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ae Boek —- up mere ® umeertoin My a ca K Rb Gc ED Aodioachive [ATOMIC SIZE] Anowases ¢ addition ¢} new shells . [ZONISATION ENERGY, lases E Anouases ¢ Yendency o lose eleclrons |, [BASIC NATURE OF OXIDES r Anouases : metallic nobure Invwas ea =p is sli ‘The ar i itahion of elechons int $-blach compound iy sugpivrecl for excitahon of ve alls in Ya visible sygion of wecromagneic specu uchich Ls xuponsiN dor tee coloured! shechra Element @lour élement Colour Lithium Gximson. Calcium Brick Red Sack Grolden yellow Strontium ——Oximson Ree Patassium Glac/ Violet Barium Apple green Rubidium —— Bksef sre fied. Violet “the primany force of attraction present between metal atoms in solid state 2 Ue force of metallic bond. which dypends upon :— 4) Number of valence shell alechons OC Shength ef bond 2) Size | atom Shength of bond ‘The group elements ace Lure had aw compared to Grroup 2 elements on acount af dui Larger size and lesser number of valence shell elichronss . Yhe melting point cam also be alllocled with tet help o} Ute above hrait MELTING POINT, Devuases . slrength of bond davreases as Size Increases . SOLUTIONS IN HQUID AMMONIA s-block zlements when dissolied on Jiguid ammonia produce characteristic blue coloured soluhons, that axe parornagnetic ain natives ushum the amount ef metol is Ls amd brome ved ote soluhons thal axe diamagnetic in naluxe whin the amount of metal 4s high , his is abtributed to presence of Ammoniated ekcrons un solutore whose extitahon falls in the visihle agien Gh echomagnetie apecrumn UYon landing both dilute as wellas concenbretedl solubone Loose Hrelr colour as unlhas magrihe nature duc toraduchon caused by ammoniated elechrons ; NHg nant Na*ini yn Ns Nigniinity €7 Hn NAS NH NH eo, Nea NAS eel Unpairecl eltehon upon sxtachen with @ covalent bond always causes Homalytic Jiscien of te bond anid In this procs the chchon iteel ge Hrunglerred to the more alclronigalive atom . Homolytic Fission Heteraly hie fission ale A+ 8 dws. Write balanced chemical reachon with detailed mechanisin. No. 7h. Waco Nat +e Leet poy = NaOH, uy a o', ANa +2H,0 —> 2Na0H 4 Wa cations Donic Conductance Y Tonle Mobility Wa MT (ag) re extensive hydvalion onthalpy of Ut compensates bee ereuigy suguoed dor donteahon & hence Ui bevornes Ue sbrongest veelaeing agent m soluhon L>Na> K > R> Cs us Gaon thoughe Hoe saduchon-potentiad of Lithium is maximum im solubon phase yet it reads gently with water whereas Na Kiccls violently with water ono K catches fire nis phumconeenon 4s connuded bo Kinetical Aspect « : dncase of K, the anxgy sulosed. (uses melting of Aolic metal toe Invuases the uiffoce auea available fer sitachon wiltiwaler ame hence it cottches de. Reaction with Onygen Mllalkali metals lun suacked with sagulodecl see dormahion of normal oxides, However, when treated wi te different broducls obtained ace at follows oxygen sesult tn excias of CHygin vio) ea one uta, —f touts) — Ls ti, Gino) perowide No.0, peroxide (oueess) —> No, 0 (iminor) ae —> KOs (meen) Superonide K +0, —— Cencess) — > k,0, Gino) perulels 7——_ R60. (majun) Superontict Rb +0, ——_] Concess), Lae nothing Cs +0, —> (80, (igor) suberonidly (excess) “he different produicl obtained am oxide fomahon zan be enplained on the basis of Hw prindple that smaller cahons have tendency b gst stobilizedt by Combinalien with smaller anlons whocas large cahons, Ge stabilized by anions . SIZE ORDER + o2- Se ADE tO <07%< 9; OO ae ee Or Reackion with water Luo, Lit +2047 —> 21i0H e Na0, + 2,0 ——» 9 Nao + Had, |omestt 4,0+10, 2 DAKO, + 24,0 > 2KOK + 4,0, + O, | u mh ae Tunijies th urea] AO tn ) breathing masks oe + 20 02 consume the CO, obtained ia exehalin jane amd simultoneously: produces O, 9 a6 which isinbaled 40, + 20H7 AKO, + 2H,0 —> 2KOH + tO, +O 2nOK + CO, ——> C0, + HO AKC, + 60, + HQ —> hy cO, + 40, #0, 20, —> Ho+ Lo = On 2K0, + CO,—> C oS I gece Me GOED dn ca of group 2 nutal, Be, Mg ard La form normal pisces wi Sramd Ba dorm peroxide Buy, Ba +0, ——> A J ait. #504 