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1 Write the correct word in each sentence.

1 • equipment • appliances 3 • author • narrator

a Firefighters check their …………………….. a I enjoy this show, but I sometimes find it
daily to make sure everything will work difficult to understand what the ……………..
perfectly if there’s an emergency. is saying.
b They’re at the shops buying a fridge, a cooker b Philip Pullman is my favourite ………………..
and other …………………….. for their new and I have read all his books.
4 • poisonous • fatal
2 • spectacular • popular
a There are many …………………….. snakes
a This television programme is very and spiders in the Florida Everglades.
……………………..; over six million people b The bite of the black mamba snake is
watch it every week. …………………….. and can kill a human in
b The views from the top of the mountain were twenty minutes.
……………….. and I took lots of photographs.

2 Circle the correct item.

1 We didn’t see the …… sign telling us that 4 Citizens must …… the law or they could get into
U-turns were not allowed. serious trouble.
A road B traffic C light A obey B respect C involve
2 This is a very busy road, so use the zebra …… to get 5 If you see somebody stealing a car, you should
to the other side. …… the crime to the police immediately.
A bridge B crossing C tunnel A realise B survive C report
3 Cars are not allowed to park at the bus …… . 6 Female elephant seals usually give …… to one
A stop B crossing C tunnel baby each year.
A birth B care C pups

3 Fill in the gaps with the correct word stir, melt, peel, fry, add, pour or slice.

Beef Stew (serves 8 people)

Ingredients: 12 small potatoes, 4 large carrots, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 kilo beef (cut into cubes), 2
litres stock*, butter for frying.
 First, wash the potatoes and cut them in half, then 1) …………………….. the carrots into thin pieces. Now
2) …………………….. the skin off the onions and garlic.
 3) ............................ a cube of butter in a large saucepan and 4) ............................ the onions and garlic
until they are soft. Next, put the meat into the saucepan and 5) ............................ slowly with a wooden
spoon until it is brown on all sides.
 Now, 6) ............................ the potatoes and carrots to the saucepan, 7) ............................ in the stock and
turn up the heat. As soon as the stew is hot enough cover it and place it in the oven for 3 hours at 160ΖC.
*Water flavoured with vegetables, meat or fish.

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4 Choose the correct answer.

1 In the 1960s, The Beatles sang a lot of big …… . 4 In ancient Egypt, only boys …… school.
A fads B hits C crazes A attended B went C arrived
2 The Spanish built many …… on the Pacific coast 5 What are you going to wear to Jennifer’s ……
of South America in the 16th century. dress party? I’m going in a cat costume!
A regions B sites C colonies A popular B fashionable C fancy
3 Napoleon Bonaparte was considered a great 6 The Incas …… cocoa, corn and potatoes on their
military …… who led his armies to victory. farms.
A admiral B leader C tsar A grew B constructed C discovered

5 Fill in: crazy, modern, depressing, latest, thick, exciting.

1 I don't like films that don't have a happy ending. 4 Carol is really ……………………….. about
They’re ……………………………. . science-fiction films; as soon as a new one
2 Our trip to Egypt was very ............................., as comes out, she rushes to see it.
we got to do and see many great things. 5 Ben lives in a(n) …………………….. block of
3 My grandparents’ house has really ...................... flats in the city centre.
walls that don't let any noise in or out. 6 Bethany is very stylish and always wears
the ......................... fashion.

6 Complete the spidergrams with words from the list.

• cable car • raft • scooter • helicopter • van • canoe • coach • gondola • tram • ferry

……………………. …………………….

……………………. …………………….

……………………. land

……………………. ……………………. …………………….

7 Choose the correct word.

1 I’ll .......... you an email when I get to Egypt. 4 It’s rude and disgusting to .......... your nose in
A text B play C send public.
A blow B take off C show
2 Can you show me how to .......... music from the
Internet? 5 In the UK, people usually .......... hands when
A download B browse C use they meet for the first time.
A point B shake C give
3 We used our GPS .......... to find our way to
London. 6 In China, it is rude to make eye .......... with
A gadget B receiver C control strangers.
A touch B reply C contact

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Use of English
prepositions of movement, present simple vs present continuous, modals,
comparatives/superlatives, countable/uncountable nouns, -ing form

1 Choose the correct answer.

1 Alan .......... late tonight so he can’t make it to 6 To get to the chemist turn left and go .......... the
dinner. baker’s.
A works C work A along C across
B is working D are working B past D through

