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COM 377 Public Relations

Campaign Research

Cynthia Aviles
Brian Szramek
Ryan Schrage
Millie Dean
Table of Contents
Cover Letter...........................................................................3

Summary and Conclusion......................................................4

Meet our Team......................................................................5

Research and Objectives........................................................6

Campaign Title Explanation.................................................25

Event and Action Description...............................................27

Breakdown of PESO............................................................30


Media Materials...................................................................33

Promotional Materials.........................................................37

Social Media Materials........................................................43

Rhonda Masie,

Thank you for your consideration of our campaign proposal. We hope

our campaign tailored towards the Bloomington Public Library has left you
interested in employing our ideas to best market your organization!

We hope by centering our campaign around promoting the usage and

perception of the Bloomington Public Library, that the library can continue
achieving its mission of offering a helpful, warm community that offers and
encourages the consumption of information and lifelong learning,

We have developed two key outcome objectives we hope to achieve with

our campaign. The first is to increase library attendance by 10% by January
2024. Our second objective is to increase library card memberships by 25%
by the end of our campaign. We believe these goals are attainable through our
campaign and would showcase the success of both our campaign and the new
and improved Bloomington Public Library.

This report contains the complete breakdown of our campaign, Don’t

Judge a Library by its Cover. Included in the report are the campaign’s contacts,
research, objectives, outcomes, budget, strategies, tactics, and materials.

Thank you again for your careful consideration. We welcome you to reach
out to any of our team members with any questions you have.

Many thanks,
Cynthia, Brian, Ryan, and Millie PR Team

“Don’t Judge a Library by its Cover” is our campaign for the Bloomington
Public Library which focuses on bringing awareness to the reopening of the
library to the public. Our campaign serves to create awareness of the library’s
new and easy-to-use resources among teenagers and adults in the Bloomington
community. The Bloomington Public Library has great resources for adults
and teens in the community to use for free with a library card. A goal of our
campaign is to highlight the BPL’s resources specifically to teens and adults so
that they can take advantage of them. Our campaign will use multiple social
media platforms to draw participants of our targeted demographics to our event.
We believe the grand re-opening event we have planned along with social media
initiatives will attract key members of the Bloomington community. We will use
our event to influence more teens and parents to come back to the library. At the
re-opening event, we will offer tours of the new and improved library, which will
showcase the new renovations and features. A scavenger hunt we have planned
for all ages will offer prizes and an additional way to feature the library’s new
renovations. Overall, we are hoping to spark teens and adults’ interest in coming
to the library while highlighting all the great new resources they offer. We plan
to accomplish these goals through executing our planned media initiatives and
grand reopening event through our campaign, “Don’t Judge a Library by its
Cover” by showing the public that the Bloomington Public Library offers much
more than your typical library.

Overall, The Bloomington Public Library has many resources that need to
be shown to the public. Our goal is to make sure that these resources are made
known to our key publics. With our campaign, “Don’t Judge a Library by its
Cover,” we have created opportunities to highlight the library’s strengths and
also target our intended audience. Additionally, we are aware that the library
wants to uphold the relationship they have with the community, and build even
more. Some key problems or opportunities that our campaign addresses is library
attendance, specifically among teenagers and adults, resource use, library card
use, and social media awareness and engagement. Our campaign addresses
these areas through our grand re-opening event with specific activities including
our snow cone fundraiser and raffle basket geared toward our key publics and
opportunities to showcase new resources through tours and a scavenger hunt.
Further, our social media initiatives leading up to our grand re-opening event
work to gain audience engagement and awareness of what the BPL has to offer.
These methods for how we are addressing key problems and opportunities are
further broken down throughout our campaign booklet.

Cynthia Aviles Brian Szramek

312-709-9605 224-358-1275

Ryan Schrage Millie Dean

618-335-9876 815-992-5697 5

The Bloomington Public Library opened in 1857, and has been providing
the public with quality service, programs, and resources. They were created
when the land to build the library was donated to them by Sarah B Withers.
After two different name changes and relocations, the Bloomington Public
Library was officially created in 1977. The Bloomington Public Library is now
undergoing a new renovation that will be finished late 2023 when they will
celebrate their grand re-opening for the public. After the reopening there will
be plenty of new, free resources for the Bloomington community to come and
use, while simultaneously making previous experiences and services easier and
more accessible. The library has a potentially great future once the renovations
are done and new services are opened and implanted. Our campaign goals is
to get the library to connect more with teenagers and adults and increase their
attendance at the library. Our campaign is centered around them promoting their
innovative new resources and getting the word out about how convenient all
these new services will be. Services offered include easy-to-use e-resources and
physical resources at the library. Our campaign is focused on putting emphasis
on the specific services we believe will bring in more members of our key
publics, teenagers and adults, and drive them to use said services and to keep
teenagers and adults coming back.

Bloomington Public Library as of 2020. Image courtesy of WGLT.


Mock up of Bloomington Public Library after expansion/renovations. Image courtesy of Bloomington Public

The library has been a staple of the Bloomington community ever since
its last relocation in 1977. The library has always helped their community and
worked towards being a great resource for those in Bloomington. In a meeting
with the library’s Director of Marketing, Rhonda Massie, she explained that in
addition to providing physical books to be rented for use, they have a bevy of
online e-resources available. All people who have a library card in the State of
Illinois are welcome to use the library’s services or simply come in and enjoy
the relaxing atmosphere. The mission statement of the library is “to provide their
diverse community with a helpful and welcoming place that offers equal access
to the world of ideas and information and supports lifelong learning,” Overall,
the library has a full range of services from virtual resources to in-person
services, which are available to members in the Bloomington community. The
library will undergo a big renovation and add several new resources once their
renovations are complete. Currently, there is a bookmobile that goes to different
locations and does a bookstop in other towns like Franklin Park, Pepper Ridge,
and other local areas, not just in Bloomington. After renovations are complete
there will be new resources, including a drive up window, three large community
rooms, two child programing rooms, nine group study rooms that can fit up to
8 people, a teen zone, recording studios, a breastfeeding station, and a sensory
friendly room. All of these resources are going to enhance what people can do at
the library. There will be three floors, each one dedicated to a specific age group.
The first floor will be for children, second floor will be for teens, and the third
floor will be geared towards adults. All of these resources are free for all who
come to the library and sign up for a free library card.


