Vocabulary 3.5

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Comenzado el martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019, 16:50

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019, 16:57
Tiempo empleado 7 minutos 11 segundos
Calificación 100,00 de 100,00

1 Press is one of the many means of communication. However, its purpose is specific and it is focused on the information given by newspapers and magazines,
Correcta and those parts of television and radio that broadcast news, or reporters and photographers who work for them.
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Now let's see some important vocabulary.


a person who writes and My cousin wants to be a journalist because he likes
reports the news to write and he is interested in currentevents
a journalist who works for a
media network and (usually)
Major news networks often have several foreign
correspondent (n.) reports on a specific topic
correspondents working in many differentcountries.
(such as foreign news, sports,
business, etc.)
Mainstream news networks often hire attractive
a person who reads the news
anchor (n.) news anchors to get more people to watchtheir news
on TV
a person who works in politics Journalists often interview politicians about
or serves in the government important government stories.
A network is a group of two or CNN is one of the most famous networks for
more systems linked together. broadcasting news.
Many people are interested in the love lives of
a person who is famous celebrities.
celebrity (usually an actor, actress,
Many celebrities attended the awards show last
singer, etc.)
newspapers and magazines
Tabloids are very popular because people enjoy
tabloids that focus on celebrity news
reading about celebrities and theirrelationships.
and exciting stories
sensationalism exaggerated news that seeks Tabloids are often criticized for focusing on
(n.) to get people’s attention sensationalism and stretching the truth.
exaggerated news that seeks I don’t trust tabloids because they tend to
sensationalize (v.)
to get people’s attention sensationalize the news
the attention given to a news The BBC gives a lot of coverage to international
coverage (n.)
story by a media outlet news.
Tabloids tend to cover celebrity news and romantic
cover (v.) to report about a story or issue
to change the truth and try to People used to get their news from print and
manipulate influence people to agree with broadcast media, but in recent years more people
your opinion have turned to online media for their news.
a strong opinion about an
bias (n.) issue; an unwillingness to The magazine’s bias toward art rather than photography
consider other opinions
having an opinion about an
Politicians often say the mainstream media is biased
biased (adj.) issue and being unwilling to
and unfair.
consider other opinions

Let´s practice. Choose the correct option to complete the text.

The BBC is one of the most well-known news network in the world. They are based in the UK, but they have correspondents in almost

every country in the world. On their international news network, BBC World, they give coverage to events all over the world. The

journalists are very professional-looking and they read the news clearly and with a very serious attitude. Last year, their business

journalist John Johnson won the award for Best International Business Reporting.

However, there are also many, less serious, media outlets in the UK. Every day, many people read tabloids , which contain stories about the

personal lives of celebrities and politicians . Many people dislike these tabloids, because they say that the journalists write

stories that are not true and manipulate stories to try to make them more interesting. Because of this, many people protested outside the offices of

one of the country’s biggest tabloids, saying, “This is not news. It is sensationalism !” /
2 Students tend to confuse "say", "tell", "talk" and "speak", but they have different purposes. lest's take a look at the following video and you will see.

Puntúa 50,00 sobre The Difference Between Say, Tell, Talk and Speak

So, depending many different factor, you use one or another.

Now, let's practice. Choose the best option to complete the sentences. Read carefully before answering.

He always takes on a southern accent when he tells that story.

Hello, Martin. I've got something to say to you.

Hello, Martin. I've got something to tell you.

Hello, Martin. I've got something to talk to you about.

That girl can never be quiet. She talks all the time.

"Henry won the lottery! " - "Did he tell you that?"

"What else did he say ?"

Can you speak more slowly, please?

While we were talking and drinking coffee, they were working hard.

Speak directly into the microphone.

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