man is a lighlu area CJltendin, j·,nch eilher
Itq' of the same shltde. The plaUte IS •
side of the centre line. AirflX have obliaingly
Imle 100 aIossy to look riaht. outlined the yello ..... cent~line for you but,
l he directioos give the aun-d«k and if )'ou still rccl that I1 is ratDer a lonl
night.deck colour as "dark are)"areen"- straight line to paint freehand, use some
but do not be misled b)' the word "green". sellota~ as a mask. You can then ~Ia p
the paint on as ClIreles.!tly as )'ou like,
leave it to dry carefuJl)' remove the trans·
Slaroourti ~i~"" of "VICfOr/Olls" shll""! )Xlrent tape an'd there is ),our line, as cl!!an
bilgt's and ;stains. as a razor's edse. Onc wo rd or warning,
though: the yellow paint win tend 10 seep
under the tape where it croMCS the arl'CSter
wires. It is best to leave th ls seclion and
to touch it in aner the tape has been
remO\ed. . .
Outboard of the centre-hneand borden~1
the lighter area arc two narrow ..... hlle
lines which arc al50 faintly marked on the
plagic. Tbese. too, can be painted by. mask·
109 with lapc--or you can try uSing an
old pen dipped in slightly thinned paint
and simply rule the lines In. With practice WRITE FOR AIRFIX
this technique can producecxccJlent results.
The arrester wires can be highlighte<i MAGAZINE
by touchin; them up with a Jighlly-looded The Editor will be pleased to
brush of 110U)' black. Tyre marks will consider (or publication articles and
also be .soen on lbe deck. especially around pholOCBpbs of interest 10 readers
the .rrester wires. Touch these in wilh mall of AIRRX MAOAZINE. or particular
black-but leeep them small. inlen:st will be descriptiON of
The superstructure i5 best painted antr readers' own layouts in which
iI has been assembled but before fi:dn. plastic kits, or any make, have played
the mast or cementing the whole thin, 10 a signiftcant part.
the flight dock. 111e lOp of the funnel An ClTly decision will be Ih'en
used 10 be grey like the rest of the super- on 1\11 material submhted and
structure. but it has now been repainted unused copy will be quickly returned.
with:l bluck band around the tOp. Portholes Pnyment fo r con tributions used will
llod windows can be carefully touched in be made at the end of the month of
whh gloss) black. publication.
The main pans of the carrier are now
completed Rnd ready for major assembJy-
except for the masl. You might be ~rdoned under the wings. The Skyraidcrs carry
if you look al Ihis feature wuh some mainly "WV" numbers (e.l. WV 179),
distaste and decide it is the ....'Cakest part the Sea VI.~ens "XO" (e.&. XG 952) and
of the model. the Scimitars "XO" (e.g. XO 225).
The main in:accuracy of the mode)'s Finally a word on armnging the aircnal't.
masl is th:l! the S!ruts ~ too thick. If II mUSI be Stated straighl a ...."y thilt no
you like hard work you can try whilllinl carrier is likely 10 cany the number of
them down v,.·ith a sharp, poinled knife. aifg1lf! 5Upptied with Ihis kit on hoer
Or you can build anOlDer. decks with all the wings unfolded, so you
This laSI step is not SO drastic as it sounds. can modify the majority of the aircraft
If you tab a plastic mouldin; stem. hold by folding their winas. Cut them off a little
iI a Hulc way above a lighted candle and WIly from the winl roots and stick them
keep twislln; it like a chicken on a Spil, on llKain jufd~d ~)'ond the I·u/lcul. The
yOIl will find that il will st retch and stretch. folded Skymidcr supplied with the kit
You Cltll pull it ou t in lO very fine st.'Ctions has lu wings vertical and look. mther liS
before it breaks. ncfore you let 10 of the if it hlls had a naSly fright l
ends, hold the stretched stem under cold The pholOgraph which heads thIS feature
runnin; water. show. Victorious at $Cl! with I "oup of
Make yourself a small pile of fiDe lenlths Skyraiders at the Slern und some Sea
of plastic in this manner and you can lhen Vixens just ahead of them. all with wings
10 ahead and aradually build up your own folded. A tliant of five Scimitars are placed
masl. UJe the Airfix one as a model, but forward of this RrouP in line uttrn 11001
make the individual plCCCS much finer. the ccntre-line with their .... 'np sfTaiahl.