The library has a strong reputation. Based on Google reviews, they are very
highly rated. The library is rated 4.7 stars out of 5 on Google reviews with 159
reviews in total. They have great reviews about what kids can experience at the
library. The most important phrases mentioned in reviews are “Kids,” “Movies,”
“Reading,” “Library Cards and Programs.” Many reviews note there is a great
atmosphere where kids can enjoy themselves and access many resources. 11
of the 12 kid-related reviews are positive and mention the staff at the library
are another big reason why it’s a great place for kids of all ages. Based on this
information, the library has a good reputation online in terms of an enjoyable
atmosphere and resources for kids to use.

All of the results under the “movies” tab in Google reviews are positive,
with the majority of them involving how the library lets you rent up to ten
movies at a time and like books, they are easy to rent and return. All reviews
that mention movies also mention additional resources they offer like books
and music. The lowest review in the movies section was a complaint about the
parking lot not being spacious, but they still mentioned great selections and
free programs for all ages. The next category with online responses were those
that had “books’’ as the keyword for the reviews. The majority of the reviews
written are positive and mention the library is a good place for books and having
a great atmosphere to read them in. The biggest complaint for the reviews in this
category said that the library is hot and that it makes it uncomfortable for people
to read books.

For responses in the “Library Card and Programs” category there are
many positive reviews, but there is one big complaint about the library cards.
One review calls the policies and process of getting their library card “racist.”
The review of the library card policy was “all racist policies are still in place!
Racist policies. They insist on a photo ID and proof of address for a library card.
We all know when states try to implement voter ID laws, this mostly affects
minorities. Books should be available for all.” For the library this is a troubling
review for their organization because it accuses them of serious problematic
actions. However, the owner of the library did respond to this review personally


on Google and explained that every library is required by law to have citizens
who want a library card to provide necessary identification. Next, the owner
explained how even if someone were to be denied for whatever reason, they try
to do everything they can to accommodate these people by providing resources
for them such as a social service agency referral. The owner continues to explain
how their policy is similar to ten other libraries in Illinois and provides the
commenter with the contact information of a manager that could help them try
and get this issue resolved. That was the lowest Google review that was posted
online. It gave them one star, but this is the only review that was that low. And
given the context, the library’s response was well-written and directly addresses
the comment. The next lowest review is a three star review from someone who
complained about how much identification she needed to provide to update her
library card.

Overall, the Bloomington Public Library has a fantastic reputation on

Google reviews. On Facebook, they have a 4.5 out of 5 represented by 61
available responses. While Yelp reviews are also high with an overall 4 out of
5 stars review, there are only nine reviews including a single one star review.
That review is from someone who lives out of state and does not reside in
the Bloomington area. Google reviews, Facebook, and Yelp are the three
main sources with the most reviews for the library. From all the data, I can
confidently say the library, with an exception of a few outlier negative reviews,
has an overall positive, public reputation.

Google Facebook Yelp

4.7 stars 4.5 stars 4 stars


Facebook Instagram TikTok

9,540 2,082 488

followers followers followers

YouTube Twitter
34 2,056
subscribers followers

The Bloomington Public Library’s website does a great job of giving the
public details of their upcoming events. They have all their contact information
and social media pages listed at the bottom of the home page. The messages they
put out on their social media platforms reach a large audience. They have 9,540
people who follow them on their main Facebook page. They have additional
Facebook pages including one for the bookmobile with 686 followers, a page
specifically for children with 619 followers, and one for teens that has 300
followers. They have 2,082 followers on Instagram and 2,056 followers on
Twitter. That is a significant amount of followers on each social media page
for a library and for the demographics they are trying to reach. Communication
exists between followers and the organization in their posts through comments.
In comments like these, some people asked questions about their post and the
library responded to their questions with clarifications. Additionally, the library
has a YouTube channel and a TikTok account, but neither is as active or has as
many followers as their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter do. Their YouTube
channel only has 34 subscribers and TikTok has 488 followers. We see this
as an opportunity for our campaign to draw in more people on social media,
specifically TikTok.


Based on the background research on the Bloomington Public Library, one

can conclude they have a good reputation based on strong reviews and consistent
positive public attitude. However, there are different problems and opportunities
that accompany the library’s renovations. These factors that we will address can
also be used to aid the growth of this organization in the future.

Problem/Opportunity 1
The Bloomington Public Library’s mission, as addressed in the previous
section, is to “provide their diverse community with a helpful and welcoming
place that offers equal access to the world of ideas and information and supports
lifelong learning.” This mission can relate to their big renovation and expansion.
Not only will they expand the size of the library, but they will also offer a vast
amount of new services to cater to diverse groups of people.

We believe introducing the new services to their publics will be essential

to adjusting to these new changes. Seeing that the library has not been touched
since 1977, this is a big change for stakeholders and the library’s public.
Therefore, in this campaign, we want to focus on a grand-opening. This way,
the community gets the chance to experience this exciting moment with staff
members of the library. Also, people will get a chance to see the unveiling of
all the new resources available. Director of Marketing, Rhonda Massie, had
mentioned she wants to push for these resources to be used and to stress that
they are free. On the website, it mentioned the reason this renovation was started
was, “The project will improve library services to the community and allow the
library to meet the community’s current and emerging needs by incorporating
flexible, forward-thinking designs which address population growth, update
the aging facility, increase accessibility for individuals of all abilities, and
implement unique solutions to facility needs.” Therefore, this project will be
conducted in attempts to handle some previous issues such as limited space
and attracting new audiences. This is definitely an exciting project for the
community, but there still needs to be a showcasing of what the library has to
offer now including pushing for more people to enter the library and use their
drive thru services post-renovation.


