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Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering, 42(X):467–492 (2014)

Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal

Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of
Biological Tissues at Hyperthermic and Ablation
Christian Rossmann & Dieter Haemmerich1,2,*
Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC; Department of Bioengineering,
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
*Address all correspondence to: Dieter Haemmerich, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

RABSTRAS: The application of supraphysiological temperatures (>40°C) to biological tissues causes changes at
the molecular, cellular, and structural levels, with corresponding changes in tissue function and in thermal, mechani-
cal, and dielectric tissue properties. This is particularly relevant for image-guided thermal treatments (e.g., hyper-
thermia and thermal ablation) delivering heat via focused ultrasound, radiofrequency, microwave, or laser energy;

monitoring during treatment, and evaluation of treatment results. This paper presents a literature survey of tempera-
ture dependence of electrical (electrical conductivity, resistivity, permittivity) and thermal tissue properties (thermal

adenocarcinoma, and ependymoblastoma in response to hyperthmic temperatures up to 46°C are presented. Where
appropriate, mathematical models to describe temperature dependence of properties are presented. The presented data
are valuable for mathematical models that predict tissue temperature during thermal therapies (e.g., hyperthermia
or thermal ablation), as well as for applications related to prediction and monitoring of temperature-induced tissue

KKY WTRB: thermal properties, dielectric properties, tissue properties, hyperthermia, ablation, perfusion

I. BACKGROUND heat generation, whereas thermal properties and

perfusion affect heat transfer within the tissue; these
The use of supraphysiological temperatures (>40°C) properties are therefore crucial to preclinical and
during hyperthermia and thermal ablation therapy is clinical applications that employ electromagnetic
clinically used or investigated to treat a broad range energy for heating, as well as for thermal therapies
of diseases including cancer, cardiac arrhythmias,
- monitoring thermal treatments facilitating radiofre-
plasia, and others. During these thermal therapies,
heat is applied to intentionally cause either revers-
ible tissue changes (e.g., increase of cellular metab-
mia (40–45°C), or to irreversibly destroy or modify imaging (MRI) has gained interest due to the ability
tissue during ablation treatment (50–110°C).1–7 Such to noninvasively heat tissue, as well as to provide
tissue changes typically depend on both time and noninvasive monitoring of tissue temperature via
temperature, and can affect perfusion as well as me- MR thermometry.8–12
chanical, electrical, and thermal tissue properties. Another imaging application where accurate
Electrical tissue properties directly impact ab- consideration of electrical properties is necessary
sorption of electromagnetic energy that results in is electrical impedance tomography (EIT), where

1040-8401/14/$35.00 © 2014 by Begell House, Inc. 467

468 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

images are generated based on differences in elec- perfusion. The most widely used model of tissue
trical tissue properties. Although EIT is emerging 16
where a dis-
in preclinical applications to detect breast cancer -
by measuring differences in conductivity of normal fusion (note that for cryotherapies, perfusion would
and neoplastic tissue,13,14 recent studies suggest that represent a heat source term)
EIT is also potentially useful tool for measuring
temperatures based on conductivity changes during QP cbl(T – Tbl) (2)
hyperthermia treatment,15 but this requires accurate
information on temperature-dependent changes of where Q –3
] is the distributed heat source
electrical tissue conductivity. representing heat energy produced by any heating

mathematical models have been used to investigate

and improve clinical procedures and devices by electromagnetic equations modeling heat generation
simulating tissue heating. These models are typi- depend on temperature-dependent dielectric proper-
cally based on solving the appropriate heat-transfer ties, which will be described in more detail below.

bioheat equation16 for modeling perfusion is com- electromagnetic energy to achieve tissue heating.
monly employed. Since thermal and electrical tissue While both heating modalities may be used to apply

adequate consideration of tissue properties and their -

temperature dependence is necessary to achieve ac-
curate results.17–23
for MW ablation. Due to electromagnetic wave-
temperature dependence of electrical and thermal lengths greater than 100 m and negligible displace-
tissue properties, as well as perfusion. All these data -
are necessary for determining absorption of electro- lows the simple approach of the electrostatic case
(Laplace equation).21,41 The distributed heat source
to predict heat generated by a particular device or Q
method (electromagnetic or other), as well as for term) is given by

