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 Infante Vásquez Becker
 Luicho Mantilla Marck Antony
 Silva Rudas

 Lucy Lizarraga Marcelo

 English

1.Delivery progress in week 7, the project must have the following

1. Planning and organization of the project. (tasks for each participant)

Silva Rudas Make and organize the progress of
the week seven.
Infante Vásquez Becker
Plan and prepare the video.
Luicho Mantilla Marck
Collect information and images for
the production of the video.
2. Identify the activities to include in the video (minimum 5) 
• Differences between the male and female Andean condor.
• Most important characteristics of the Andean condor.
• His habitat where he can always be found.
• Its importance in nature.
• Its important role in the folklore and mythology of the Andean

3. Select the photographs (minimum 5) to present. 

4. Create a draft text with the ideas according to the topic.
Along the Andes mountain range, a majestic bird furrows the skies.
•Important note:
Considered one of the largest birds on the planet.
The female condor its head is gray and has no crest, it has red eyes and
the male condor has a prominent crest, the color of its head is pink and
it has brown eyes.
Andean mountains of the Colca and Moyobamba canyons as well as in
the jungle.
• Importance in nature:
They carry out the work of purifiers, thus accelerating the
decomposition process of dead animals and reducing the risk of diseases
associated with the slow putrefaction of animals.

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