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Transmission Date 2645 June 8

Non-Standard Cargo Transport Contract 01570-A

1. Purpose of this Document: This is a summary of Non-Standard Cargo Trans-

port Contract 01570-A, between crew of transport vessel designation Congo-
Sierra-Seven-Seven-Nine and MentAI Industrial Computronics, Inc; Confucius

2. Collection Location & Date: Cargo is to be collected by the above stated

ship and undersigned crew, from docking bay 3 of the MentAI Orbital Factory
Guillemot, in polar orbit of Confucius, HR511 system, between the dates of
2645.06.15 and 2645.06.20.

3. Cargo Manifest: Cargo to include the following:

1 security sealed, powered cargo container, class 5 (requires power from the
ship during transit)*
3 standard cargo containers, class 7 (nonperishable foodstuffs)
4 standard cargo containers, class 9 (clothing, replacement parts, software
and media supplies)
1 replacement cargo lifter exoskeleton, grade 3.
2 crates of power cells, classes 1 through 5.
Possibility of 1 replacement staff member for Research Outpost. To be ad-

* This cargo is mission critical and sensitive. It must NOT be tampered with
in any way, and must arrive into the hands of the notified cargo officer of the
NarvAI 3 Research Outpost with the electronic seal still intact for the contract
to be considered successfully filled and payment to be transferred. Any failure
in this requirement will see legal proceedings being brought against any and
all crew members, owners and family of those involved.

4. Cargo Destination and Transit Duration: The cargo listed in point 3 is to

be transferred, without stop or interruption, to the orbit of planet Perdition,
where upon further instructions will be given on mode and action of delivery.
Due to the dangerous condition of the planet in question in this point, danger
money has been added to the final payment figure. This transit should take no
more than two standard months. If delay is encountered, or a stop is neces-
sitated, notification of said stop or delay must be transmitted back to Men-
tAI Confucius Headquarters immediately, attention to Henrick Viser, Head of
Requisition and Supply. All attempts must be made to keep the integrity of the
cargo in point 3 intact and unbreached where it is sealed. Again, legal pro-
ceeding may result from failure in this regard.

5. Special Requirements: This transit contract is under the strict proviso that
no information about said contract will be shared with any other corporate,
military, or private agency, body, or persons, and that this stipulation will con-

Alexander Rose (order #6051232)

tinue to be in force for no less than 10 years after the contract is completed.
This non-disclosure agreement cannot be invalidated in any way. Legal pro-
ceedings... yadda yadda.

6. Legal Recourse, Duty of Care and Responsibilities: Due to the dangerous

nature of the delivery destination, this transit contract is under a substantial
fiscal remuneration, and thus the undersigned, in understanding of the signifi-
cant payment involved, waves the right to legal recourse if they befall any un-
foreseen hardship, loss or fatality during the execution of this contract. While
MentAI Industrial Computronics Inc will do all in its power to fulfill its Duty of
Care Obligations, it cannot be held responsible under this contract for mishap,
misadventure or loss resulting from the carrying out of this contract. Unless
otherwise stipulated above, this contract adheres to the General Transport of
Cargo Rules and Regulations as laid out in the JPCA ruling on Colonial Trans-
port Contracts, Sections 1 through 47, last revised 2641.09.11.

7. Signatures and Contract Agreement Declaration: We, the undersigned,

hereby agree to the contract stipulations as outlined in this document, and
those not outlined here but covered in the latest CTC documentation, revised

Nathanial Brown,
MentAI System CEO

Signature(s) of MentAI Corporate Signature(s) of all crew of transport

Representatives (holding sufficient vessel designation Congo-Sierra-
1 MentAI Way
corporate authority for MentAI Seven-Seven-Nine that will be
Confucius City, 1001
Industrial Computronics Inc; Confu- involved with the execution of this
cius Branch). contract.
VT: mentaiconfucius

Alexander Rose (order #6051232)

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