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RoGuISH ARCHETYPE: WAYFARER SPACE BENDERS You have awoken the hidden skill and passion of stepping through folds in space. As ifprecisely cutting the coin sack of an unaware sightscer, Wayfarers can cut open Doorway to infiltrate, escape, maneuver, or attack While you can wield these talents playfully, experience and discipline will transform an impressive parlor trickster into a reality bending master. pirate phasing between ships, an elusive burglar suddenly appearing inside an invaluable vault, ora spell-hunter following a wizard through dimensions are all possible destinies for a Waylarer Rogue. ‘TWO-WAY TICKET 3rd level Wayfarer feature ‘When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can use your bonis action to create a visible but intangible rift in space called a Doorway in an unoccupied space that you can see ‘within 30 feet of you. Asa part ofthe same bonus action, you can switch places with the Doorway. On subsequent turns ‘you can use your bonus action to switch places with a Doorway. Ifthe Doorway's space is occupied. you appear in the closest unoccupied space. A Doorway lasts for a minute, unless you dismiss it earlier as.a free action. You can have only one active Doorway; if you attempt to create another, the frst one vanishes. Ifyoulre ever more than 120 fect away from a Doorway, it vanishes. Once you've switched places twice with a Doorway, it vanishes. ‘You can make attacks through Doorways as if you were standing in their space. When attacking this way, you use your sneak attack, with an extra 1d6 force damage. You can do this special attack a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) and regain all uses when you finish a long rest The extra force damage increases to 2d6 when you reach 10th level in this class, and again to 3d6 when you reach 17th level in this lass, ‘TRAVELLING SIGHT 3rd level Wayfarer feature ‘You gain the ability to see into the Ethereal plane at will Additionally, you automatically detect traces of any ‘teleportation magic that has been active in the last 24 hours. ‘This gives you no further information. ‘Asan action, you can focus on a trace of teleportation ‘magic and make an Insight check against the caster's Spell ‘save DC to spy into and through it. On a success, you create an invisible sensor at the teleport's destination that lasts for uup to one minute. You can see through the sensor as if you ‘were there. Ifthe destination isin the same plane of existence as you, you learn its approximate distance and direction from your position. I's on another plane, you learn which plane its only if you have already travelled to it Once you've used this action, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, PHASING TRAP 9th level Wayfarer feature ‘When you use your uncanny dodge feature, you can teleport upto 15 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Ifthe trigger was a melee attack, the attacker must make a Strength saving throw or be ensnared by a faulty rift in space you leave behind, whereby their speed is reduced to O until the start oftheir next tur. ‘This and other Wayfarer features might force a creature to make a saving throw to resist the features effect. Those saving throws! DC is calculated as follows: Wayfarer save DC ~ 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier, CRossING PATHS 13th level Wayfarer feature ‘You can now have up to two active Doorways, and no longer need to see the space where they will appear While both your Doorways are active within 60 feet of one another, they are connected and: ‘+ The space surrounding one is visible when looking at the other, as iflooking through a spherical window. ‘+ Creatures can can attempt to step through one into the other as part of their movement. You can freely allaw or deny passage over this connection. When a creature attempts to go through and is denied passage, they must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be unable to do s0 until the start of their next turn, EXALT DIMENSIONS 17th level Wayfarer feature Once per long rest, you ean as an action overcharge the extraspatial power of your Doorways, Choose one of these wo effects: ‘+ Exalt Dimensions: Collapse. Every creature within 10 feet ofa Doorway must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, they take 6d6 force damage and are {eleported together to a point you choose within 500 feet, appearing on the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. On a successful save, they take half of the damage and are not teleported Ifa creature is within the area of two Doorways, the effect is combined: they make only one saving throw with disadvantage, and the damage increases to 946, Once you use this feature, your power is drained, and you become unable to create Doorways until you finish a ‘short or long rest, = - ‘+ Exalt Dimensions: Open. All willing creatures of your choice within 5 feet ofa Doorway are teleported to a place you have seen before. THIS DOCUMENT WAS LOVINGLY CREATED USING GM BINDER, =| BINDER Ifyou woud ke o suppor the GM Binder developers WWW.GMBINDER.COM consider joining our >a community

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