2 You .......... eat foods that are high in sugar. 7 .......... you lay the table for me, please?
They’re bad for you. A Can C Should
A couldn’t C shouldn’t B Must D Have to
B don’t have to D can’t
8 ……. the number of the restaurant, I want to
3 Most people .......... what makes up a healthy book a table?
diet. A You know C Are you knowing
A are understanding C is understanding B Do you know D You are knowing
B understand D understands
9 Making food at home is .......... better than getting
4 My brother is ……. boy in his class. a takeaway.
A the tallest C taller A much C as
B the most tall D the taller B very D many

5 Do we have .......... orange juice? 10 My mum ……. the kitchen floor every day.
A few C some A mop C is mopping
B many D any B mops D are mopping

too/enough, -ing form, (to) infinitive, countable/uncountable nouns, quantifiers

2 Choose the correct answer.

1 We don’t need any more flour, I’ve got .......... to 6 Kelly .......... to start eating healthy food.
make the pankcakes. A wants C want
A many C much B is wanting D wanting
B enough D lot
7 You .......... eat in the shop. It’s not allowed.
2 Do you fancy .......... a takeaway tonight? A don’t have to C shouldn’t
A to have C have B can’t D ought not to
B having D to having
8 How .......... sugar do we need for the cake?
3 The new restaurant is .......... expensive. A few C much
A much C too B many D little
B such D enough
9 I don’t mind .......... vegetables.
4 Do you want .......... some blinis? A eating C eat
A make C to make B is eating D to eat
B making D made
10 It gets .......... cold in the ice restaurant in Dubai
5 Are there .......... eggs in the fridge? so you have to wear special clothing.
A few C much A very C many
B some D any B much D enough

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was/were, past simple, past continuous, present perfect vs past simple, yet/already/ever/

3 Choose the correct answer.

1 In the 15th century, the Europeans .......... in 4 I have been a member of the voluntary
America. organisation .......... five years.
A were arriving C arrive A for C since
B arrived D are arriving B just D already

2 I love this city; I .......... here for ten years and I 5 .......... the new science-fiction film at the cinema
never want to leave! last night?
A was living C have lived A Have you seen C Did you see
B lived D am living B Do you see D Were you seeing

3 My neighbours .......... to Egypt for two weeks

and I’m taking care of their cat.
A have been C went
B have gone D were going

4 Fill in the blanks in column A with the words from column B.

1 …………………. you visit your friend when you went to Australia last summer? A Have/have
Yes, I …………………. .
2 …………………. you watching TV at 8 o’clock yesterday? B Did/did
Yes, I …………………. .
3 …………………. you been camping before? C Were/was
Yes, I …………………. .
4 …………………. he taking notes while the teacher was talking? D Has/hasn’t
No, he …………………. .
5 …………………. he ever flown in a helicopter? E Was/wasn’t
No, he …………………. .

Everyday English
buying tickets, ordering food in a café

1 Choose the correct answer.

1 A: Here are your tickets. Have a nice day. 4 A: That’s £15, please.
B: ....................................................................... B: .......................................................................
A Here you are. A Here you are.
B Thanks, you too. B Have a nice day.

2 A: Are you ready to order? 5 A: What time would you like to leave?
B: ....................................................................... B: .......................................................................
A Not for me, thank you. A I’d like to take the 12 o’clock bus.
B I’d like a burger, please. B I’d like one ticket to Northampton, please.

3 A: Would you like any side orders?

B: .......................................................................
A A cup of coffee for me, please.
B Yes, a mixed salad, please.

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(offering to help, expressing opinion)

2 Choose the correct answer.

1 A: When are you available? 4 A: We are looking for someone to help with
B: …………………………………………… . fundraising.
A I’m free on Saturday afternoons. B: …………………………………………… .
B You can start on Saturday if you like. A I can help collect donations.
B Fantastic. We could use someone to walk
2 A: Do you miss all that?
the dogs.
B: …………………………………………… .
A Yes, I did. 5 A: …………………………………………… .
B Yes, sometimes I do. B: Yes, I’ll see you there.
A How does that sound to you?
3 A: Just come in on Saturday and ask for John.
B Is Saturday OK with you?
B: …………………………………………… .
A I can make it on Saturday.
B I will be there.

