CM72L1eL - M8 - A3 System Status Report Training Doc - 20190327 PDF

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System Status Report

System Status Report

In this training module you will learn about:

 The Chromeleon 7 System Status Report tool

System Status Report

1.2.1 What is the System Status Report Tool?

You can use the System Status Report (SSR) tool to capture most of the necessary information
for troubleshooting problems with Chromeleon/DCMSLink. This includes the Chromeleon IQ
report, Chromeleon Server Configuration and various log files.
The resulting report files are collected in a single folder, thus they can be sent conveniently to
support personnel for analyzing the problem.

1.2.2 Availability and Installation

For recent Chromeleon and DCMSLink versions the SSR tool is installed during the setup, so
nowadays it is available on most computers where Chromeleon 6 or DCMSLink is installed.
There is also a “stand-alone” version that supports older Chromeleon versions down to CM 6.50.
Up to 6.80 SR12 this was delivered on the SR disk under.\Previous Versions\CMSSR.
The setup of this “stand-alone” version is also available on the training disk.

1.2.3. Creating a System Status Report

1.3 Chromeleon 7 System Status Report Tool (CM7 SSR)

1.3.1 What is the System Status Report Tool?

The Chromeleon 7 System Status Report (SSR) utility program provides a convenient way to
collect and package data that captures the status of a specific Chromeleon installation.
The output is a zip file, which includes various files, depending on the user's selection. This final
zip file can be emailed to support personnel enabling quick and easy identification and
elimination of errors.

1.3.2 Availability and Installation

For recent Chromeleon releases the SSR tool is installed during the Chromeleon setup, so it is
available on every computer where Chromeleon 7.1 SR3 or later is installed.
There is also a “stand-alone” version of the Chromeleon 7 SSR tool that supports older
Chromeleon versions down to CM 7.1 without Service Release. For 7.1 SR2 and SR3 this version
was available on the setup disk under: ..\Tools\System Status Report.
This “stand-alone” version is also available on the training disk.
Also there is a dedicated document describing how to use that version.
System Status Report

1.3.3 Creating a System Status Report

To create a System Status report, follow the steps below.

1. On Workstations and Instrument Controller Stations make sure that the Instrument
Controller is running before starting the SSR.
2. Run a Chromeleon Station IQ, so that a fresh IQ report can be included in the SSR.

3. Choose Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > System Status Report, Figure 2A.

Note: For full functionality the program needs administrative rights. It can run with
normal user rights but then some files e.g. Firewall and the SQL Server Error logs, cannot
be collected. To enable full functionality, start the SSR tool as administrator, Figure 2B.


Figure 2. (A) Starting the CM7 SSR from the Start menu (B) optionally as administrator
4. On the first page of the SSR Wizard provide a Destination folder for the report, Figure 3A.
By default, this is the Desktop of the currently logged on user, typically:
C:\Users\<User ID>\Desktop\SSR\.
You can change this by clicking the […] button, Figure 3B.
Click Next.


Figure 3. CM7 SSR Wizard Page 1

System Status Report

5. On the second page of the wizard (Figure 4A) you can select which information will be
included in the report. It is recommended to Select All, Figure 4C.
Click Finish.
6. The last page of the wizard appears and shows the progress and the status, Figure 4B.
Keep the Show ZIP file in folder when finished option enabled and click Finish.
7. Windows Explorer opens and shows the zipped SSR file. The file is named like:
SSR_<Computer Name>_<YYYY-MM-DD>T<hh:mm:ss>.zip.


Figure 4. CM7 SSR Wizard: (A) Page 2; (B) Page 3

1.3.4 Hints

The output zip files can be quite large, for example 12 MB (~100 MB unzipped). As e-mail
systems often refuse sending attachments lager than 10 MB consider the following
 Run the SSR two times. The single larger contributor are typically the (Windows) Log
Files (2 x ~20 MB unzipped)
 Split the zip file manually
 Use a file sharing services, like ShareFile to distribute the zip file.
The firewall log file does not exist in many cases, so don't be worried if it fails.

System Status Report

The current version cannot collect any Chromeleon objects, like sequences or audit trails. This
feature will be added in a later version.

Tip: Create a CMBX file with the data you want to send
using the Console’s File > Send To… feature.

1.3.5 Exercises

Exercise: Working with the CM7 System Status Report

Run the System Status Report tool.

Locate the System Status Report you have created.
Explore the content.
Locate the old CM7 SSR version on the training disk.

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