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a. I will come to your party if you invite me

b. I would come to your party if you invited me
c. I would have come to your party if you had invited me

a. She will help you if you call her

b. She would help you if you called her
c. She would have helped you if you had called her

a. They will swim at the beach if it is Sunday

b. They would swim at the beach if it were Sunday
c. They would have swum at the beach if it had been Sunday

a. Jim will win the competition if he practices a lot

b. Jim would win the competition if he practiced a lot
c. Jim would have won the competition if he had practiced a lot

1. If you prepare better you (will get, would get, would have got) better result.
2. Thomas would have finished earlier than us if he (does not have, did not
have, had not had) mechanical problem.
3. Billy will get an invitation if he (apply, applies, applied, had applied) the job.
4. If I were you I (will accept, would accept, would have accepted) the offer.
5. If Jane had prepared herself well, she (will get, would get, would have got)
score for her last examination

Change the bracketed words into the correct forms!

1. The workers can make shoes more quickly if they (Use) the new method.
2. What would you do if your boss (fire) you? fired
3. Were I in your position I (do) the same thing like you. would do
4. Had I known you were absent I (not go) to school either.would not have gone
5. Please call me if you (be) in trouble. are
6. I would not go out if it (rain) now.
7. Johan usually (stay) at home if he does not have any extra money.
8. All of us would have gone to your party if you (invite) us.
9. Had I known all of your address, I (invite) you all.
10. Could I resign from this program if I (marry) with somebody?
11. Don’t go out if your car (be) not really tuned.
12. I would help you if I (know) how to.
13. If only Jenny (let) me know her problem I could help her.
14. What have you done if you (be) in their position?
15. If you are tired, please (take) some rest.
16. Where would you go if you (have) enough money and time?
17. I think Suzan would have called me if she (know) I was in trouble.
18. Jeff would be angry if you (give) his money back late.
19. Nobody (trust) you once you tell them lie.
20. I think she could do it if she (try) it hard and more seriously.
21. This car will create great noise if you (drive) it fast.
22. Had Andy not been absent, he (take) us to the education show.
23. Don’t worry, the doctors will do an operation if they really (think) you need it.
24. Sally would not have got a serious accident if (drive) her car more carefully.
25. Ten minutes is enough if you (do) the exercise regularly.
26. I could help you if you really (need) it.
27. Max would give me half of the prize if he (win) it.
28. Bill can borrow my car if he (want) to.
29. Can Sam come here on time if Gina (need) him.
30. If Judy had handed in his work on time, his teacher (be) angry with him.
31. Would Ted be angry if you (tell) him what really happened with his sister?
32. What would Tsana have done if she (know) that she had a chance?
33. Please (stay) with us if you have nowhere to sleep in this town.
34. You would not have come late if you (wake) up 10 minutes earlier.
35. My sister could catch up with the lesson well if her teacher (explain) the subjects
more slowly.
36. If Tom (break) the rules please tell his boss.
37. Jim would be promoted abroad if he (speak) English well.
38. Had Bill completed his homework her mother (let) him go out with us.
39. I will (send) some messages as soon as I (arrive) in Tokyo.
40. Would he help us if we (ask) him to?

If - 1
1. She will call me if she (have, has, had, has had) a problem with her report.
2. Please you wait for me if you still (need, needs, needed) more information.
3. I would have come if I (am not, was not, were not, had not been) busy.
4. Phil would not come late if he (wake, wakes, woke, had waken) up earlier.
5. Arnold would have got good scores if he (study, studies, studied, had studied harder than
usually he does.
6. The police would not arrest him if they (does not have, did not have, had not had, were not
have) strong evident.
7. I would have come if you (invite, invites, invited, have invited, had invited) to your party.
8. Donovan (will not be able, would not be able, would not have been able) to buy a house if
he cannot control his spending.
9. Sammy would have forgotten to bring the bill if I ( don’t remind. didn’t remind, doesn’t
remind, hadn’t reminded) her to
10. My father will permit me to go to concert if I (go, goes, went, had gone) there with my
11. If Mr. Abdullah (is, are, was, were, had not) satisfied with their service he would
(complain, complains, complained, have complained)
12. Sue would not have come late if she (hasn’t overslept, doesn’t oversleep, hadn’t
overslept, hadn’t oversleep)
13. The programs wouldn’t run well if all parents of the students (aren’t support, don’t
support, didn’t support, hadn’t supported) us.
14. Fred’s house would be safe from the earthquake if it (has, has had, have, had, had had)
strong construction.
15. Vanessa won’t be mad if you (keep, kept, keeps, would keep, had kept) you promise.
16. Their captain class would have to work harder if some of the students (are, were, have
been, had been) absent today.
17. William (gets, get, will get, would get, would have got) good scores if he had prepared his
test better.
18. Our instructor won’t let us leave the room if we (don’t complete, didn’t complete,
weren’t completed, haven’t completed) all the form yet.
19. Metal (will expand, would expand, would expanded, would have been expanded) if it is
heated intensively.
20. The prices would be much higher if the supply (is, was, were, have been) much lower
than demand.
21. If the weather (is, was, were, had been, have been) good, the accident wouldn’t have
happened tragically.
22. They would give you huge reward if you (are, is, was, were, have been, had been) able to
meet their need in such a short time.
23. Donna would forgive Sam if he really (regret, regrets, regretted, has regretted, had
regretted) what he did to her.
24. Adam (will be fatter, would be fatter, would have been fatter, would fatter) if he ate lots
25. Tom will forget what to do today if you (aren’t remind, don’t remind, didn’t remind,
hadn’t reminded) him.
26. The alarm will sound if someone (pass, passes, passed, had passed) this room without
our permission.
27. If his instructor spoke loudly enough Alan (will understand, would understand, would
have understood, had understood) what to do.
28. If Jenny (doesn’t put, didn’t put, hasn’t put, hadn’t put) her keys carelessly, she wouldn’t
have lost them.
29. If the heavy traffic (doesn’t hold, didn’t hold, hadn’t hold, hadn’t held) Jimmy up, he
would not have (miss, misses, missing, missed) his flight.
30. Don’t blame Steward if he (isn’t bringing, doesn’t bring, didn’t bring, hadn’t brought) the
proposal, it is my mistake not to remind him.