BL+c white insoluble in acids A> Bad, { Bat? + Of 0," Jant BaSOy) + 20), uel a5 a coxirmalory test for identification | Oy fon Merch’s Prowss For Preparation af H202 ) th Herch’s proass hydrated form of Bakiuma uaed to manufacture HO, a» te anhydrous m vaation of am impervious dayer "udacted B40, amd munce te Juachon dhrnong group 4 metals only Li combines correspondin nitrites whereas in IE M Combination” with nilrogen . ie Thib is attributed to Jormalion 4 mal tmosphere * A burning sibbon mognealur continus to glow!n am a mosp fo form corresponding nilride jo and the Aolubon * ALL metal viride upon hydrolysis berate ammoni become otkaline an nate MysNa + 61,0 > 3hy (OW, + anh, { 3Mq4t + QN3- g Ne +0 5 NHS eo aumidt ion Js NH; + 20H7 WY An unknown @mpound A produces brick sud colour when aubyected to bunsen flame. Upon Hydrolysis A produces a compoumd B which on Passing through CO, turns the solution milky dux to formation ae. Hydrolysis of A abso produces agas D which forms white cs of Ee upon suachon with Ha. Find Piccard vorite chemical jOn& CazN, + 64,0 ——> 3lalon, + ZNH, oe @) @) CaloH), + CO, ——»> ACO; + HO ee es) Ni3 = 1 Nye (dD) CB) Compoinds with Hydrogen Huspective Group 1 amd Group 2 metals combine with Ha ea is mitol hydride thot axe strongly basic In nature Im aguror these hydrides fs sulsased upon hydrolysis of ee oe tes pe dab method for preparation hy Among s-block hydridy Beryum hydridh is predominantly covalent im nature. Mt LH, ——» MH 2 eq Na+ 1H, ——> Nat 3 w+ 1,0 Nav + H,0 ——> } Ha+ OW predominantly covalent Dur to high polorizahon bower Solid State: Bell, waists sin Hae form ofa polys Auport the stale of hybridesah Reactions with Halogens with halogen to form halides of He form. Srblock slimurits olinuctly combine For a gimm rattad, tu mial flourile is most ionic in nature dite to-small 4ize amd highest elechonsgatiuily of Fluorine atom oe ake eens il) KF+ BF, B 1) Draw solid state shudure of Bell, i) KT le KI (Kt + a} @) KF+ BF, —> K[8Fy size HE sasi2pr f : ooo Bl itor ah ies ; ae Bry F: i K (BA) Osh - “Na Sps Solvey Ammonia Seda Process “the procs is specifically used for preparation of sodium atone aes potassium carbonate (K,(03) cannot be prepared on acount of the hig Solubility of ‘HHCO, in water. In this prociss CO, gers is, bubbled through am a Bee ste sess which Leads to formation gf ammonium carbonate in prese 7 9f £0, emmonium bicarbonate 2s obtained « imeeeseeccsee his solution also satunated with Brine fconumbra he double displacmunt bw ammontum bicarb Hlorids Leads to formation of sodium bicartonate breditated cu to tue law soldbility of NaHCO afect of sodiun chloride . NallOs upon shong heating produces sodium evolution of &. g a - ANNs + HO + CO, For mamufactiring Na,CO> ¢ d th thin muthod Sodiwm chloride us made to sacl with sulphuric aud 200 foform sodium sulphate along with. Hil oy 4, pe sodium subphale is furtin raced with carbon im presence of CalOs to G27 a miritine of sochivyn carbonate (Na(0,) amd. CaSB, along with Uberabien OO, The CaS being lors sclublle can be tasily sumoved from ogucus solubion f Na,CO, 2Nade + H,S0y ——> Na,S0y + Luss volatile acid always olaplaces more volatile aud from its ale Na, SOy +4c + G@to, 4 Na,Co, + CaS + ACO T Can be separated on te basis of clifference solubiliy Same proarso% K{O; : Pearl Ash Reactions of Sodium (arbonate Yon treatnunt with dilute acids it produas corresponding sale alegy wth Aiberalion of carbon dicnide (¢o,) ) ——Naz(O,+ 2H ——>y Nat + HO + @, Upon xaaclion With exass of CO, in presence of wate i gorms Nalco; . 