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Living Canvas

Bard College Upon attaining 14th level, when you ingrain a spell, you can
instead put that spell on a piece of armor or equipment.
College of Canvases Whenever a creature is holding or wearing the ingrained
object, they may cast that spell as if they knew it, using your
Bards that study under the College of Canvases let magic flow
spellcasting ability as the modifier for any saving throws or
from their heart and onto a page, releasing their creativity into
spell attacks the spell creates. You may only have one ingrained
a visual medium, rather than song. While this doesn’t restrict a
spell placed on equipment at a time.
bard from channeling their magic through music, bards of the
canvas tend towards painting, sketching, or some other physical
Created By: Underpaid_Goblin

medium to cast wondrous spells.

Art By: Sandara

Spirit of Creativity Published by: Re-brew

Starting at 3rd level, you gain a set of Painter's or Calligrapher’s
Supplies, your choice. (A DM might allow you to choose
alternative tools such as Woodcarver’s or Potter’s Tools.) You
also gain proficiency with the chosen tools. You can consider
your chosen tool the spellcasting focus for your Bard spells.
Your magic inhabits specially designed symbols that invoke
the arcane. To cast a Bard spell that requires somatic
components, you illustrate or produce a pre-drawn icon that
represents the spell. This image channels your spell through it,
and burns itself away after the spell ends.

Arcane Artistry
When selecting this subclass at 3rd level, you may choose to
specially ingrain one spell you know into a small portable
surface such as a piece of parchment or wood over the course
of a long rest. The ingrained spell must be of a level equal to or
less than a third of your Bard level. When you cast this
ingrained spell, the mark burns away and the spell is cast
without consuming a spell slot. You may have one of ingrained
spell at a time, and creating a new one causes the oldest mark
to fade.
You may have up to 2 ingrained spells when you reach 6th
level, and 3 ingrained spells at 9th. Any time you ingrain more
than one spell, each spell must be a different spell of a level
lower than the one before it.

Vibrant Inspiration
Also at 3rd level, you may use your Bardic Inspiration feature as
an action to draw or affix a symbol onto a creature that is
adjacent to you. Whenever this creature rolls your Bardic
Inspiration die, they add an amount to the roll equal to your
Charisma Bonus.

Walking Ink
At 6th level, you craft a little helper from an image you create.
As an action, you can animate the likeness of a tiny creature or
object you have drawn or sculpted, as if you had cast the spell
Tiny Servant on it. You bring the creature, called a scribbled
servant, into three dimensions if it was 2-dimensional, and give
it limited sentience. The spell lasts up to 1 hour, and for each
scribbled servant created past one, the remaining time for all
previous servants is halved.
You may use this feature a number
of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
spent uses after a long rest.

Re-brew | Canvas
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