ATP Dan Modul Nur Eka Sri

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No. CP/Element Learning Objective Material Activities Method Assessment Time

10. Listening- The students are able BKOF GBA Menyusun 2 JP
1 speaking to do introducing the 1. Students watch the video about Teks Lisan
majority. self-introducing about majority
DKV (subject, uniform,
profession etc.)
2. Students identify about some
word or expression in
introducing the majority DKV
(subject, uniform, profession
3. Students complete the
Self- word/expression on dialogue
10. Listening- The students are able introducin MOT GBA Menyusun 2 JP
2 speaking to differentiate the g (spoken) 4. Teacher give the dialogue about Teks Tulis
social function, the introducing the majority
structure text and the 5. Students classify the expression
language feature of based on the function
introducing the 6. Students identify the social
majority, fluently. function about the introducing
the majority
7. Students analyze the generic
structure, language features
about the introducing the
8. Teacher divide students into
some group
9. Teachers give PCG (Pair-work
Card Game) consist of
questions about majority
10. Students write the dialogue
which done together with friend

10. Writing- The students are able ICOT GBA Tes Lisan 3 JP
3 presenting to write about self- 11. Students choose some pictures
introducing by about the majority (DKV)
showing the self- 12. Teacher give some situation to
correction strategy open the dialogue about
include punctuation introducing majority
mark and the capital 13. Students write a dialogue about
letters. the majority (DKV) individually
14. Students do introducing their
majority in front of class
YEAR : 2023
ALLOCATION TIME : 3 meeting (7 JP x 30 menit)

Elemen Tujuan Pembelajaran

Listening- The students are able to do introducing
speaking the majority.
Listening- The students are able to differentiate the
speaking social function, structure text and the
language feature of introducing the
majority, fluently.
Writing- The students are able to write about self-
presenting introducing by showing the self-
correction strategy include punctuation
mark and the capital letters.


Beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, kreatif, mandiri, bernalar kritis, kebhinekaan
global, gotong royong.


GBA (Gendre Based Approach)/ PBL (Problem Based Learning)

Social function, generic structure, and language features of self-introducing (majority/DKV) klik
di sini
Learning Preparation
1. Teacher give cognitive diagnostic test and non-cognitive diagnostic test to students
2. Teacher prepare material, media and job sheet
3. Teacher make module
4. Teacher develop job sheet
Activity in Meeting 1
Pre-Activity (10 menit)
1. Teacher open the study by greeting and praying
2. Teacher check attendance list
3. Teacher checking students preparation to study “ask student to connect the lines from this
shape but, no repeating lines, and must not be interrupted
Main Actiity ( 140 menit)
1. Students watch the video about self-introducing about majority DKV (subject, profession
2. Students identify about some expression about introducing the majority DKV (subject,
uniform, profession etc.)
3. Students complete the word/expression on dialogue
4. Teacher give the dialogue about the introducing the majority
5. Students classify the expression based on the function
6. Students identify the social function about the introducing the majority
7. Students analyze the generic structure, language features about the introducing the
8. Teacher divide students into some group
9. Teachers give PCG (Pair-work Card Game) consist of questions about majority
10. Students write the dialogue which done together with friend
Post-Activity (10 menit)
1. Teacher lead student to make conclusion together
2. Teacher give time to answer some questions about the material
3. Teacher give reinforcement about the materials
4. Students and teacher do reflection about learning process
5. Teacher give information about next material
6. Teacher close the study by greeting and praying
Learning Activity in meeting 2
Pre-Activity (10 menit)
1. Teacher open the study by greeting and praying
2. Teacher check attendance list
3. Teacher checking students preparation to study “ask student to connect the lines from this
shape but, no repeating lines, and must not be interrupted
Main Activity (140 menit)
1. Students choose some pictures about the majority (DKV)
2. Teacher give some situation to open the dialogue about introducing majority
3. Students write a dialogue about the majority (DKV) individually
4. Students do introducing their majority in front of class
Post-Activity (10 menit)
1. Teacher lead student to make conclusion together
2. Teacher give time to answer some questions about the material
3. Teacher give reinforcement about the materials
4. Students and teacher do reflection about learning process
5. Teacher give information about next material
6. Teacher close the study by greeting and praying

a. Cognitive
Discussion, Presentation
Written Test: fill in the test (melengkapi expression), Matching-test (menjodohkan)
Assessment tool (attached)
b. Psychomotor
Written/ Spoken Test: write a dialogue (about introducing the majority), practice the
dialogue in front class
Assessment tool (attached)

Follow-up Plan
For students who haven’t reached the minimum criteria (KKM), teacher will give remedial
activity such as task for answering some questions about social function, generic structure, and
language features of self-introducing about DKV majority.
For students who have reached the minimum criteria (KKM), teacher will give enrichment
activity such as explaining about social function, generic structure, and language features of self-
introducing about DKV majority in different way.

Approved by, Jambi, 16 February 2023

Headmaster Vocational School 5 Jambi English Teacher

Indra Satria, S.Pd, M.Pd Nur Eka Sri, S. Pd


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