Problem/Opportunity 2
Another area of concern is people not knowing how to use available
resources. According to the The Bloomington Public Library website, this
renovation project is a $25.2 million project funded by multiple stakeholders,
one of them including the community of Normal. Therefore, this organization
already has a solid reputation with the community if money was being donated
for this new renovation. Further, the Bloomington Public Library took steps to
add necessary resources. However, a potential problem is these resources will
not be used by people due to lack of knowledge on how to use them. A prime
example of this is the drive-up window, 3-D printers, and podcast studios.
These resources listed is a potential challenge because people may not use them
or know how to use them. This potential problem can be addressed in our PR
campaign by implementing tours after the grand-opening where library staff can
present thorough information and details about the new services available to the

The introduction to new resources is also an opportunity for the library

to target teenagers and adults. Though teenagers are known to be tech savvy,
there are many teenagers who have yet to have access to or use a 3-D printer or
podcast studio. This is an opportunity to open new doors and create new paths
for many teenagers. Also, the studying space will be helpful for teens studying
in the library. As for adults, they will also be given the opportunity to learn how
to use these resources even if they might be used less frequently for this specific
demographic. The Bloomington Public Library also has different social media
sites that make this section of the campaign favorable. Through social media,
the Bloomington Public Library can reach the target audiences and provide
information and incentives to come to the grand-opening and to keep coming
after this.

Problem/Opportunity 3
As stated before, the reviews from the public were generally excellent.
However, there seemed to be an issue for a few people regarding the paperwork
needed to obtain a library card. Though it is one person who made this review, it
is appropriate to address. The Bloomington Public Library’s mission statement
per their website is, “We provide our diverse community with a helpful and
welcoming place that offers equal access to the world of ideas and information
and supports lifelong learning”. Though this was one review, no organization
wants to be associated with allegedly racist policies. This review demonstrates
a discrepancy with the mission of this organization. This review can deeply


impact the organization because it seems like they are not following through
with allowing equal access to people from different backgrounds. According
to the Census Bureau Data, there are 10.1% of foreign-born persons in
Bloomington. This review about accusations of racism is a situation where
different backgrounds is not given the equal opportunity to these resources
and knowledge. In the Time article, “How Libraries Discriminate Against
Undocumented Children,” written by Erika L. Sanchez, the author speaks on the
discriminating policies libraries have on undocumented people, “Upon learning
about the government ID requirement at my hometown library, I was furious.”
Towards the end, the author discussed that this issue was solved at her library by
speaking to the director who tweaked some policies in order for undocumented
groups to be able to obtain a library card. Based on this information, we believe
there is a chance the Bloomington Public Library can face this situation in
the future. Therefore, we think they should be proactive by making sure other
resources are accessible for those who cannot obtain a library card. If there
absolutely can’t be a change in this policy, we think this is an acceptable route
as well. Additionally, the availability and inclusion of translators can help with
showing the new resources. This is an opportunity for the library to make sure
that they are aligned with their mission statement.

The Bloomington Public Library has many favorable circumstances that

make this the appropriate time to execute a grand opening. First, they will gain
media coverage from news outlets. Preferably, earned media is something that
should be pushed for this campaign but to get a jump start, the usage of paid
media can work as well. Either way, the library will receive media attention from
the public. This will bring in more service for the library, with the possibility
of people obtaining library cards. Another favorable circumstance that this
campaign has is the relation of those attending the grand-opening. There will
most likely be parents present who have teenagers and may bring them along.
This exposure to the library resources can gain attention in the teenage public, a
key public in this campaign.

Most of the factors we pointed out may be potential problems that can also
be seen as opportunities that the organization can use to their advantage. The
Bloomington Public Library’s reputation within the community includes being
involved and providing resources. This campaign is proactive because we want
to make sure that the library maintains their relationship with their audiences.
The opportunities/problems are to make sure that this organization recognizes
that these are ongoing processes that need to be re-evaluated over time.


There are a variety of publics involved in the Bloomington Public Library.

These publics can primarily be divided into six groups that include further
classifications. These six key groups include teenagers, adults, children, and
diverse groups including members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color,
and people with disabilities.

Based on a client meeting with Rhonda Massie, Bloomington Public
Library’s director of marketing, she emphasized a lot of information about the
general teenager publics, specifically grades six through twelve, and concerns
with that specific public for the library. Rhonda explained that teenagers are
difficult to reach and communicate information to. When specifically asked
about what publics Rhonda hopes to gain more engagement from, she said
“teens.” While the Bloomington Public Library currently has a teen zone, it is
small but will expand once renovations are finished in September of 2023.

In the same client meeting, Rhonda said that while teenagers are a key
target for them in this campaign, adults are also difficult to reach. Based off of
the Bloomington Public Library Facebook account, which Rhonda said is their
“most successful media,” the majority of users interacting with posts seem to
range from their mid-20s to mid-60s. This means that there are adults within this
specific public that are interacting with posts, but may not be engaged with the
library’s services or events.

Parents and Mothers:

Two important sub-publics nested within the general adult public
are parents and mothers. Parents of children ages four through twelve and
specifically mothers of children ages 4-12 are adults that are an important public
to the library. These two publics are especially important because children are
also a vital audience for the Bloomington Public Library.

Senior Citizens:
Additionally, another sub-category of the general adult public is senior
citizens, specifically adults ages 60 and older. Seniors are a key audience when
reacting to Facebook posts and utilizing the Book Mobile.


