Final Reflection Essay Outline 1

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Galindo 1

Vivian Galindo

ENGL 1302-223

Dr. Sharity Nelson

8 May 2023

English 1302: Final Reflection

Describe the rhetorical choices you made when revising each essay? Beginning with

Essay 1 I decided to cut off the sentences that seem too general and that were consuming the

overview of what the experiment is truly about. Additionally, issued conjunctions and semicolon

to those sentences that were easily way of combining those sentences also, I incorporated the

data from the experiment that was most important and essential to fulfil the goal of the essay. For

instance, from the achromatic section such as white, pistachio and nude specifically the

participant noticed moods of a pleasant, groovy transposal mood whereas the chromatic colors

were intense and demonstrated moods of frustration, dominance and sometimes feelings of

ecstasy and pride (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 1 Final Draft” 14 February 2023. Texas A&M

International University, student paper). Following, Essay 2 I revised the introduction since it

had to different topics that I wanted to incorporate and just stuck to the one that was most

important to discuss. eventually I choose how social media effects mental health if one allows

and discuss the pros and cons each scholar implies for each corresponding paragraph. For

instance, in the pre-adolescent section I mentioned in the light of the fact that not all social media

sites are safe for teens and parents should be aware of their nature.” And paraphrased some

quotes of the scholars since they were very consuming to the essay for instance, “It is important

that parents evaluate the sites on which their child wishes to participate to be sure that the site is

appropriate for the child’s age…” (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 2 Final Draft.” 11 March 2023.
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ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper). Lastly, for Essay 3 I will be

shortening the “productivity and organization” and “quality of life” paragraphs since there were

very long and bulky and needed to be divided into two sections (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final

Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper).

Further I revised my citations portion of my essay and fixed the longer quotes I

implemented throughout the essay and considered paraphrasing to what the authors message was

as whole rather than focusing on the details of other scholars. And considered my peers opinions

when it came to revising my last essay such as only focusing on what the authors have to say

rather as to what the entire article was about (Summers, Charlene. “Peer Review Essay 3.” 6

April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, homework assignment).

Moreover, Describe the rhetorical choices you made when designing your website? For the

Homepage I chose to do a jungle, safari theme since it is a figurative way in my mind of

describing what English 1302 is and how it represents that writing has no limit and anyone can

create anything with the use of words and figurative language. Additionally, how their endless

topics, issues a writer can discuss good or bad and the parrots sort of symbolize freedom of

speech and the devotion one has to write and the green and the water-falls represent writing in

the moment as a form of relaxing and destress and think that writing takes you to another

universe and you change your perspective on many different ways. For instance, I had no way

imagined that color was such an impactful and dominate thing that can represent a person or

something. Following, Navigation well firstly, in the pages, I implemented a thin lettering for my

homepage, in all three essays. Secondly, the links for which I utilized the scribed feature to input

all the three essays plus the reflection essays as to how they appear on the website. Additionally,
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the embedded texts for each heading of the title I wanted for them to be in clear large letters with

bright colors so that way the reader can have an understanding of what each topic is.

Besides, the designs I incorporated on the website? Starting off the images contributed

towards my website and towards the form of writing for each essay. I wanted each slide to

correspond with the theme and thought it was a fun and interesting way of grasping the attention

of anyone who encounters with my website. Following, what activities or homework influenced

your revisions and rhetorical choices when creating this portfolio? The In-Class Activities that

have helped revised and took part of the rhetorical choices for each essay were the Project

Management Worksheets for all three essays since they accord with my time management and is

overall about what each essay’s criteria is, in order to have a passing grade. For instance, What

Date will Essay Three Final Draft be due? And I said “Monday, April 10 through Blackboard”

(Nelson, Sharity. “Project Management Worksheet.” 20 March 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M

International University, homework assignment). Secondly, Peer Reviews have bestowed for all

essays since I have the opportunity to ask questions and hear other collogues opinions and take

into consideration for each final draft which is resourceful (“Peer Review.” 9 March 2023.

ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student activity). Further, the “Inflexibility as

a vulnerability to Depression: A systematic Qualitive Review” helped with essay 2 as well

because reviewing it as a class helped break down each argument by analyzing the viewpoints

the author makes in his argument as class and made it less tedious and confusing (Summers,

Charlene. “Inflexibility as a vulnerability to Depression: A systematic Qualitive Review” by

Strange et al.” 24 February 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, homework

assignment). Following, What Homework Assignments helped achieve the revisions and

rhetorical choices for all three essays? For me were the Annotated Bibliographies, which was
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great at listing all my sources with their corresponding quotes so that I can incorporate them into

each essay and paste it under my work-cited section (Nelson, Sharity. “Annotated Bibliography

Handout.” 1 February 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, course handout /

activity). Also, Essay 1’s Experimental Proposal contributed towards my experiment process

and gave me insight about how my whole project was going to be and helped also organize all of

my information (Nelson, Sharity. “Experimental Proposal.” 25 January 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas

A&M International University, course handout / activity). Additionally, the questions form the

Lunsford Book have helped for all three of my essays since the book gives thorough

explanations on the criteria for each essay. For instance, has your research changed your own

views on your topic? Do any of your sources raise questions that you can pursue further?

