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A Project Report
“Choose Any Advertisement And Analyse Its Good And Bad Points”
Submitted in partial fulfillment for ‘I’ Scheme sixth Semester


Diploma in

Rugved Raikwar (2015420089)

Harshal Ghusekar (2015420093)
Ishika Supekar (2015420091)

Under the guidance of


In Pursuit of Excellence

Advertising is a form of marketing communication that aims to promote or

sell products, services, or ideas through various media channels. It is a multi-
billion dollar industry that plays a critical role in the modern economy,
helping businesses to build awareness, drive sales, and establish long-term
relationships with customers.

In this article, we will explore what advertising is, how it works, and the
various types of advertising available to businesses.

What is Advertising?
At its core, advertising is a form of communication that is designed to
persuade or in uence an audience to take a speci c action. This action can
take many forms, from making a purchase to signing up for a service or
supporting a particular cause.

Advertising can be thought of as a part of the broader eld of marketing,

which encompasses a range of activities related to promoting products or
services, including market research, product development, pricing, and
distribution. Advertising speci cally focuses on the communication aspect of
marketing, using various media channels to reach potential customers and
promote a speci c message or call to action.

How Does Advertising Work?

The goal of advertising is to persuade or in uence an audience to take a
speci c action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. To
achieve this goal, advertising typically follows a multi-step process that
involves identifying the target audience, crafting a compelling message or
call to action, and delivering that message through various media channels.

1. Identifying the Target Audience

The rst step in any successful advertising campaign is to identify the target
audience. This involves understanding the demographic, psychographic, and
behavioral characteristics of potential customers, such as age, gender,
income, interests, and buying habits. By understanding who the target
audience is, advertisers can tailor their message and delivery to be more
e ective in reaching and in uencing potential customers.

2. Crafting a Compelling Message or Call to Action

Once the target audience has been identi ed, the next step is to craft a
compelling message or call to action that will resonate with potential
customers. This message should be clear, concise, and persuasive,


highlighting the key features, bene ts, or value proposition of the product or
service being promoted. In some cases, the message may also seek to elicit
an emotional response from potential customers, such as fear, excitement,
or joy, to further drive engagement and in uence.

3. Delivering the Message through Various Media Channels

The nal step in the advertising process is to deliver the message through
various media channels, such as television, radio, print, digital, or outdoor
advertising. The choice of media channel will depend on a variety of factors,
such as the target audience, the advertising budget, and the marketing goals
and objectives. Each media channel has its own strengths and weaknesses,
and advertisers must carefully consider which channels will be most e ective
in reaching and engaging potential customers.

Types of Advertising
There are many di erent types of advertising available to businesses, each
with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common types of
advertising include:

1. Television Advertising
Television advertising is one of the most traditional forms of advertising, and
is still widely used today. Television ads typically air during commercial
breaks in popular shows, and can be targeted to speci c audiences based
on factors such as age, gender, and geographic location. Television
advertising can be expensive, but it can also be highly e ective in reaching a
large and diverse audience.

2. Radio Advertising
Radio advertising involves airing ads on popular radio stations during breaks
between songs or programs. Radio advertising can be less expensive than
television advertising, and can be targeted to speci c audiences based on
factors such as age, gender, and geographic location. However, radio
advertising is typically less visual than television advertising, and may not be
as e ective in reaching certain types of audiences.

3. Print Advertising
Print advertising includes ads that appear in newspapers, magazines, and
other print publications. Print advertising can be an e ective way to reach a
targeted audience, such as those who are interested in a particular topic or
industry. However, print advertising is often less visually engaging than other


forms of advertising, and may be less e ective in reaching younger or more

digitally-focused audiences.

4. Digital Advertising
Digital advertising includes a wide range of online advertising formats, such
as banner ads, social media ads, and search engine ads. Digital advertising
can be highly targeted to speci c audiences based on factors such as
search history, location, and interests. It can also be more cost-e ective than
traditional advertising, as businesses can set their own budgets and adjust
their campaigns in real-time based on performance data. However, digital
advertising can also be highly competitive, and requires a deep
understanding of digital marketing strategies and tactics.