1 Match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (1-5). There is one extra heading.

1 ……… 3 ………
Radishes, like carrots The artists use special radishes from El Tequio Park,
and potatoes, are near Oaxaca Airport. You mustn’t eat them, though,
vegetables that grow because the farmers add lots of chemicals to make
under the ground. them grow big. Some weigh up to 3 kg! The farmers
They are red, white, pick the radishes on 18th December to give the artists
pink or purple. time to create their statues before the festival.
People all over the
4 ………
world eat them, but in
This display of radish art is just the start of Noche de
the city of Oaxaca in
rábanos, or the Night of the Radishes, however. The
Mexico, radishes are
artists stay in the square to show people their
more than just something you put in your salad.
creations and they also teach them about the art of
2 ……… making statues from radishes.
On 23rd December every year, the people of Oaxaca
5 ………
head to the main square of the city to see a display of
The radish statues only last a few hours, but even
statues. But these are no ordinary statues – the
after the display finishes the celebrations continue
artists make them out of radishes! You can see
into the night with live music and fireworks. In fact,
models of real buildings, animals and people. The
Noche de rábanos can last several days and includes
artists don’t do it just for fun; it’s a serious competition
street parades with decorated floats and dancing.
and the winner gets around 15,000 pesos (over
£700) and their picture in the Oaxaca newspapers.

A Look but don’t eat! D Art for the dining table

B The party doesn’t stop E Eyes on the prize
C Learn the art F More than meets the eye
2 Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

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When we think about the rich and poor living side by side, we often think about
cities like Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City. But what about the United States?
Believe it or not, the gap between rich and poor is very wide in many places in the
USA. Let’s look, for example, at Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley includes cities like San Jose and South San Francisco and it is home
to huge technology companies such as Apple, Google and Facebook. About 4
million people live in Silicon Valley – some are millionaires and some are even
billionaires, but 10% earn less than $10,000 a year. Many families struggle to
survive and some people even lose their homes. Between 2011 and 2013, the
number of homeless people in Silicon Valley increased by 20%. Many of these
people now live in ‘tent cities’ in parks or near San Jose Airport. They can see the
lights in the offices of technology workers that earn over $100,000, but they
sometimes haven’t got enough money to buy food.

Even though the rich and poor of Silicon Valley live only streets away from each other, the rich people often don’t
see how hard life is for those around them. But some are trying to make things better. For example, Mark
Zuckerberg – the creator of Facebook – gives millions of dollars every year to help schools in the community. Also,
wages for workers are rising. But although the future looks brighter for Silicon Valley’s poor people, they still have a
long way to go.

1 There are more poor people in Silicon Valley than Mexico City. ……..
2 Silicon Valley isn’t a city. ……..
3 20% of the people in Silicon Valley are homeless. ……..
4 Technology workers sometimes can’t afford to eat. ……..
5 Things are getting better for poor people in Silicon Valley. ……..

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3 Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Lord Nelson was an officer in the British Navy and a national hero. He travelled
across the Atlantic Ocean to America and he won lots of battles against the French
and Spanish navies.
Horatio Nelson was born in the English county of Norfolk in September 1758. His
father worked for the church, but Nelson decided to join the navy at the age of 12,
on board his mother’s brother’s ship. Nelson became captain of his own ship at the
age of twenty and led many battles for the Royal Navy. In 1794, he lost the sight in
his right eye during the battle of Calvi. Then, in 1797 he lost his right arm in the
Battle of Santa Cruz in Tenerife. These injuries made Nelson think about leaving his
job in the navy, but in 1798 he returned to work as captain of the HMS Vanguard.
Even with his disabilities, Nelson was still a great captain and he defeated the
Spanish and French in many more battles.
In 1805, Nelson prevented the French from starting an invasion of Britain in his most
famous battle at Cape Trafalgar, in the Mediterranean Sea. There were twenty-seven British ships and thirty-three
French and Spanish ships. Nelson’s ship attacked first and was badly damaged. The British won the battle, but
Nelson was injured. He died later that same day and passing Russian ships fired their guns in his memory.
Nelson’s body was brought back to England and buried at St. Paul’s Cathedral. A statue was built in Trafalgar
Square in London in honour of him and his many battles.

1 Lord Nelson was from 4 At the Battle of Trafalgar

A America. C France. A the British had more ships.
B England. D Spain. B Nelson was wounded.
C Nelson had the biggest ship.
2 Nelson’s first job was working for his D the British lost the fight.
A mother. C uncle.
B brother. D father. 5 After he died, a statue was built
A in Russia.
3 Nelson’s injuries B at Cape Trafalgar.
A caused him to leave the navy. C in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
B didn’t affect his work. D in London.
C made him famous in France and Spain.
D made him lose more battles.