Q = JE (3)
THERAPIES where J ], and E is the

]. The values of these


Mathematical modeling of thermal therapies has two vectors are evaluated using the Laplace equa-
- tion as
cal treatments and medical devices.19–22, 24–40 Re-
gardless of the method employed to achieve tissue V=0 (4)
heating, the heat transfer equation has to be solved
to model the temperature distribution T (°C) in bio- where V
logical tissues ]. By using the quasi-static ap-

proach, the values of “direct current” (DC) voltage

C T = k 2T + Q – Q P (1) calculated from the model correspond to the rms
Microwave energy is converted to heat within
K –1 –1
tissue due to dielectric losses and this requires mod-
], and QP –3
], is the heat loss due to blood eling of wave propagation since MW wavelengths

Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at 469
Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures

in tissue are in the cm range.33 The simulation of temperature dependence of thermal and electrical
microwave propagation is based on the fundamental properties of tissue.
- A commonly used approach for modeling the
- temperature dependence of thermal and electrical
scribes how conduction current as well as displace- properties for temperatures of <100°C is based on
linear equations and employs constant temperature

×H=J+ D (5)
T 0 (1 + k1 T) (10)
where H ],

J ], D–2
T 0(1 + k2 T) (11)
D t the displacement cur-
–2 k(T) = k0(1 + k3 T) (12)
B –2
E ]
–1 T 0 (1 + k4 T) (13)

×E=– B (6) c(T) = c0(1 + k5 T) (14)

The third and fourth equations describe the facts 0 0 are the electrical conductivity and
permittivity, and k0 0, and c0 represent thermal con-
] is the source for

the electric displacement reference temperature, k1…5 are temperature coef-

E = 0 and D= to the reference temperature. Note that for some of
We can use further relations between the vectors H, equate within a limited temperature range.
R, A, J, and K, which depend on the tissue prop-
m–1], and the electrical con- CAL PROPERTIES
m –1

ablation or MW hyperthermia, these material prop-

properties of biological tissues is important to cal-
culate the deposition of electromagnetic energy in a
described above, the calculated energy from the mi-
crowaves serves as heat source Q in the heat transfer
equation, which can be modeled as
to diagnostically differentiate between normal and
Q= |K| 2
(8) pathologic tissue, and for the delivery of heat during
2 22,23,42–45
SAR = (9) The heat generation in biological tissues due to
dissipation of electromagnetic energy is dependent
], and –1 –1
] and conductivity
E ]. When Q is
–1 –1

is reported, which is the inverse of the electrical

An important factor to achieve realistic models as dielectric constant, varies with temperature and
is the use of mathematical functions to describe the

Volume 42, Number X, 2014

470 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

stored by applied voltage within the medium rela- vivo up to 100°C and found increasing conductivity
tive to vacuum. The dielectric properties of materi- with temperature; in addition, they found a depen-
dence on heating rate that could be modeled by an
Arrhenius relationship.53 54,55
McRae et al. measured electrical resistivity from

j ex vivo, and
mouse tumors ex vivo and in vivo, at hyperthermic
temperatures between 37 and 50°C.
More data are available for frequencies in the
et al. studied frequency-dependent
dielectric properties of various tissues including liv-
line method, properties within the temperature and
0is the frequency ranges typically used for MRI-guided fo-
]. Depending on the nature of the tis- were measured.57 Stauffer et al. developed equiva-

. It is important to
i in vivo and ex vivo human and animal tissues made
with a dielectric measurement probe for frequen-
frequency, temperature, and water content.