5. Outdoor Advertising
Outdoor advertising includes ads that are displayed in public spaces, such
as billboards, transit ads, and street furniture ads. Outdoor advertising can
be highly e ective in reaching a large and diverse audience, as it is often
placed in high-tra c areas where people are likely to see it. However,
outdoor advertising can be expensive, and may be less e ective in reaching
certain types of audiences, such as those who do not spend much time

6. Product Placement
Product placement involves featuring a product or brand in a popular TV
show, movie, or video game. Product placement can be highly e ective in
creating brand awareness and associating the brand with popular culture.
However, product placement can also be expensive, and may not be
e ective in reaching audiences who are not interested in the speci c media

7. In uencer Marketing
In uencer marketing involves partnering with social media in uencers to
promote a product or brand to their followers. In uencer marketing can be
highly e ective in reaching younger and more digitally-focused audiences,
and can also create a sense of authenticity and trust around the brand.
However, in uencer marketing can also be expensive, and may not be
e ective if the in uencer's audience is not aligned with the target audience.

Advertising is a critical aspect of modern marketing, helping businesses to
build awareness, drive sales, and establish long-term relationships with


customers. By following a multi-step process that involves identifying the

target audience, crafting a compelling message or call to action, and
delivering that message through various media channels, advertisers can
create highly e ective campaigns that resonate with potential customers.
However, advertisers must also be aware of the various types of advertising
available, and must choose the formats and channels that will be most
e ective in reaching and engaging their target audience.

Features of Advertising
Advertising has several key features that help to distinguish it from other
forms of marketing and communication. Some of the most important
features of advertising include:

1. Paid promotion: Advertising is typically a paid form of promotion,

meaning that companies or organizations pay to have their messages
distributed through various media channels.

2. Mass communication: Advertising is designed to reach a large audience,

often using broadcast or print media that can reach millions of people at
once. This allows companies to promote their products or services to a
broad audience in a cost-e ective manner.

3. Persuasive messaging: Advertising is designed to be persuasive, using a

variety of techniques such as emotional appeals, celebrity endorsements,
and persuasive language to in uence consumers to take a speci c action,
such as purchasing a product or subscribing to a service.

4. Creative content: Advertising often involves the creation of visually

compelling or engaging content, such as high-quality images, videos, or
catchy slogans, in order to capture the attention and interest of the target

5. Targeting: E ective advertising often involves careful targeting of speci c

demographic groups, based on factors such as age, gender, income, and
interests. This allows companies to create messages that are tailored to the
speci c needs and preferences of their target audience.

6. Measurable outcomes: Advertising campaigns are typically designed to

achieve speci c measurable outcomes, such as increased sales, website


tra c, or brand awareness. This allows companies to evaluate the success

of their advertising e orts and make adjustments as needed.

7. Integration with other marketing activities: Advertising is often just one

component of a broader marketing strategy that includes other activities
such as public relations, sales promotions, and direct marketing. E ective
advertising campaigns are often integrated with these other activities to
create a cohesive and impactful overall marketing strategy.

8. Evolving technology: Advertising is constantly evolving with new

technologies, such as programmatic advertising, augmented reality, and
voice search, providing new opportunities for companies to reach and
engage with their target audience.

9. Regulations and ethical considerations: Advertising is subject to

various regulations and ethical considerations, such as truth-in-advertising
laws and guidelines for marketing to children, to ensure that companies are
not making false or misleading claims and are promoting their products in a
responsible and ethical manner.

Overall, advertising is a powerful tool for companies and organizations to

promote their products and services, build brand awareness and loyalty, and
in uence consumer behavior. However, it also requires careful planning,
execution, and monitoring to ensure that it is e ective, ethical, and aligned
with broader marketing goals and strategies.

