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Group 2

La Familia Mundragon

There was a man named Justin Mundragon, he is an intelligent and
charming person, he owns a Mansion and a big company.

The Mundragon family was known to be a rich and powerful family, but
what they don’t know is that the two wives of Mr. Mundragon is always
debating and having a contest on who should be the worthy in handling
the riches and wealth of Mr. Mundragon.

Gela: Good Morning Everyone, I’m Gela, the secondborn daughter of

Justine Mundragon, the richest and most powerful man in our land. He
has two wives and five children in all. His first wife is Ruby, my
mother. She is a caring and understanding to my father even though it
seems that mother’s love wasn’t enough for him.

Ruby: My dear did you eat breakfast?

Mr. Mundragon: Sorry dear, but I promised Jean that I would eat with
her at the office, just eat along with the children.

Ruby: Oh dear, isn’t today a non-working holiday? So why would you go

to your work?

Mr. Mundragon: There is no resting day in our business you know, I

should go now, goodbye.

Ruby: Ok if that’s what you want, take care of yourself and good luck
to your work.

Gela has a twin brother named Josh, he always supports the decisions
and the things that her older sister and mother does.
Josh: Hey sister, why does our mother look sad again? Did something

Gela: Take a guess.

Josh: Is it because of our father again?

(Gela nodded in her response to her brother.)

Josh: I don’t get why our father decided to marry someone again, does
our mother’s love not enough for him?

Gela: Yeah I don’t understand it either, and why does our mother
approved his decision?

Ruby overheard the twin’s conversation, she scolded the two for
talking bad about their father.

Mr. Mundragon’s second wife is Jean, she always helps Mr. Mundragon
in their business.

Jean: Good morning love, take a seat, I prepared our breakfast today,
please eat until you are full.

Mr. Mundragon: Wow, this looks tasty. Did our children ate already?
Can you make more of this? I want ruby our children to taste also your

Jean: Oh geez, please chew your food first before eating, and please
don’t talk about ruby when we are together.

Mr. Mundragon: Aww love come on, I only wanted us to bond and be a
happy family, please don’t be like that.

Jean: Well if you wanted to “bond” then don’t talk about ruby in front of
Mr. Mundragon was sad because of the way that his family is
treatingeach other. But he focused first on his upcoming business trip
in his other business branches to help them.

After coming home from the business trip, Mr. Mundragon shown signs
of weakness and intense cough, so he quickly consulted a doctor for
his illness.

Mr. Mundragon: Good morning doctor, what was the result of the tests
that you did to me?

Doctor: Mr. Mundragon, based on the tests that we ran, we found out
that you contracted a pneumonia. Don’t worry, pneumonia is a
treatable disease, just take a rest from work, drink your medications
and please stop your smoking.

After consulting a doctor, it is revealed that he has been sick with

Pneumonia because of over exhaustion from work and infection in his

Mr. Mundragon thought that it would be a great opportunity to test his

family. So Mr. Mundragon held a meeting between his family in their
mansion, he announced the things that the doctor had said in the
hospital about his disease.

Ruby: What’s wrong my dear? Is there a problem? Shouldn’t you be

staying in the bed?
Jean: Enough with the questions ruby, let us hear first what my love
would have to say.

Mr. Mundragon: Enough with the fighting you two, I have gathered
everyone here to announce that I have a very severe illness.

The whole family was shocked because of the news.

Ruby: What? How did that happen dear? Is it because of your smoking?
I already told you that you should have quit smoking a long time ago!

Jean: You ask too many questions ruby, let my love finish what he was
about to say.

Mr. Mundragon: I said enough with the fighting! Be nice to her jean,
ruby just shows her compassion to me. As I was saying, I caught a
disease called pulmonary fibrosis—

Zeus: Pulmonary fibrosis is a serious lung disease that causes scarring

in the lungs this disease is a untreatable disease, father, are you
saying that you caught this disease?
Mr. Mundragon: Haha! As sharp as ever zeus! And yes, unfortunately I
caught a disease that given me with a year or two to live.

Mr. Mundragon suddenly fell from over exhaustion so the meeting was
abruptly stopped and everyone tend to him while he is regaining his
strength. His family slept with a heavy heart because of the tragic
news that they received from Mr. Mundragon.