The next key public that exists within the reach of the Bloomington Public
Library is children, specifically ages four through twelve. The library currently
has a strong relation with children, and they are currently considered the most
involved public. There are several events and opportunities for children to get
involved at the library which allows for positive engagement and frequent use of
services from children.

LGBTQ+ Community:
Another key public that is involved with the Bloomington Public Library
are members of the LGBTQ+ community. This public is its own specific public
because members of the LGBTQ+ community span across the three previous
publics listed- teenagers, adults, and children. While it is difficult to determine
the involvement of the LGBTQ+ community with the library based on online
data, this group is important because as a minority group, it directly ties with
the library’s mission to “provide their diverse community with a helpful and
welcoming place that offers equal access to the world of ideas and information.”

People of Color:
Tying back into the Bloomington Public Library’s diverse and inclusive
mission statement, people of color are a key public that we want to recognize.
Similar to the LGBTQ+ community, people of color span across our key
publics including teenagers, adults, and children. We want to recognize people
of color and make it known that they have equal access and opportunity at the
Bloomington Public Library.

People with Disabilities:

The last key public for our campaign is people with disabilities. As
highlighted through the two previous publics, we want to highlight that the
Bloomington Public Library welcomes diverse communities and offers a
welcoming place with equal access for all. Additionally, people with disabilities
span across teenagers, adults, and children. This public includes both physical
and non-physical disabilities and we want to highlight new accommodations that
the library will offer including a drive up window, more accessible shelving,
wider aisles, and a sensory friendly room.


Bloomington Public Library Publics

Teenagers Adults

Parents Senior
and Citizens

Children LGBTQ+

People of People with

Color Disabilities


Order of Public Name Public How important How involved

importance to Description the public is the public is
target in the to the library’s currently with
campaign mission the library

1 Teenagers Teenagers grades

Not involved

2 Mothers Mothers of
children ages

3 Parents Parents of
children ages

4 Adults Any person age


5 Seniors Any person age


Any person in
the LGBTQ+

7 People of Color Any person of


8 People with
Any person with
a disability

9 Children Any person age



For our specific campaign, we will focus on targeting the following

publics from the previous table: (1) teenagers, (2) mothers, (3) parents, and (4)
adults. The demographics for these publics are broken down below. All data for
Bloomington, IL was gathered from the 2021 U.S. Census Bureau.

Teenager Demographics
Age 13-18
White (77.3%), Black or African American (9.7%), Asian (8.6%), and Hispanic
or Latino (6.2%)
The majority of teenagers are most likely students who attend the following
high schools: Bloomington High School, Central Catholic High School, and
Bloomington Regional Alternative School
All genders, approximately 51% identified as female

Mother Demographics
Age 20-50
White (77.3%), Black or African American (9.7%), Asian (8.6%), and Hispanic
or Latino (6.2%)
Have a high school diploma approximately 95%
Have a child age 3-12

Parent Demographics
Age 20-50
All genders, approximately 51% identified as female
White (77.3%), Black or African American (9.7%), Asian (8.6%), and Hispanic
or Latino (6.2%)
Have a high school diploma approximately 95%
Have a child age 3-12
Average household income of approximately $67,000

Age 20-50
All genders, approximately 51% identified as female
White (77.3%), Black or African American (9.7%), Asian (8.6%), and Hispanic
or Latino (6.2%)
Have a high school diploma approximately 95%
Average household income of approximately $67,000


By setting objectives and having a clear and concise campaign, we hope to

increase the usage and perception of Bloomington Public Library. While libraries
may be synonymous with books, Bloomington Public Library offers more than
just a place to access books and other reading materials. From the new ‘Teen-
Zone’ to the perk filled library cards that are offered for free, the Bloomington
Public Library has uses beyond just reading. By ensuring that objectives are
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound, the campaign can
capitalize on Bloomington Public Library’s grand re-opening and highlight the
new and convenient features the library has to offer.

An example of Bloomington Public Library’s social media post and audience

interaction. Image courtesy Bloomington Public Library’s Facebook.


The foundation of our campaign will lie upon quality content creation.
The following output objectives will help achieve our goal of bringing attention
to the library’s offerings and expanding its audience. Our first output objective
is to create promotional material in the form of stickers with QR codes that
link to all the library’s social media platforms. In pursuit of capitalizing on the
grand reopening, an increased focus on distributing QR codes during school
visits should be placed in the weeks leading up to the reopening. Encouraging
students to sticker the QR code to folders and binders that their parents will see,
will help draw attention towards the library’s social media where they can learn
more about Bloomington Public Library. With teenagers as an under involved yet
important public, we hope to increase teen involvement with the library through
social media. While the library is on nearly every platform, its TikTok account
could be better utilized to engage with teenagers, a key audience that TikTok
offers. Our objective would be to create and post content in the weeks leading
up to the grand opening. Content would be centered around the ‘Teen-Zone’ and
posted at minimum twice a week. Our final content objective would be to use the
‘Highlight’ feature on Instagram to promote library cards. With highlights being
among the first viewable things on an Instagram account, having a highlight
dedicated to the numerous free perks that library cards offer cardholders would
increase the knowledge of what is to gain by being a cardholder.

Output Output Output

Objective 1 Objective 3 Objective 2
1,000 promo Utilize Insta- Post TikTok
stickers with gram “high- content at least
QR code light” feature twice a week


All to be obtained before January 2024

Objective 1
Increase all social
media expressions
by 5%

Objective 2
Increase viewership
of social media
“stories” to 40%of

Once campaign-created media is posted and available to the community, it
is our campaign’s hope that an increased interest and interactions with all publics
can be observed. Through attentively targeting key demographics, the campaign
would like to see its measurable outtakes objectives achieved. Our campaign’s
first outtake objective is to increase all social media platform expressions by 5%
before January 2024. A noticeable 5% increase in expressions by January 2024 is
an easily measurable goal to set and highlights the campaign’s effectiveness. Our
next objective is to see a viewership equating to 40% of followers on platforms
with the time-limited 24 hour ‘Story” feature. An immediate viewership equating
to 40% of followers on stories posted to the platforms Instagram, Facebook and
TikTok will yield measurable data on interest of Book Clubs and featured events
among followers.