Functions of Advertising
The functions of advertising are numerous and complex, but at a basic level,
advertising serves to inform, persuade, and remind potential customers
about products or services that are available for purchase. In this article, we
will discuss the functions of advertising in more detail, exploring how
advertising can help businesses to achieve their marketing goals and

1. Informative Function
The rst and most fundamental function of advertising is to inform potential
customers about products or services that are available for purchase.
Through advertising, businesses can communicate key features, bene ts,
and pricing information to potential customers, helping them to understand
what a product or service is and what it can do for them. By providing


information that is clear, accurate, and compelling, businesses can build

trust and credibility with potential customers, laying the foundation for a
successful marketing campaign.

2. Persuasive Function
In addition to providing information, advertising also serves a persuasive
function, encouraging potential customers to take action, such as making a
purchase or signing up for a service. By highlighting the unique features and
bene ts of a product or service, and positioning it in a way that resonates
with the needs and interests of potential customers, advertising can create a
sense of urgency or desire, motivating customers to take action.

3. Reminder Function
Advertising also serves a reminder function, helping businesses to stay top-
of-mind with potential customers over time. By consistently promoting their
products or services through advertising, businesses can reinforce key
messages and build brand awareness, making it more likely that potential
customers will think of their business when they are in the market for a
particular product or service. This function is particularly important in
industries where customers may not make purchasing decisions frequently,
such as the automotive or home improvement industries.

4. Di erentiation Function
Advertising also serves a di erentiation function, helping businesses to
di erentiate their products or services from those of their competitors. By
highlighting unique features, bene ts, or value propositions, businesses can
position themselves as the best choice for potential customers, setting
themselves apart from the competition and creating a competitive

5. Educational Function
Advertising also has an educational function, helping businesses to educate
potential customers about new or complex products or services. By
providing detailed information and explanations, businesses can help
potential customers to better understand how their products or services
work, what they are designed to do, and how they can bene t the customer.

6. Branding Function
Advertising also serves a branding function, helping businesses to establish
and promote their brand identity. By consistently promoting a particular
image, message, or set of values, businesses can build brand recognition,


trust, and loyalty over time. E ective branding can create an emotional
connection with potential customers, helping to build a long-term
relationship that goes beyond individual transactions.

7. Reputation Management Function

Finally, advertising can also serve a reputation management function, helping
businesses to manage their public image and respond to negative publicity
or criticism. By using advertising to communicate key messages and
highlight positive aspects of their business or brand, businesses can mitigate
the impact of negative press or reviews, and reinforce positive perceptions
among potential customers.

In conclusion, advertising serves many functions, each of which is important

for achieving speci c marketing goals and objectives. By understanding the
di erent functions of advertising, businesses can develop e ective marketing
campaigns that inform, persuade, and remind potential customers,
di erentiate themselves from competitors, educate customers about new or
complex products or services, build brand recognition and loyalty, and
manage their public image and reputation.

However, it is important to note that advertising is not a one-size- ts-all

solution, and the functions of advertising may vary depending on the
industry, target audience, and marketing goals. A successful advertising
campaign requires careful planning, execution, and evaluation, and
businesses must be prepared to adjust their strategies based on feedback
and results.

Additionally, it is important for businesses to consider the ethical implications

of advertising, and to ensure that their advertising practices are aligned with
industry standards and guidelines. This includes avoiding false or misleading
claims, respecting the privacy and preferences of consumers, and promoting
products or services in a responsible and ethical manner.

Overall, the functions of advertising play a critical role in helping businesses

to achieve their marketing goals and objectives. By informing, persuading,
reminding, di erentiating, educating, branding, and managing reputation,
advertising can help businesses to build awareness, drive sales, and
establish long-term relationships with customers. However, businesses must
also be mindful of the ethical implications of advertising, and must strive to
promote their products or services in a responsible and ethical manner.


Product: Apple iPhone


Apple iPhone is a line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc.

that has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with
technology. Since the launch of the rst iPhone in 2007, the brand has
gained immense popularity and has become one of the most iconic and
recognizable products in the tech industry. Apple is known for its innovation,
sleek design, and user-friendly interface, which have made the iPhone a
must-have device for millions of people around the world.