2 —Na,(O3+ H,0 + (0, ——> 2NaHco, Ruaction with non- metal onicles s an presence of sbong heal , No,CO, combinss with noncmetal ortiles toJorm alls abong Mah diberation. of (Os 2 Na,(0,+ Si, “> Nasid; + CO, Sodiym silicate Na, Co; va Na,0 + CO, t CBRET RAE) = BASIC SCHEME 2Nat +07 — & SiO, > si0g* Cow-ont) ra Nasio; < Sodium silicate Gus tart bolancec: cumical exackons for tach of the following | Nato; + So, ——, Naso, + 1coO7 a NatOr ch "ee; 2s No,so% + €Oz Aqueus soluhon of CO," esa hosic sin ration clue to He Uydrolysis f Carbonate ions GOs FO. ucoOs - one WcOs” + 10 ——> 4) eee “ons of cons with walee Ladivig to chunge ire pa of system 4 called Hydrolysts Curmieal No,l05 wlan sacked with aguous solution of sallsof highly elacrobacihice ees seoults, im Jormabon of saspedve cavhonales However, sm cube 2 Loss sicrebaine rmutals corresponding basic metal carbo, nates au obtained - Nas + QU, ——> Gl,\ + 2Nae No,S03 + Bath ——_ Bale animes ANa(Oz + AMgit, +8H,0 —_, Hg (O,. Hg Cow), + Nace + co, Basie Mg Carbonate. 2 ¥ ANa,Os; + 24450, ——> ANa,S0y+ coo + auco,, on), t+ 120 t Basic cohpuc cartonal: Maladhite green Caustic Soda Naon ee 5) l “ Preparation: By abchlyeis of ag. Brie solution (Nott sel -Workung Frinciple Cation 1 Nat {fom Natt} miei erevee { from Natt} Ht From wal} on {fom wate} QHT+ 2e-—> WT QU —> Clg + Re™ Nat log) # OH lag? —-y whurr subjected by Crystallaation lo produce NadH NELSON ade Clacholysis 1s cavuul out un & 2Naou + ad, — > Naw + Naho + 120 dilecte 6Na0H + 34 ——» 5non ah Nallo, + 34,0 cont eg of cLisproportonahun reach en ds to be prevented. rom vuachng with Nao formud Thus is takin cat tn NELSON CELL Grrafite anocte CF) yogis 1 tae Pecforated Asbestes Perfortited Steet cathcote abo be Lad bh elechrelysis GY Nate Hiacling 2 formaben of Nee ig usuel os etieds oul in Casta - Relbave Gildan which FORGED Nie cuccouiml of ts 31779 cut to tohith preferential uecluchon of soduun 0 tendlunyy bo form Amalgam, im Kylromidle. he soclum Armadoam upon Hydralysis farm sodlitm Hydro: 4) With acid» Nad! HG! | > Nate eamrre) 2Na0n + H,S0, ay 2) Reaction with acide oricles Na,s0y + 24,0 2Na0H + CO, ——» Na,Co;, ae 2Na0n oo SO.) ey Na, S05 2NQOH + SiO, ——> Na,Si0, D Reachon with amphoteric metals 2Na0H + 2AL —» QNaAlo, + + 2u,0 4) Riachion with Non- Metals NaOW reac with Non- Metals wa | uindengaes. seidox. 4aachon y corresponding oo avid Hetheby berating H(, 2B + 6NooH — With otwe + Nato “ + Naow# ——> Natt : seo! Nat + 0 f } / axe -aniei) , + NaQH ——+ Nate + Noes (cone) Nat + 05” 8) Riaction with Phosphorus (while P) Py + 3Na0H ——— Phy + ZNaH, PO, (whitey + 32,0 Phospféne Sodiumn hypophosphite 6) Ruaction with Sulphur 364 GNagd) “Seas Nee Oe aia PREPARATION LAB HETOD Merch?s Proans 3Ba0, + 2H2S0, ——————> 34,0, + SBaSO, + Wyarated tnatead of use 4 sulphunic aciel , phocphoric cam also be usec! im the ports prea as precipitation of Barium occurs completely in the eform cf Boriun phosphate. 3B00, 42U5Pa, Erdushriad Method spiral Method ears cone. HH, SO, 250, —> HT 4 yo, - > 31402 + Bag CPO, Ya erctemt of lonisahen of 2 weak dhecrol a shong decholyle provichd Yu two between Yum, Cathode $ 1) YOSO—=s =o Il ° Perouy monosulphurie axisl ,S0— \ lows ith very WE xcom lemperalu V,0, iso dark blu, viscous Liquid v eedumvibse hydrogen bonding. te Hees bailing point of 40, a» compared lo woter justifies he guar s 5 id. bo water. of antermolucalar Kydregen bonclong in YaOn o2-combare Whe umstable nabewe of H,0, 1 attributed to presence weak perorude bend due to Lort-pare —Lonespair supulslor: of constifuunt mugens. 2) Weakly acidic un naliva 2 forms two sud 9f salts NaOH + gC, ———> NaHO, HC cium, Hydro peroxide NaHO, + NaOH ——> neo 4 Sot Peronicle iN \? dt behaves as on oniclizing agent ax ovel ak i=0—0—1 aa ° ~ ° Cais Getion in 0) Acidic Hedium 20, + QU 8) Basic Medium W202 + Qe- > 207 e ARS, + HO, + HS, ——> Fe, (50y)5 +91,0 Gil) MnOy—+—Hj0;—+- HO ——»>— 50 DKy [recenny] + HyQ, + HyS0y —2K [Fe eng] #2h,O+ KyGOy Potamiunm Ferro-cyanide Whimever mudiwm js not vwntiond Hun H,02 behaves cw a source of onygin atom which ds seesporsible Jor subsequent audatons . 21,0, —7 2H,O + ©, 430; —> H,0 + et H20,; —> H,0 +0 ) On PbS + 4H,0, > Peg een © cha) Coneer alana as Reachon 2 uscd un astoring colour af old Lad based. paintings. Reducing acon Whunwor 40, & usd ox a saclacing agent poygen gas Is niassarily evolved , 2M, + 54,0, +3HS0y —> 2MnS0y 480, + hySO.4 1,0 KaG207 +3HiO, + 4e50y —> (504), + 30, + 1,50, + 7H,0

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