While outlook and outtake objectives are extremely important to the
success of the campaign, they all contribute to the largest goals of seeing an
increased presence in the library as well as an increased rate in library card
registration. Social media platform success doesn’t mean much if people are
not actively taking advantage of the programs and materials that Bloomington
Public Library has to offer. For that reason, we have set a goal of 10% increase
in library attendance by January 2024, allowing the client to measure the overall
effectiveness of this media campaign. Finally, we hope to see this campaign
conclude with an outcome of a 25% increase in library card memberships. Aside
from the fact that the client expressed an interest in seeing a higher enrollment
in library card memberships, having this set goal will allow for easily measuring
the effectiveness of campaign created content. If both outcome objectives are
met, an undeniable shift in our targeted public’s behavior has been achieved.
With these objectives in mind, the library can continue to strive.

Final Campaign Goals

Outcome Outcome
Objective 1 Objective 2
Increase library Increase library card
attendance by 10% by membership by 25%
January 2024


To summarize, the Bloomington Public Library has both strengths and

opportunities for growth and promotion that we will capitalize on through our
campaign. The library already has a strong, positive public presence through
Google reviews, Facebook, and Yelp. They also have a large following on
their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social media accounts. One area for
improvement is to increase their follower views and engagements on these
accounts and specifically increase following and engagement on their TikTok

Additionally, we want to target an increase in awareness of their grand re-

opening and all the current and previous free and accessible services they will
offer including library cards, a drive-thru, “teen zone,” LGBTQ+ book club,
3-D printers, podcast studios, events, study rooms, and a floor layout including
specific floors for adults, teenagers, and children. Further, we want to make sure
these resources are being put to use.

Next steps for this campaign includes strategies and tactics including
analyzing their social media accounts and reviewing analytics, creating a
timeline and content for social media accounts, creating a Linktree to link to the
QR codes we will create and distribute to local Bloomington high schools, and
utilize the highlight and story features for social media platforms. From here, we
will continue to act on our objectives, solidify our campaign, and pitch it to our

Image of the West Facade of the Bloomington Public Library. Image courtesy of
Bloomington Public Library.


Bloomington Public Library

Capizzo, Luke and Luttrell, Regina (2022). Public Relations

Campaigns: An Integrated Approach

Sanchez, Erika (2017). I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter;How

Libraries Discriminate Against Undocumented Children.

U.S. Census Bureau (2021).

WGLT (2020).


We have chosen the theme “Don’t Judge a Library by Its Cover” as our
slogan for our public relations campaign. We chose this theme because it
relates to what we want to do for the Bloomington Public Library. The goal
of our campaign is to raise awareness and showcase the new, free resources
that will be unveiled at the BPL’s grand reopening. In addition to the new
resources, we also want to highlight and raise awareness of the library’s
existing free resources to the Bloomington public. Director of Marketing
Rhonda Massie told us she wanted us to emphasize the fact that BPL offers
these new and easy-to-use resources, free of charge. We think “Don’t Judge a
Library by Its Cover” is a great approach to this goal. This allows the public
to look at the library through a different lens, rather than thinking it’s only
a quiet place that has books for rent. The Bloomington Public Library is so
much more than books, but not many people know this unless they have been
to the library. We specifically want adults and teens in the community to use
the free resources available to them, but we need to get them into the library
first so they can experience those resources first hand.

The library already has a slogan of “Books are just the Beginning.” We
believe our slogan can successfully build off of this and target our goal
of showcasing what all the BPL has to offer. This theme is different
from other libraries in the area. The Normal Public Library, which is the
nearest competing library, has a mission statement and vision statement
that talk about their resources, but does not advocate for diversity and
inclusivity like the BPL does or have a mission/vision statement that is as
in depth regarding resources.


We believe by elaborating on “Books are just the Beginning” and

the mission and vision statements with our campaign will make the
BPL stand out. Our campaign can inform the public that the BPL has
more resources to offer and will draw more people to use them. The
Bloomington Public Library already has resources on their website that
will describe the steps on how to use them. This is one major difference
between them and the Normal Public Library. One challenge is that
adults and teens aren’t fully aware that the BPL has these types of
resources or that said resources are hard to obtain, which is not the case.
The library offers these resources and even has a whole page dedicated
to telling people how to use them, which we want to build upon through
our campaign.

We believe “Don’t Judge a Library by its Cover’’ will resonate with

our target audiences because once our audience is made aware of the
resources the BPL offers, we can actually introduce them to these
beneficial existing resources and new, innovative resources. Our goal
through this campaign is to change the way the public views and utilizes
the Bloomington Public Library—not just a quiet place to rent books
and read, but an exciting place full of accessible, innovative, and helpful
resources. Overall, we want our audience to not judge the Bloomington
Public Library by its cover, but find out what lies inside.


As part of our campaign, we want to launch a grand reopening event for

the Bloomington Public Library on Saturday, September 23, 2023.

The event will highlight a series of activities and showcase the library’s
newest renovations and features. The event will take place from noon to
6 p.m. and utilize both the parking lot and the facility itself. There will
still be plenty of space for the public to park in the lot.

The day will start off with a ribbon cutting through the McLean County
Chamber of Commerce and a speech delivered by Jeanne Hamilton,
library director, Julian Westerhout, president of the BPL Board of
Trustees, and Mboka Mwilambwe, Bloomington mayor. The speeches
will be followed by a ribbon cutting at noon to kick off the library’s
grand reopening.