The iPhone has undergone several iterations since its inception, with each
new model introducing new features, hardware improvements, and software
enhancements. As of 2021, Apple has released over 25 di erent iPhone
models, ranging from the original iPhone to the latest iPhone 12 lineup.

In this article, we will provide an in-depth introduction to the Apple iPhone,

covering its history, design, features, and impact on the tech industry.

History of the iPhone

The idea for the iPhone was rst conceived by Steve Jobs, co-founder of
Apple, in 2004. At the time, smartphones were still a relatively new concept,
and existing models were clunky, di cult to use, and lacked the features and
functionality that consumers wanted. Jobs envisioned a smartphone that
was not only functional but also beautiful, intuitive, and easy to use.

The rst iPhone was unveiled by Jobs at a keynote presentation on January

9, 2007. The device was a breakthrough in design, featuring a large
touchscreen display, a minimalist interface, and a range of innovative
features such as a built-in camera, music player, and internet browser. The
iPhone was an immediate hit, with consumers lining up for hours outside
Apple stores to get their hands on the coveted device.

Over the years, Apple has continued to re ne and improve the iPhone,
introducing new features such as Siri, Face ID, and wireless charging, and
pushing the boundaries of design and functionality. The iPhone has become
a symbol of innovation and has cemented Apple's position as a leading
player in the tech industry.

Design of the iPhone


One of the key factors that has contributed to the success of the iPhone is
its sleek and minimalist design. The iPhone is known for its clean lines,
smooth surfaces, and elegant aesthetics, which have made it a coveted item
for many consumers.

The iPhone design has evolved over the years, with each new model
introducing subtle changes and improvements. However, there are some
design elements that have remained consistent throughout the history of the
iPhone. These include the use of high-quality materials such as aluminum
and glass, the absence of visible screws or seams, and the iconic home

In recent years, Apple has taken steps to further re ne the design of the
iPhone, with features such as edge-to-edge displays, no home buttons, and
thinner bezels. The company has also introduced new color options, such as
the popular rose gold and midnight green.

Features of the iPhone

One of the key selling points of the iPhone is its wide range of features,
which have evolved signi cantly over the years. Some of the standout
features of the iPhone include:

1. Touchscreen Display - The iPhone features a large, high-resolution

touchscreen display that allows users to interact with the device using touch
gestures. The display has evolved over the years, with recent models
featuring edge-to-edge displays and OLED technology.

2. Camera - The iPhone camera has become one of the most popular
features of the device, with recent models featuring advanced camera
systems that can rival professional cameras. The camera features a range of
settings and modes, including portrait mode, night mode, and slow-motion

3. Siri - Siri is Apple's virtual assistant, which can help users with a range of
tasks, such as sending messages, making phone calls, and setting
reminders. Siri can be activated by voice command or by pressing and
holding the home button.

4. Face ID - Face ID is a security feature that uses facial recognition

technology to unlock the iPhone. This feature was rst introduced with the
iPhone X and has since been included in all newer models.


5. App Store - The App Store is a platform where users can download and
install apps for their iPhone. The App Store features a wide range of apps,
including games, productivity tools, social media apps, and more.

6. Apple Pay - Apple Pay is a mobile payment system that allows users to
make payments using their iPhone. The system is secure and convenient,
and it can be used to make payments both online and in physical stores.

7. iCloud - iCloud is a cloud storage service that allows users to store their
photos, videos, documents, and other les in the cloud. This makes it easy
to access les from any device, and it also provides a backup in case the
device is lost or damaged.

Impact of the iPhone

The iPhone has had a signi cant impact on the tech industry and on society
as a whole. Some of the ways in which the iPhone has changed the world

1. Revolutionizing Communication - The iPhone has made it easier than

ever before to communicate with others, through features such as text
messaging, video calling, and social media.

2. Changing the Way We Work - The iPhone has enabled workers to be

more productive than ever before, through features such as email, calendar
apps, and productivity tools.

3. Creating New Industries - The iPhone has spawned new industries, such
as the app development industry and the mobile accessory industry.