(The job requires some patience and a If fI)'lng is in prolress fhe rear part of
pair of tweezers but the result can be lhe night deck is kcpt clear except (or any
Infinitely re ....-ardinl. The mast is grey up aircraft .... hich has JUSt landed. There would
to halr·hei,ht and the remainder is black. probably be more aircraft. winlP' folded,
Yards and mast top are in white.) parked near lhe bows. oul of line of the
The scale problem will probably hit you angled deck. and perhaps a couple of
htlrdest wllen you come to painting the aircmft on the steam c3wpulu.
aircra ft. What ran you do with a 1/600-
scale aerop lane apart from painting it In ArrulIgeml!"t of aircruft 011 deck C(ln be seen
lhe basic colours suggested by Airfill? in this pho:ogroph of .. Victorious" at sea.
You can. at \cast. put the roundels on
by usina Ihe pcn and paint method.
(Another technique is to paint on a fairly
lar$C blue dOl, cover this WIth a smaller
... hlte dOl and end up with a red dot in
the centre. But this can end up as a rather
noticeable heap of paint unless carcrully
done.) If you like nllher nlplY work,
you can also paint, or pen. in senal numbers
'We'll have a helicoptor!' says Airfix Director
'you can't leave that scooter there!' whelher he would get to Portsmouth In
It was a little after 5.30 on a November lime, and what would await him there.
morn ing. It was dark, dismal and damp.
and the porter at East Croydon station was
obviously in no mood for arguing. Never-
* * *
It had begun, as so many panics do,
quietly. Towards the cnd of 1959 Airfix
theless, Reg Croad, chief draughtsman of had de<;idcd to add the model of H.M.s.
Airfix, tried \0 tell ~he porter that he was Tiger, the guided missile ship, to their
on most urgent business and had to catch range of J /600·scale ships. They approached
a train straight away. The porter was sti1! the Admiralty, found them willir8 to
unimpressed.. .. co·operate and were promised plans of the
'You can't leave Lt tnere: he smd agalO, ship on which to base their model. H.M.S.
and then turned and d isappeared into the Tiger was then allotted a place in Airlix's
station. tigh t and complex production rota.
Reg Croad stood and looked after him Most people would think that omcial
for a moment and thought one or two plans would be sufficient guidance to
unkind thoughts about porters in general Airfix for their model. But the company
and this one in particular (a lthou~h he think differently. Perfection is their aim
realised he was only doing his job). As and they know, especially with new aircraft
a brief concession to the demands of and sh1ps, that minor modifications can
British Ra ilways, Croad wheeled his motor be made which do n01 appear on the plans.
scooter a few ya rds further along, locked it If it is humanly possible they like to see
and left it. and photograph the original of every model
A few minutes later he was seated in a they manufacture.
tra in speeding down 10 Portsmouth. Croad And SO it was with this fact in mind that
was nearing the climax of twenty·four Mr. E. J. Gray, Director of Airfix, tele--
hours of crises. The previous day had been phoned the Admiralty late onc afternoon.
onc of conti!1ual acti vity with plans al ways He asked whether it would be possible
frustrated at (he last mi!1ute. He had sot to go down to Portsmouth to see and
home late, had a few hours sleep and then photograph H.M.S. Tiger.
was up again at 4.30 a .m. to make his dash The officcr at the Admiralty was affable
to East Croydon stlltion to catch the train and obUiing.
for Portsmouth. 'Of course you can see her, old boy', he
The three hours enforced idleness in thc said. 'But t here's one snag : she leaves for
train did nOI come easy to the draughtsman. the Mediterranean the day after tomorrow
He thought back over the series of panics so you won't be able to get near her
which had landed him in the train-and he tomorrow while she's preparing to sail.
cast his thoughts ahead and wondered You'd best come down the morning she
sails and watch her go out.' great with an aircraft. Croad would have
Oray could see trouble looming ahead to go down to Portsmouth by train and
already. 'What time is she leaving,!, he \.5e his own initiative from then on.