The next morning, Mr. Mundragon has requested that they should eat
breakfast as a whole family, there he announced another thing to his
Mr. Mundragon: I realized yesterday that before that I die, who would
be handling our business and wealth?

Louie: Is that question still being asked? It is obviously my mother

jean. Ruby doesn’t have the skills to be able to handle our big

Josh: Do you and your family really have no respect at all?

Ruby: Watch your words josh, if it is justin’s decision to give the

business and wealth to jean, I would fully support the decision of my

Gela: But how about us mother? What would happen to us if they

decide to kick us out here? Where would we live?

Chris: Well, that is a problem of yours to solve.

Mr. Mundragon: Does this family really only know how to fight? I
brought us all together to eat not because I wanted you guys to fight,
but to unite this family as one.

Mr. Mundragon angrily left the dining room because of his

disappointment in his family. Later that night he gathered his family
again to announce what he wanted to say at their breakfast.

Mr. Mundragon: Good evening everyone, I gathered us together again

in order to say what I wanted to say this morning. This time let me
talk, and don’t fight with each other just this one time, please?

(the whole family agreed on what Mr. Mundragon said)

Mr. Mundragon: As I was saying earlier, I am looking for someone in

our family to take over our business and wealth before I would die, so I
will be testing everyone in order to find the rightful one to inherit
Mr. Mundragon handed out seeds for everyone and instructed and told
them to plant the seed in a pot and whoever grows the plant bigger
would be the rightful one to inherit his riches and wealth.

Mr. Mundragon: Treat this seed like you would treat our business, grow
it and make it healthy.

After receiving the seed, each of the family immediately planted the
seed in hopes that it would grow big and healthy. They watered the
seed everyday, and added fertilizer to make it grow

After 6 months, both of the family presented the seeds that they
planted, jean’s plant was so beautiful and full of flowers, ruby on the
other hand, presented only a pot with just dirt on it.

Jean: Ha! How can you manage a big and wealthy business when you
can’t even grow a single seed?

Ruby: I’m sorry dear, I don’t know what is wrong with our seed, it
doesn’t grow even though we watered and took care of it everyday. I’m
sorry for the failure that I presented.

Jean mocked ruby’s family because they couldn’t even grow a single
plant. After the two presented their plants, Mr. Mundragon told them
that there was no way that they could grow a boiled seed, it was all a
test of honesty, he said that he only tested if they would still show
honesty even if it meant losing. Ruby’s family is the winner of the test
that he conducted.

Jean: How could this be? I have followed your instructions my love, we
gave you what you wanted!
Mr.Mundragon: Exactly my love, you gave me what I wanted, but ruby
gave me what I needed, I gave this test to find if you will stay true and
honest to yourself even if it meant losing the test.

Because of her pride, jean couldn’t bear the embarrassment because

of their wrong deeds and presented to leave the house and that they
would never show themselves again to the Mundragon family.

As jean’s family are packing their things in preparation to leave, ruby
knocked in her room.

Ruby: May I come in jean?

Jean: are you here to laugh at me?

Ruby: Well, I wish I could but I am sad that you and your children are
leaving, is there anyway for you to change your mind?

Jean: I had wronged you many times ruby, how can you still be a good
person to me?

Ruby: Is there a reason for me to love my own family? You and your
children are also a Mundragon, we may have wronged each other
because of our different beliefs but it doesn’t make you a bad person,
We should forgive each other and forget the bad things, it is never too
late to change your mind you know?

The two hugged each other and agreed to be friends and stop fighting.
Because they are too focused, they didn’t notice Mr. Mundragon at the
window listening at them.
Mr. Mundragon: It seems that I have united my family.

Ruby and Jean was shocked at their husband.

Ruby: Dear! Jean: Love!

Mr. Mundragon: Come here you two, I have something to say to both of
you. Actually, I don’t have a severe illness, it was just an act to test
my family, and I ended up uniting my two loving wives.

Maybe the real treasures that we have are the values and the love we
all had for each other.

The Mundragon family became even more powerful and rich thanks to
the efforts of Justin’s family. Ruby, Jean and their children are now
getting along very well…

this is the end of the story thank you for reading.

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