Throughout the day, the Bloomington Public Library will offer staff
guided tours to show the public around the new facility and highlight the
new features including the themed floors, podcast room, study spaces,
and more. There will be an area on the main floor staffed the entire day
as a library card set up station, where the public can come in and sign
up for a free library card. At the same front desk where the card set up
station will be, we will have staff located to answer any questions, help
with electronic library features, and as a base to give tours.

When people are done getting tours of the library, there will be a table
with Bloomington Public Library merchandise for free for the public.
The merchandise includes pens, adult and children sized t-shirts, and
bookmarks (see Budget for full breakdown of merchandise quantity
and price). All of these promotional items are important to keep the
Bloomington Public Library’s relevance because people keep these
items for a long time. Also, this is advertising the library for a low cost.
All of these items were not expensive to create and order. Any extra
merchandise can be stored for future BPL events.

Another action we will take for the grand reopening event is providing
two food trucks stationed in the library’s parking lot serving food outside
all day from noon to 6 p.m. The first food truck is Kona Ice, a snow cone
truck. We believe that during this time of year, the weather will be nice
enough to serve shaved ice and attract interested children, teenagers, and
adults. We will also have Healthy in a Hurry stationed next to Kona Ice.
Healthy in a Hurry is a food truck that serves healthy food on the go and
specializes in tacos.

To further our Kona Ice service, we will offer a librarian fundraiser

from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. where we will invite librarians from all the local
Bloomington elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools to
hang out by the food trucks and on the main floor so their students can
see a familiar face from their school. From 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., students
and parents are encouraged to purchase snow cones and tell the snow
cone truck what school they are from. Either the person working the
snowcone truck will keep a tally if possible, and if not we will have a
staff member stationed in or right next to the truck to keep score. At 5
p.m., whichever school has the most snow cones by talleys will receive
10% of the profits earned between the allotted hour time slot for their
school library.

As for incentives, the decision for a small basket raffle will be set in motion
in the campaign. The basket and entry rules will be announced on the
library’s social media a few weeks in advance in order to give people enough
time for entries. People will have to enter by following a certain criteria
which includes following the Bloomington Public Library Instagram, liking
the post, commenting under the post by tagging two friends, and an extra
entry if you repost on your Instagram story. The gift basket will include
various items from local vendors in the Bloomington area. Including local
goods ties into the library’s acknowledgment of the importance of supporting
the community. In order to get many more entries, we will include a higher
priced item that the winner can pick from. This item will be Apple Airpods
or a Kindle Reader. The reason we chose these was because they both can be
associated with going to the library and are intriguing for all ages. The raffle
winner will be announced at 5 p.m. on the day of the grand re-opening event.


The gift basket will serve many purposes in this campaign. It serves as
something to post about on the library’s social media, which is vital to
post about. The raffle will also increase traction on Instagram with all
the steps implemented to enter the raffle. It may seem like many steps;
however, doing all of those steps only takes about a minute to do. The
library will also increase audience attendance for the reopening because
if one enters, they must attend the day of the event to receive the prize.
If the winner is not present, the basket will be given to the next person.

Furthermore, in order for others to have the opportunity to win a prize,

there will be a scavenger hunt during the reopening from 3 p.m. to 4
p.m. The public will have the chance to find $20 gift cards throughout
the scavenger hunt. A one gift card per person rule will be implemented.
The scavenger hunt will include hiding little sheets of paper dispersed
throughout the library with information about what is new—embedded
in some place will be those gift cards. Therefore, people will be learning
about the library’s resources while doing a fun activity with the chance of
winning a prize.

Overall, the grand reopening will have many fun activities for all ages,
with a specific target on teens and adults. We want to make sure to
provide food for everyone at our event. The food trucks will come in
handy for anyone who decided to come later in the day since they are
there for the entire event. Finally, most of these activities and actions
are low budget, yet they have the ability to make a great impact on the
library. Any extra funds can be allocated to further helping the library
accommodate to the community’s changes as time goes on.


Having our campaign center around a grand reopening

event allows for a multitude of coordinated content to be
produced. We hope to reach both new and loyal publics through
paid, earned, shared and owned communication channels. By
carefully timing the release of promotional campaign content
and material, the campaign will slowly generate attention in the
months and weeks leading up to the library’s grand reopening
event. Utilizing multiple channels to push promotional content
will ensure that audiences are not limited to only users of
certain channels.

One channel that the campaign will use to communicate to

Bloomington-Normal metro residents is radio advertisement. This paid for
channel will allow for audiences across the Bloomington-Normal metro to be
reached. While some promotions will have barriers preventing certain publics
from being reached, all citizens in the Bloomington-Normal Metro broadcast
range will have a chance at hearing this promotional material. Another
important facet of our campaign’s strategy is communicating through owned
communication channels. One owned channel of communication will be the
use and placement of yard signs across the Bloomington-Normal metropolitan
area. Placing yard signs across the region will reach nearly all interested
publics. Investing in signs that both promote the grand reopening and promote
various library programs allows for the reuse of signs later on as well as
brings attention to Bloomington Public Library. Signs not featuring the grand
reopening may be used seasonally and could be seen as a more long-term
investment in advertising the Bloomington Public Library. The increased
audience brought by these controlled medias will benefit the grand reopening
attendance and help meet the outcome objective of reaching a 10% increase in
library attendance by January 2024.