'Nine o'clock in the morning!' was the
breezy reply. * * *
eroad arrived in Portsmouth at SAD a.m.
It was then \00 lale 10 do anything precisely- just twenty minutes to spare
immediately, but Gmy ran over the pos- before the ship sailed. He had never been
sibilities in his mind. They could delay to Portsmouth before and dedded that
the model of TIger until the ship returncd- his best ally would be a taxi-driver. He
but this would upset the whole production found one, told the driver his mission and
schedule. The)' could also go ahead without asked to be driven to Ihe best vantage point.
seeing the ship-and hope that there were It was a linle before 9 a.m. whcn eroad
no discrepancies in the plnn~-but thi~ founa himself llelX>SLted at Virginia Pier,
was equally unthinkable. Gray knew that a small jetty just outside the harbour walls.
somehow they would bave to get down to Croad saw from his watch that he still
Portsmouth and photograph Tiger as she had a lew minutes to spare and decided 10
was leaving. He decided to sleep on the chance leaving his first. vantage place in
problem. search of something better. Further up
t;)wards the sea, at a place where the
* * *
'A helicopter- that's it!' Gray bad the
channel narrowed, he could see 'l"hal
looked like an old gun emplacement. He
idea as he was drivfng to work: the next decided to try it.
morning. A helicopter would be able 10 He was a little breathless when ho arrived
hover over lInd around the ship as she was - aOO found it. shut up. But there were
leaving and they could get all the photo- signs of habitation in a house nearby and
graphs they wanted. He caned in Reg Croad decided to knock up the people
Croad , a koon amateur photogrnpher, who tiv-eu lh"rc. He was tueky. The owner
whose jOJ it would be to get the pictures. was a caretaker and a retired seaman who
He found Croad enthusiastic about hiring was full of enthusiasm when he heard
a helicopter. Croad's story.
Wasting no time Gray telephoned 'You come through here', he said, and
Battersea Heliport and inquired whether led Croad through to an eJ(eellent vantage
they could do tbe job. The first thing he point, right at the narrowest part of the
learned was that the cost would he £70 channel. There was hardly time for the
an hour. Gray was ulldaunted. ' We want draughtsma n to set up his camera before
the helicopter', he said. Tiger came into sight steaming majestically
Then came the first setback. No helicopter round a bend in the river.
was available when Airfilt waoted one. There followed another hectic period for
T he hel iport was qui te happy to provide Croad as he took one photograph after
onc later in the day, but Gray knew that anotht:r and, at the same time, made
this would be too laiC. mental notes on the ahllpc of the $hij).
He had another idea and telephoned the One small snag was that the deck was
aircraft firm of Saunders-Roe on the crowded with o1ficers and S<1ilors who were
Isle of Wight. Could they provide a heli- obscuring some of the detail. But his
copter? Again the same answer. 'Yes, n~wly-found caretaker friend put his mind
but not when you want it.' a: rest tlbout this.
Next Airfix tried Croydon Airport in the 'They'll all disappear below after they've
hopes that a light aeroplane would be a saluted the Fori over there', he said. Sure
good substitute for a helicopter. Croydon enough the decks cleared after the ceremony
told them they had better get ill touch with of saluting the Fort, and Croad was aole
the local airfield at Portsmouth. Portsmouth to get more detail into his photographs.
thought that they might be able to help. By lunch-lime he was back at the Airfi""
Then came the doubts-doubts about works and later the same day the fifty or
the November weather. Would it keep so photographs he had taken had bocn
the aircraft on tho j;!.round? If they could printed and the long task of comparin8
get airborne, would the visibility besufficient them with the official plans had started.
to take photographs of the ship. Anyway, H.M.5. Tiger was taking shape at Haldlne
was an aeroplane the best medium to Place.
use to take the photographs? 'Guess it was all a bit hectic while it
The problem was thoroughly ventilated lasted', Reg Crood said recently, as the
at a small meeting in Gray's office at the fil'llt models came off the mould. ' Bul at
Airfix werks. Reluctantly the conclusion least we can be certain that we have an
was reached that the wea ther risk was too ~act replica of H.M.S. Tiger.'


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