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4 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Patrick’s Blog 21st May

I just did the most amazing thing and I had to tell all of you about it. I’m
on holiday visiting my aunt and uncle in Florida at the moment and they
decided to surprise me today with a special trip to Discovery Cove in
Orlando. Discovery Cove is a really cool marine park. They have got lots
of different marine animals and they even have their own coral reef. But the
best thing by far was getting to spend 30 minutes in the water swimming with bottlenose dolphins. IT WAS
AMAZING!!! Write and tell me about your amazing experiences.
Post a comment

Wow, that sounds great! I would love to try that. I did something pretty cool when I was on holiday in Egypt
last summer. My family and I rode camels in the desert! I was nervous at first but the camel I had was very
friendly. Not like the one my brother got. It was in a bad mood and spat at him before he got on. He wasn’t
very happy but we all thought it was funny. The whole day was a great experience.
William, 15

Both of your experiences sound like so much fun. I’ve done something a little bit different. Last year I went
on a trip to Japan and, while I was there, I climbed Mount Fuji. The volcano can be climbed in about nine
hours but we took two days because we stayed the night in one of the mountain huts. It was a tiring climb
but it was worth it when we reached the top!
Sarah, 17

1 Patrick wrote the blog entry when he returned home from his holiday. ……..
2 He knew he was going to the marine park. ……..
3 At Discovery Cove visitors spend half an hour in the water with the dolphins. ……..
4 William’s brother’s camel was unhappy. ……..
5 Sarah slept outside when she climbed Mount Fuji. ……..

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5 Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

The ancient Spartans lived in the city of Sparta in Greece, 246 km from
Sparta the modern capital, Athens. Sparta was a powerful and important city in
ancient Greece for many years.
The Spartans were great soldiers and they fought in many wars in the
ancient world. All the Spartan men, from wealthy people to farmers,
trained to become soldiers. Their king, Leonidas, was very famous for
his skills in war. He died at Thermopylae when he and 300 Spartans
fought against a much bigger Persian army. The traditional costumes of
Sparta were colourful, and the Spartans were famous for wearing red.
Spartans also enjoyed sports and they studied reading, music and
dancing at school.
The Spartans had a great and interesting civilisation. Even today, many
people still study the Spartan way of life and some make films and TV
shows about it.

1 Sparta was 4 The Spartans

A a city in modern Greece. A had colourful traditional clothes.
B 246 km from Athens. B only wore red clothes.
C the capital of Greece. C liked sports more than music and dancing.
D not an important city. D didn’t know how to read.

2 In Sparta 5 Many people today

A all the people were soldiers. A watch films about Sparta.
B only wealthy people became soldiers. B study how the Spartans lived.
C only wealthy men and farmers were soldiers. C think the Spartans aren’t interesting.
D all the men trained to be soldiers. D make TV shows about the Spartans.

3 Leonidas was famous for

A being king of Thermopylae.
B winning the war against the Persians.
C being a great soldier.
D having a small army.

1 Listen to two people talking about their homes and home life and write T (true) or
F (false).

1 Chris’s living room and kitchen are in the same room. ……

2 He doesn’t like living on his own. ……
3 His least favourite chore is washing the dishes. ……
4 Sandra lives with her family. ……
5 She thinks the best thing about her house is her bedroom. ……

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2 Listen to Amy and Tom talking about an amusement park. For questions 1-5 choose A, B
or C.

1 Tom and Amy agree to go to the amusement 4 Tom suggests that, for lunch, they should get
park on A fast food. B snacks.
A Friday. B Saturday. C Sunday. C sandwiches.
2 The quickest way to get to the amusement park 5 The ticket doesn’t include entrance to
is by
A the Animal Park.
A bus. B train. C car.
B the Water Park.
3 The cost of a child’s ticket after the opening C the ice rink.
weekend is
A £4. B £8. C £12.

3 Listen and match the people (1-5) to the food they brought (A-H).


1 Amanda A chocolate brownies

2 Jason B paella

3 Bill C ice cream

4 Greg D fruit

5 Julie E salad
F pizza
G cheese
H roast chicken

4 Listen and match the speakers (1-5) to the sentences (A-F). There is one extra sentence.
Speaker 1 A The speaker helped to organise a charity event.
Speaker 2 B The speaker went to another country.
Speaker 3 C The speaker volunteers outside at the weekends.
Speaker 4 D The speaker took part in an event where people wore fancy dress.
Speaker 5 E The speaker asks people for donations of old clothes.
F The speaker cleans things that belong to other people.

5 Listen to Irene and Greg talking. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).

1 had been to Sofia before. ………
2 didn’t have a good time at the market. ………
3 thought the box was too expensive. ………
4 paid the higher price for the box. ………
5 feels embarrassed about his mistake. ………

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