(Lunsford, Andrea. “Chapter: 25 in Lunsford.” 27 February 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M

International University, homework assignment). What did you learn in ENGL 1302 that you can

apply in other courses? I believe I would use for my basic core classes and additionally

throughout my future upperclassmen business classes since all the essay topics we will have will

be based off having to make statements and arguments about important topics and issues and

overall, in life for my future career. (Galindo, Vivian. “Reflection Essay 3.” 14 April 2023.

ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper). What did you learn in ENGL

1302 that you cannot apply to other courses? I believe that I won’t use any experimental analysis

since my future career does not intake this specific form of writing since it is more for science

related professionals and have more experience in this form of writing. How have your writing

strengths changed over the course of this semester? Writing weaknesses? Writing strengths: is

my ability of properly organizing ideas and clear, diverse, word choice in my essay to make clear

statements; moreover, keep readers intrigued and engaged. Additionally, writing to me has given
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me the opportunity to enhance and reflect on my creativity side and read new perspectives and

adding my own unique interpretation (Galindo, Vivian. “Reflection Essay 3” 14 April 2023.

ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper). For instance, my essay 1 was

all about the interpretation of color and how different types of clothing can make an impact in

someone’s behavior and express themselves towards society (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 1 Final

Draft.” 13 February 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper).

Following in my second essay, I explained about technology and how it affects all age

forms and impacts mental health and how this is an important health issue that many people are

not very aware about or fail to realize (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 2 Final Draft.” 11 March 2023.

ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper). Lastly, the final essay was all

about how physical activity can affect mentally and physically and cause positive and negative

outcomes if one does not take initiative in starting a healthy lifestyle that includes: mood and

behavior, productivity and organization. That was important for to spread awareness and become

and advocate (Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M

International University, student paper). Secondly, my writing weaknesses are being a bit vague

sometimes and tend my writing to coil into many unrelated directions, writing fragments, run-on

sentences and at times long-winded sentences are considered my main Achilles heel. For

instance, it was originally a long quote but was not really explaining the argument just the idea or

issue and needed to reword it to an argument. For example, researchers indicate the effects of

social media on the mental health of teens and discovered connected to body issues (Galindo,

Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University,

student paper).
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Furthermore, what was the most challenging aspect of this website? Least challenging?

The most challenging aspect In my experience I think revising of all three essays was the most

challenging, since I need to find space and be very selective when it comes to incorporating or

dropping out ideas on certain paragraphs also, the fact that I was struggling to be specific on the

topic sentences. For instance, in essay 2 I said “In the light of the fact that not all social media

sites are safe for children and pre-teens, parents should become aware of their nature (Galindo,

Vivian. “Essay 2 Final Draft.” 11 March 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International

University, student paper). The least challenging aspect creating the website was being creative

when it came to coming up with themes, color, and fonts for the corresponding essay because

each essay is unique it’s in own right and wanted to create something that would relate or is

similar towards my own perspective on each topic and was something I personally enjoyed

working for instance in my homepage I wanted to add a jungle, safari theme to add a wonderful,

curiosity, never-ending, whimsical form of describing my writing and overall just thought it was

a fun way to capture and audience.

Finally, how has your identity as a writer changed with this essay? I truly believe a writer

takes time to develop one does not learn on the first trial neither second, I do believe writing is

something constant and take advantage from those mistakes as a form of experience and being

willing to learn and go beyond the standards. I remember when I just staring out in English 1301,

I was not great nor best since I would always struggle with being too general because I was a

afraid of stating my whole opinion on issues and learned its okay to state your opinion because

all of us are different and its okay if we don’t agree as long as we found common ground, but

had the enthusiasm to learn and go beyond my capacity because I wanted to be better and I think

that writing takes time for one to become a professional writer but the key is patience and not
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giving in. Furthermore, I think anyone has potential in being a writer and think writing is

something diverse and anyone can create anything out of nothing if people decide to make it

necessary in order to see a change in the world.

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Works Cited

Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 1 Final Draft.” 13 February 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M

International University, student paper.

Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 2 Final Draft.” 11 March 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International

University, student paper.

Galindo, Vivian. “Essay 3 Final Draft.” 12 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International

University, student paper.

Galindo, Vivian. “Reflection Essay 3.” 14 April 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International

University, student paper.

Lunsford, Andrea. “Chapter: 25 in Lunsford.” 27 February 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M

International University, homework assignment.

Nelson, Sharity. “Annotated Bibliography Handout.” 1 February 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas

A&M International University, course handout / activity.

Nelson, Sharity. “Experimental Proposal.” 25 January 2023. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M

International University, course handout / activity.

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