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static methods in interface

1) Upto Java 7v, in an interface we can only create abstract methods
2) From Java 8v onwards in addition to default methods we can also create
static implemented methods common to all implementation classes of this

3) Syntax:
public static RT MN(PL) throws EL{ //logic }

For example:
interface Example{
void m1();
default void m2(){ }
static void m3(){ }

3) Purose of static implemeted method in interfaace

- In an interface static implemented method is introduced
for develoing logic common to all its implementation classes
and also common to all its user classes to execute this logic
directly by using interface reference (only by using interface name).

- Also it is introduced to for stop inheriting into implementation classes

forcing the implementation clases and user clases to access its logic
by using interface name.

- Rule:interface static method is not inherited to its implementation classes

- Hence, we must access interface static method only by using interface name.
we can not access it by using implmentation class reference, and even
we can not access it with interface referenced variable, compiler will
throw an error

- For example:
interface Example{
void m1();
default void m2(){System.out.println("Example DM m2 from Example
interface"); }
static void m3(){System.out.println("Example SM m3 from Example
interface"); }

class Sample implements Example{

public void m1(){System.out.println("Example AM m1 from Sample
class" ); }

public void m4(){

//this.m3();// CE: c f s
//Sample.m3(); //CE: c f s
Example e1 = null;

class Test02{
public static void main(String[] args){
Sample s1 = new Sample();
//s1.m3(); //CE: c f s

Example e1 = new Sample();

///e1.m3(); //CE: illegal static interface method call the
receiver expression
//should be replaced with the
type qualifier 'Example'





4) What is the difference between interface static method and final method, are
they same?
A) Nooooooooo, both are different
Diff #1:
- final method is inherited to sub class, but we can to override
means a final can be called by using sub class refence, but we
can not redefined it in sub clss

- where as interface static method is not inherited to sub class,

means we can not call it by using sub class reference
Diff #2:
- If we override final method in sub class, we will get CE
- If we override interface static method in sub class we will not get
compile time error,
it is considered as sub class own method.
- In sub class we can define the same interface static method
method signature by changing returning and ELM and AMs

5) What is the difference between interface static method and private method, are
they same?
A) Nooooooooooo, both are different
- interface static method we can call either in implementation class and in
user class
- but private method we can not call from other classes

- common point is
if override either private method or interface static method.
it is not considered as overriding method, overriding 4 rules are
not applied
we can add any RT, ELMs and AMs

6) What is the differences between inteface static method and class static method,
are they same?
A) Noooooooooooo, both are different
- class static method is inherited to sub class, can override in sub class,
all 4 overriding rules are applied
we can call it either by using super class name, super class referenced
or by using sub class name, sub class
referenced variable

- inteface static method is not inherited to sub class, can not override in
sub class,
if we override, overriding rules are not applied, it is consided as sub
class own method
we can add any RT, ELMs and AMs

we can call only by using it inteface name

we can not call it by using either interface referenced variable,
or by using sub class name, sub class
referenced variable

7) What are the the differences between default method and static methods in an

Diff #1: When to choose

- When you
1) want inherit a method to implementation clases and
2) want to allow implmentation classes to override the
interface given default implementations,
3) want to force to invoke this method
by using implementation class object,
then you must choose default method

- When you
1) do not want inherit a method to implementation clases and
2) do no want to allow implmentation classes to override the
interface given default implementations,
3) do want to force to invoke this method
only by using interface name, no by using implementation
class reference
then you must choose static method

Diff #2: purpose and calling rules

- default method is meant for executing logic for implementation class
hence it is alloed to call only by using an implementation class
Sample s1 = new Sample();

Example e1 = new Sample();


//Example.m2(); //CE:
//Sample.m2(); //CE:

- where as static method is meant executing logic without

implementation class object
Hence we must call static method directly with interface reference
Sample s1 = new Sample();
Example e1 = new Sample();
//s1.m3(); //CE:
//e1.m3(); //CE:
//Sample.m3(); //CE:

Diff #3: inheriting and implemenating

- default method is inherted and can be override, and all 4 ruels are
- static method is not inherted and can not override, if we override
not error, all 4 ruels are not applied
it is consider as sub class own method and we can add any RT, ELMs
and AMs

8) Identify are there any compile time errors in the below program?
interface Example{
void m1();
default void m2(){System.out.println("Example DM m2 from Example
interface"); }
static void m3(){System.out.println("Example SM m3 from Example
interface"); }

class Sample implements Example{

public void m1(){System.out.println("Example AM m1 from Sample
class" ); }

public void m4(){

//this.m3();// CE: c f s
//Sample.m3(); //CE: c f s
Example e1 = null;

class Xyz implements Example{

public void m1(){System.out.println("Example AM m1 from Xyz
class" ); }
public void m2(){System.out.println("Example DM m2 from Xyx
class" ); }
public static void m3(){System.out.println("Example SM m3 from
Xyx class" ); }

class Pqr implements Example{

public void m1(){System.out.println("Example AM m1 from Xyz
class" ); }
public void m2(){System.out.println("Example DM m2 from Xyx
class" ); }
public void m3(){System.out.println("Example SM m3 from Xyx
class" ); }

abstract class Mno implements Example{

//public int m1(){System.out.println("Example AM m1 from Xyz
class" ); }
//public int m2(){System.out.println("Example DM m2 from Xyx
class" ); }
int m3(){System.out.println("Example SM m3 from Xyx class" );
return 5; }

class Efg implements Example{

public void m1(){System.out.println("Example AM m1 from Efg
class" ); }
public void m2(){System.out.println("Example DM m2 from Efg
class" ); }
public static int m3(){System.out.println("Efg SM m3 from Efg
class" ); return 5; }

void m4(){

class Test02{
public static void main(String[] args){
Sample s1 = new Sample();
//s1.m3(); //CE: c f s

Example e1 = new Sample();

///e1.m3(); //CE: illegal static interface method call the
receiver expression
//should be replaced with the
type qualifier 'Example'




Efg e = new Efg();


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