Paid Earned Shared Owned


Other media promotions that the campaign cannot control include

earned and shared discussion and coverage of the grand reopening.
Reaching out and putting our message in front of other audiences is an
excellent way for the campaign to expand its public. The first outreach
program for our campaign involves increased visits to local schools.
Visiting schools in the months and weeks leading up to the event will
appeal to children and teenager and encourage students to bring families
to the grand reopening, which will introduce families to the perks of the
Bloomington Public Library. Additionally, the library will distribute QR
code stickers that link to Bloomington Public Library’s social media
platforms. Another piece of earned media attention we hope to bring to our
campaign is the coverage of the grand reopening event on various local
news stations and papers. By sending press releases to media outlets, we
hope to gain traction in the months leading up to the grand reopening. Since
our campaign’s event features a plethora of activities and opportunities for
local citizens to take advantage of, it is our hope that the media may show
interest in featuring the library’s unique event.

In terms of owned media, the Each strategy brings

Bloomington Public Library will utilize access to a public that
and increase presence on Instagram and may not have heard about
Tik Tok. These media platforms were the Bloomington Public
chosen since the library’s Facebook has Library’s grand reopening.
a solid following base. Additionally, With this campaign’s media
Instagram and Tik Tok will be modified focus of introducing the
to capture the attention of two of our library to new publics and
key publics, teenagers and adults. The having an emphasis on the
campaign will have 12 instagram posts grand reopening event,
that are spread across the month of we hope to bring guests
September. There are two posts that from across the region and
will be in earlier months of the year to introduce them to all the
increase the public’s curiosity. As for the great services Bloomington
posts’ designs, it was important to have Public Library has to offer.
posts remain coherent and eye-catching.
There are a few posts that have animation
to keep it uplifting and engaging.


Item Cost Description

BPL T-Shirts 3,514.80 Free T-Shirts that will be

handed out at the Grand Re-
Opening Event (270 shirts)
BPL Pens 279.00 Free pens that will be handed
out at the Grand Re-Opening
Event (300 pens)
BPL Bookmarks 45.95 Free bookmarks that will be
handed out at the Grand Re-
Opening Event (250 Book
BPL Posters 214.00 Posters printed to be put up
in schools and around the
community (200 posters)
BPL Yard Signs 135.00 Yard Signs made to place
in people’s yards (150-yard
Raffle Baskets and 8,000.00 Various local vendors and one
Gift Cards for Prizes “big ticket” item
at Re-Opening
Kona Ice Truck 1,000.00 Food Truck for the Grand
Reopening event (rented for 6
Healthy in a Hurry 1,500.00 Food Truck for the Grand
Truck Reopening event (rented for 6
Radio Advertising 5,250.00 Radio advertisement for
Grand Reopening (30
ads purchased across 7
Bloomington Radio Stations)
Raffle Basket Permit 25.00 Permit to raffle off small
business items and big ticket
Total Spent: 19,963.75

Remaining budget (out of 25,000): 5,036.25


Run September 21st 2023

Time: 30 Seconds

Organization: Bloomington Public Library.




We plan to run this ad over 7 different radio stations over 20 times per station.


Bloomington Family Dental

Greetings Dr Scoyoc,

I am Brian Szramek and I am reaching out to you on behalf of the

Bloomington Public Library to see if you are interested in sponsoring one of our
activities at our upcoming grand reopening of the library, occurring on Saturday,
September 23, 2023.
We are running a campaign for the library and are trying to draw more
people in the community to the library once it reopens to show the public the
new resources the library possesses, and we would like your help.
An activity we have planned is a scavenger hunt that will allow people to search
for and find our new resources available for all in the Bloomington community.
We believe you have a great clientele that would benefit from and enjoy the
new resources we offer, which includes anyone who wants to expand their
Our scavenger hunt, with your sponsorship, can be beneficial for both of
us. You can help draw your audiences to our organization, and we will be able to
inform our audiences about your dental services.
We are planning a whole day of activities for the grand reopening including tours
of the newly renovated areas, small business raffles, a shaved ice truck, and a
regular food truck. Our organization believes your sponsorship of our scavenger
hunt would be a great opportunity for us to make an impact in the community
We believe this will be a successful community event that will draw
public attention. I hope you will consider being part of our campaign. If more
information is needed, I will gladly provide as much additional resources and
details as I can. I am available via phone and email if you would like to reach
out. Thank you for your consideration.


Brian Szramek
Bloomington Public Library

We plan to deliver this pitch letter to Bloomington Family Dental in hopes of

developing a sponsorship for our grand reopening scavenger hunt.

Bloomington Public Library

Brian Szramek


Bloomington Public Library To Host Grand Reopening

The Bloomington Public Library will be reopening their doors to the public
and will be hosting a grand reopening event from 12:00-6:00 p.m. on Saturday
September 23, 2023.
“New resources offered include a drive up window, three large community
rooms, two child programming rooms, nine group study rooms that can fit up to
8 people, an updated teen zone, recording studios, a breastfeeding station, and a
sensory friendly room,” said Directory of Marketing Rhonda Massie.
This grand reopening of the library will open to all in the Bloomington
community and will give the community the opportunity to see the newly
renovated building and their several new resources.
There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony, a food truck, shaved ice truck, a
scavenger hunt sponsored by Bloomington Family Dental, small business raffles,
and tours of the new, renovated facility.
The library is hoping to draw in members of the Bloomington community
to showcase the renovations and all the new resources and encourage all to sign
up for a new library card.
Each floor will have its own theme for each age group. One floor will
be dedicated for kids, one for teens, and one more geared towards adults. The
updated teen zone is a place where teens can come study and create their own
Everyone in the community is invited to engage in the festivities at the
Bloomington Public Library and discover all the great, new resources they can
take advantage of by signing up for a free library card.
About The Library: The Bloomington Public Library has been a staple of
the Bloomington community ever since 1857. They are a library that has been
providing the community with as many resources as possible, which has only
grown. They provide an environment where members of the community can
conveniently rent books, movies, and so much more. They have developed and
become so much more than just a typical library. They will have a bevy of new
resources available after their renovation and want to share all that they have to
offer with the community.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Brian Szramek

Media Contact
September 23, 2023 (224) 358-1275
Media Advisory

What: The Bloomington Public Library has finished their renovations and will
be reopening their doors to the public by hosting a grand reopening event. There
will be a ribbon cutting ceremony, food truck, a shaved ice truck, a scavenger
hunt sponsored by Bloomington Family Dental, local business raffles, free
goodies, and much more. Everyone in the Bloomington community is welcome
to join in the fun and see all that the library has to offer.