1. Adam would come here if we (ask, asks, asked, are asking) him to.
2. Thomas will be very tired if he (is, was, were, has been) too busy.
3. I would be very happy if you (can, could, could have ) help me.
4. They will pay their debt if they (has, have, had, have had) enough money.
5. Julia could be the winner if she (work, works, worked, had worked) hard.
6. If you (are, were, have been, had been) in my position, what would you do?
7. If Sonya (do, does, did, has done) her best, I think she is bound to her success.
8. If my uncle (live, lives, lived, was living) here I would visit him every day.
9. Mrs. Voltaire will call us is she (is, do, does, did) not know what to do.
10. Please let me know if I (am, was, were, have been) in a wrong position.
11. Some people usually (spend, spends, spent, will spend) less money if they want to
buy a large property.
12. If they (do, does, did, were) pay their installment on time, we would terminate this
program in the third moth.
13. People sometime wish there (is, are, were, have been) more than 7 days in a week.
14. I think my friend will call me if she (need, needs, needed, is in need) my help.
15. All the flight would be cancelled if today (is, am, are, was, were) very cloudy.
16. Jim’s uncle wouldn’t be mad if Jim (tell, tells, were telling, told) the truth.
17. Sammy will call me if he (know, knows, knew, had known) I (am, is, were, had been)
in a serious trouble.
18. If there (is, are, was, were) too many applicants send their applications, we would
extend the admission day.
19. Fgngfn
20. Gfngfn
21. Fgngf
22. Fgnf

 If it is raining, just stay here
 If you are late, you must pay some fine
 If the weather is good, they usually play out side
 Please stay here in case some of us needs your help

Type 1
 You will come late if you miss your bus
 My parents will come to the party if the host invites
 If the host invites my father, he will come to the party
 Your iron fence will rust if you do not paint it
 If I have much money, I will lend you some.

Type 2
 I would fly far away if I owned a pair of wings
 I would fly far away if I had a pair of wings
 If today were Sunday I would not study like this
 Sam would be here if I invited him

Type 3 would+ have . . . . . verb 3

 Jame would not have gotten an accident if he had
driven his car carefully
 The Police would have arrested Jim if he had done
something wrong
 I would have come late if I had waken up late

Know knew known

1. If I enough money, I will buy a new skateboard. (have)

2. If you help your mother, she very happy. (be)

3. If Mary (help) in the kitchen, she will get more pocket money.
4. She will be angry if you the truth. (not tell)

5. You will have to walk if you the bus. (miss)

6. If Tom is at home, he TV. (watch)

7. The baby if you are more quiet. (sleep)

8. If he is in San Francisco, he Golden Gate Bridge. (see)

9. He to the doctor's if he doesn't feel well tomorrow. (go)

10. We good marks if we don't learn. (not get)

11. I to the USA if I have enough money. (travel)

12. If they a car they will drive to Italy. (buy)

13. If I work harder I the exam. (pass)

14. If he his car he won't get much money for it. (sell)

15. If he tells me the truth I glad. (be)

16. If I was offered the job, I think I (take) it.

2. If she (be) hungry, she would eat something.

3. If he studied, he (pass) the exam.

4. I (send) you a postcard, if I had your address.

5. What (happen), if you didn't go to work tomorrow?

6. If she has enough money, she (buy) a new car.

7. What will John do, if he (not get) the job?

8. She would be terribly upset, if I (lose) her ring.

9. Many people would be out of work, if the factory (close) down.

10. What would you do, if you (be) the president of your country?

11. If he hurried, he (catch) the train.

12. If he (have) time, he will come.

13. If he (ring) the bell, the waiter would come.

14. If I have some money I (buy) a new car.

15. If I (work) harder I will pass the exam.

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