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“Hitler Made many promises to the country of Germany in order to come to

power. Most of the promises he made, he did not keep. After WWII Germany
signed the Treaty of Versailles which was the main cause of Germany's
economic problems at the time. The U.S. made loans to Germany to help with its
failing economy. But when the market crashed in 1929, the U.S. could not
continue to help out Germany. This helped set up Hitler perfectly. The people of
Germany were looking for someone who could help fix all of the ongoing
problems they were facing in Germany. At the time they had lost faith in their
governments ability to take care of its citizens. Hitler believed he could help the
people in Germany and he promised them all relief. He also promised jobs for the
unemployed and a market for the farmers' goods. Hitler began to appeal to
people's emotions instead of their reason. The people of Germany heard what
they wanted to hear and ignored the violence of the Nazi party. Hitler blamed
Germany's problems on the "corrupt" politicians, communists, and Jews. He told
Germany that if they got rid of them, all of Germany's problems would vanish and
the whole country would improve. Many people in Germany protested Hitler's
ideas and reasoning. They put blame on him for all of Germany's problems. The
people that did disagree with Hitler were faced with violence. Many were forced
to leave the country to save their lives.”

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