Where: All of this will take place at the library and attached parking lot. There
will be available parking for all in the newly expanded and renovated parking
lot. The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place by the entrance. 205 E Olive St,
Bloomington, IL 61701.

When: Saturday, September 23 2023, the event will start at noon and continue
until 6 p.m.

Who: The Bloomington Public Library’s employees and executive staff will
be present to answer any questions. Library Director Jeanne Hamilton, and
Bloomington Mayor Mboka Mwilambwe will both be in attendance. All
members of the Bloomington community are encouraged to take part in the

Photo Opps: There will be an opportunity for a photo during the ribbon cutting
ceremony at noon. Afterwards there will be an opportunity for pictures with
the library’s director by the new sign after the ribbon cutting ceremony. Raffle
drawings will be at 5p.m.



Event Flyer

These flyers will be posted in the BPL and around the community to
promote the grand reopening event.


QR Code Stickers

These QR code stickers will be handed out to local Bloomington

elementary, middle, and high schools for students. The links takes the
user directly to the BPL website.


BPL Yard Signs

We want to use yard signs to promote our grand reopening event. In

our client meeting Rhonda said one effective tactic in the past they
used were yard signs so we want to utilize this successful promotional


BPL T-Shirts

We believe t-shirts would a good idea to promote the Bloomington

Public Library, the grand reopening, and our campaign. We have both
adult and child size shirts. Who doesn’t love a free t-shirt?


BPL Pens

We believe pens would a good idea to promote the Bloomington

Public Library and the grand reopening. Pens are a popular item used
every day and we believe fits with the theme of library promotion.


BPL Bookmarks

We believe bookmarks would a perfect promotional item for our

campaign and the grand reopening event because this is an item that
directly correlate with what the BPL is most known for: books!


Instagram/Facebook Posts and Captions

Summer is in full swing! Here

at the Bloomington Public
Library, we are excited to
also welcome phase 2 of our
renovation. We are thrilled
to show the community the
variety of resources we will
offer. The library is a space
that offers many things that
we cannot wait to show. Stay

Fall is right around the corner.

So is the special event we will
be having for the community
of Bloomington. Let’s bring
phase 2 of our renovation to
an end!


Instagram/Facebook Posts and Captions

Phase 2 has already been set in
motion. Additionally, we would like
to introduce our campaign, Don’t
Judge a Library by its Cover. We
invite everyone to come along to this
next phase with us and see what we
have in store!

*these three images will be a one post



Instagram/Facebook Posts and Captions

One of our resources for

teenagers is our teen zone!
With the renovation of the
library, our teen zone will
be going through many
more improvements to fit
the needs of teenagers in the
Bloomington area.

Can’t make it to the library? That’s

okay! BPL offers these online
resources for people to read our
catalog of books. Here is a picture
of one of our computers that looks
through the catalog in the library.


Instagram/Facebook Posts and Captions

Outside, the vibrant leaves

are falling off trees. Inside
the library, our vibrant aisle
of books is shining through as
well. We offer many genres
of books! This aisle contains
staff picks. We hope you love
these books as much as we do!

Our library has perfect

studying spots. We offer cozy
seating throughout the library.
With the renovation of the
library, this will be expanded.
We can’t wait to see you this
fall season!


Instagram/Facebook Posts and Captions

Happy Monday! We would

like to announce the
Bloomington Public Library
will have a grand reopening.
The city of Bloomington has
done its job in funding this
project. Now, let us show you
our gratitude.

Giveaway time! In celebration of

our grand reopening, we would
like to do a raffle. The basket
will include goods from local
Bloomington vendors and the
choice of either a kindle reader or
Airpods! To enter:

1. Follow the Bloomington Public

Library Instagram

2. Like this post and comment by

tagging two friends!

3. For an extra entry repost on our

Instagram story and tag us!


Instagram/Facebook Posts and Captions

5 more days until our grand

re-opening! Throughout
this countdown, we will
offer sneak peeks of our
improvements. Today we
would like to highlight
the new E-resources and
E-books that will be available.

*this series of posts will each

be posted on their own one
day indicated before the grand

Today we would like to

announce that we will have
more resources like a 3-D
printer and podcast studio. We
are excited to see you all come
in and use these resources.
Let’s get creative together!


Instagram/Facebook Posts and Captions

Today we would like to announce the
breastfeeding stations for mothers.
Parents have the right to enjoy coming
to the library and not have to worry
about how they will take care of their
children. Come to our re-opening to see
these changes in person!

Anyone who has seen the

construction of the library knows
that we will be offering much more
room! This includes more space
for study rooms! We will be having
9 study rooms that fit up to 2,4,8
people. This is perfect for study
sessions for big groups!

1 more day until our grand re-opening!

We can’t believe how fast time has
passed. We have come a far way from
when this picture was taken during
phase 1. We have included many sneak
peeks throughout the week and we
welcome everyone to come to see these
big changes to our library tomorrow!


TikTok Post

Caption: Renovations are underway! Follow along with us to see

the journey of a new and improved Bloomington Public Library!

This TikTok is a simple video showing the current construction of the BPL
and its parking lot paired with a trendy TikTok sound.


Twitter Tweets

This is a tweet showcasing

the new rennovations of
the Bloomington Public
Library and would most
likely be tweeted in April
or May 2023.

This tweet is a
reminder of the
reopening and
would be tweeted
sometime on June
23, 2023.

This is a reminder
of the event and
would be posted
the week before the
grand reopening.


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