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Civil War

Sarah: Sarah: Hi Kate. You look so pale. Didn’t you sleep last night?

Kate: No, I spent the whole night working on my essay, but I’m OK. I’ve stayed up all night lots
of times before.

Sarah: Have you finished your essay?

Kate: No, not yet. I’m still working on it. It’s about the Spanish Civil War. I’ve read two articles
on it, but I’m still not ready to start writing yet.

Sarah: It’s an interesting topic. What have you found so far? Have you found anything

Kate: Well, it was between the Republicans and the Nationalists, and ended just before World
War II. Actually, it looks like a rehearsal for World War II. I want to read more about it.

Sarah: I remember my World War II essay. I did quite exhaustive research on the topic and wrote
a long essay about it. There was so much to read. I even went to the National Library in the city

Kate: You handed in your essay the last term, right?

Sarah: Yes, I did. But if you need to do some more research, I’m happy to go with you to the
National Library sometime.

Kate: Really? That’d be great! Sarah: No problem. I think I need some coffee. Shall we go and
get some for us now?

Kate: Good idea.

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