4. Rede ning Personal Computing - The iPhone has rede ned what it
means to use a computer, by putting powerful computing capabilities in the
hands of consumers.

The Apple iPhone is a groundbreaking device that has changed the way we
communicate, work, and interact with technology. From its sleek design to
its wide range of features, the iPhone has become a symbol of innovation
and has set the standard for smartphones around the world. As Apple
continues to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible, the


iPhone is likely to remain a staple of the tech industry for many years to

Good Points of iPhone Advertising

1. Emotional Storytelling - One of the most successful advertising

strategies used by Apple is emotional storytelling. The company's ads often
tell stories that focus on the emotional bene ts of owning an iPhone, rather
than just the features. For example, the "Shot on iPhone" campaign features
stunning photos and videos taken by iPhone users, which evoke emotions of
wonder and awe. These ads connect with consumers on a deeper level and
create a sense of attachment to the iPhone brand.

2. Product Features - Apple also highlights the product features of the

iPhone in its advertising. The company often uses sleek, visually stunning
visuals to showcase the iPhone's features, such as its camera or Face ID.
These ads appeal to consumers who are looking for the latest technology
and who want a device that is both stylish and functional.

3. Celebrity Endorsements - Apple has used celebrity endorsements in its

iPhone ads, which have helped to create buzz and generate interest in the
product. For example, in 2018, the company released an ad featuring the
popular musician Drake, which helped to generate a lot of excitement around
the iPhone.

4. Consistency - Apple's advertising campaigns have remained consistent

over the years, which has helped to establish the iPhone as a recognizable
and iconic brand. The company's ads often feature minimalist design and
clean, simple messaging, which creates a sense of familiarity and trust with

Bad Points of iPhone Advertising

1. Limited Diversity - One criticism of iPhone advertising is that it lacks

diversity. Many of the company's ads feature young, white, and a uent
individuals, which can be exclusionary to other demographics. In recent
years, Apple has made e orts to improve diversity in its ads, but there is still
room for improvement.


2. High Price Point - The iPhone is a high-end device, which means that it is
more expensive than many other smartphones on the market. This can be a
barrier for some consumers, and Apple's ads do little to address the issue of
a ordability. Instead, the company often focuses on the premium features of
the iPhone, which can be a turn-o for consumers who are looking for a
more a ordable device.

3. Lack of Innovation - In recent years, some critics have argued that

Apple's iPhone ads have lacked innovation. The company has relied on
similar messaging and imagery for its ads, which can make them feel stale
and uninspired. To maintain its dominance in the smartphone market, Apple
will need to continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is
possible with the iPhone.


Overall, Apple's iPhone advertising campaigns have been highly e ective in

promoting the device and creating a strong brand identity. The company's
use of emotional storytelling, product features, celebrity endorsements, and
consistency has helped to establish the iPhone as a recognizable and
desirable product. However, there are also some areas where Apple's ads
could be improved, such as diversity and innovation. As the smartphone
market continues to evolve, Apple will need to adapt its advertising
strategies to remain competitive and maintain its position as a leader in the

In addition to the aforementioned points, another criticism of iPhone

advertising is that it can be seen as elitist. The company's marketing often
emphasizes the exclusivity and luxury of owning an iPhone, which can be
alienating to some consumers. This can be particularly problematic in
regions where the iPhone is prohibitively expensive for most people.

Another potential issue with iPhone advertising is that it can be overly

focused on aesthetics and design at the expense of functionality. While the
iPhone is certainly a stylish device, some critics argue that the company's
ads place too much emphasis on appearance rather than usability. This can
lead to a perception among consumers that the iPhone is a fashion
accessory rather than a tool for communication and productivity.

Despite these criticisms, Apple's iPhone advertising campaigns have

undeniably been successful in generating interest and demand for the
device. The company's ads have helped to create a sense of excitement and


anticipation around each new iPhone release, and have contributed to the
overall appeal and popularity of the product. By continuing to re ne its
advertising strategies and addressing some of the criticisms outlined above,
Apple is likely to maintain its position as a dominant force in the smartphone
market for years to come.


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