than 30 years presenting tabulated dielectric proper- presented for 10 to 90°C in more detail.58 Chin and
ied the changes of dielectric properties in ex vivo
have been reported by Gabriel et al.,43,44,46 et bovine liver and rat prostate during MW heating at
al.,47 and other researchers,48,49 however, the tem- 59,60
perature dependence of these frequency-dependent
water content were found to be reversible with tem-
only been studied more recently. perature, while changes due to protein denaturation
Only few data on temperature-dependent di- were found to be permanent. Among others, the
electric properties are available in the frequency temperature dependence of the electrical param-
et al. eters of human blood was studied by Mohapatra
measured electrical conductivity of brain, muscle,
who found an decrease in resistivity (i.e., increase in
found increase of conductivity with temperature, conductivity) with temperature.61 -
and irreversible changes above ~60°C.23 Pop et al. et al., dielectric properties of
animal and human blood have been investigated via
heating within a temperature range between 48 and
- the temperature range 25–45°C and frequency range
versible temperature-dependent component and an 62
Results presented suggest a
and this -

on MR impedance tomography.51 Similarly, Zurbu- et al.

chen et al. presented temperature-dependent in vivo dependent dielectric properties of porcine and bovine
and ex vivo
found conductivity to increase up to 80°C.52 Mac-
chi et al. measured dielectric properties of liver ex are inadequate over wide frequency and temperature

Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at 471
Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures

ranges.63 They modeled the dielectric properties via comprehensive data are listed in Table 1. Data of
temperature-dependent Cole-Cole and second-order various tissues are presented; however, most data
polynomial parameters. To investigate the tempera- are available of liver tissue in the temperature range
ture dependence of dielectric properties of liver, from room temperature (20°C) up to ~80°C due
Brace et al. measured the changes in tissue properties to increasing research interests in understanding,
evaluating, and improving liver cancer treatments
with temperatures up to 100°C. They found that
relative permittivity and conductivity decrease sub-
stantially and irreversibly at high temperatures.64 In electrical conductivity of undamaged and unheated
agreement, Lopresto et al. tissues increases with temperature. At frequencies
and electrical conductivity as the temperature reached ductivity decreases with temperature, as presented
60°C, with further decreases up to 120°C.65,66 by Brace et al. and Lopresto et al.
A representative summary of these studies on Additional data are available from food industry
temperature-dependent dielectric properties (con- research presenting dielectric data of processed tis-
ductivity and permittivity) of biological tissues -
nuted meats at temperatures of 5–80°C.67–73 Zhuang

FIG. 1: Electrical conductivity of human and various animal tissues as a function of temperature. Colors indicate

Volume 42, Number X, 2014

472 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

FIG. 2: Electrical permittivity of various animal tissues as a function of temperature. Colors indicate frequencies

et al. demonstrated the irreversible decrease of per-

including fowl muscle for temperatures between 5
Data available in literature
hint at a slight decrease of dielectric permittivity As already noted, both Pop et al. and Kwon et al.
with increasing temperature for frequencies from
frequencies above ~60°C,50,51 and Macchi showed
conductivity dependence on the rate of heating in
literature to calculate temperature-dependent elec- addition to temperature.53 These time- and temper-
trical tissue properties, assuming no irreversible ature-dependent changes have been modeled by
components are present. However, the application an Arrhenius relationship in several studies,50,53,55
which may be preferred in some applications to a
changes in the electrical properties as result of de- simple dependence on temperature alone.
hydration, shutdown of perfusion, and other cellular -
and molecular changes. Brace et al. and Lopresto perature dependence of electrical tissue properties

Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

SRALK 1: Comprehensive listing of presently available temperature-dependent electrical properties of tissues
Volume 42, Number X, 2014

Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures

Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at
Frequency Aoeff. Aoeff.
Tefs. (MHz) Sissue type
Brace64 915 0.94 1.29 48.00 –0.22 Liver, different 5–50
Brace64 2450 1.62 –0.20 45.30 –0.18 Liver, different 5–50
Chin59 915 1.03 1.82 48.10 –0.13 Liver, bovine 49.8–79.2 Ex vivo
Chin60 915 1.17 1.10 62.80 –0.31 Prostate, murine 45–75 Ex vivo
0.1 7.00 2.10 14,000.00 1.40 Muscle, canine 20–40 Ex vivo
0.1 1.41 0.60 6940.00 1.20 Liver, human 20–40 Ex vivo, 1–2 h
0.1 3.28 0.90 11,200.00 0.80 Kidney, human 20–40 Ex vivo, 1–2 h
1.0 5.80 2.10 1900.00 2.20 Muscle, pig 20–40 In vivo
1.0 2.27 1.30 1970.00 1.50 Liver, human 20–40 Ex vivo, 1–2 h
1.0 4.93 0.80 2450.00 1.40 Kidney, human 20–40 Ex vivo, 1–2 h
200 1 1.50 — — Muscle 20–40
200 2 1.80 50.00 0.20 Liver 20–40
200 9 2.00 10.50 0.20 Kidney 20–40
900 1 1.00 57 –0.20 Muscle 20–40
900 2 1.40 46.50 –0.20 Liver 20–40
900 9 1.30 22.50 –0.40 Kidney 20–40
3000 1 0.30 54.00 –0.10 Muscle 20–40
100 1.82 2.67 87.67 0.03 Muscle, barnacle 5–40
2200 3.60 0.10 60.05 0.06 Muscle, barnacle 5–40
et al.57 468 0.80 1.03 51.43 –0.35 Liver, porcine 36–60 within 2 h postmortem

SRALK 1: Continued

Frequency Aoeff. Aoeff.
Tefs. (MHz) Sissue type
et al.57 468 0.72 2.78 60.16 –0.60 Uterus, porcine 36–60 within 2 h postmortem
et al.57 468 1.11 0.92 65.03 –0.30 Muscle, porcine 36–60 within 2 h postmortem
et al.57 468 1.04 1.30 58.36 –0.42 Kidney, porcine 36–60 within 2 h postmortem
et al.57 468 1.02 0.73 58.24 –0.48 Bladder, porcine 36–60 within 2 h postmortem
400 0.70 1.13 — –0.10 Blood, human 25–45 within 15 min
and Nadi62 postmortem
1000 0.70 0.98 — –0.11 Blood, human 25–45 within 15 min
and Nadi62 postmortem
915 0.99 1.33 49.50 –0.20 Liver, bovine/porcine 37–60 within 2 h postmortem
et al.63
2450 1.77 0.20 47.60 –0.17 Liver, bovine/porcine 37–60 within 2 h postmortem
et al.63
Lopresto 2450 1.74 –0.13 43.52 –0.15 Liver, bovine 15–80 Ex vivo
et al.65,*
Macchi et 0.48 0.28 1.45 — — Liver, porcine 20–80 Ex vivo
Pop et 0.46 0.27 1.30 3210.00 — Kidney, porcine 22–78
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

Ryan et 0.50 1.38 2.0 — — Muscle 30–60 Ex vivo

Stauffer et 915 0.88 1.14 52.56 –0.04 Liver, bovine 10–90 within 15 min post-
Zhuang et 1800 — — 58.25 –0.17 Muscle, fowl 5–85 >22 h postmortem

Rossmanna & Haemmerich

Zurbuchen 0.47 0.42 2.05 — — Liver, porcine 30–80 within 8 h after slaughter
et al.52,*
Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at 475
Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures

FIG. 3:

temperatures reached 100°C and continued to drop as temperature was maintained and the tissue became more
dehydrated.64, 65

in vivo et al.
based on ex vivo dielectric properties of in vivo and ex vivo normal,
malignant, and cirrhotic human liver tissues from
measurement. Electrical tissue properties change as 79
Even though their results were not
soon as tissue is removed, and this change is par- -

Data are available on the change of electrical tissue tissue properties are 16% higher than normal), they
reported that conductivity of in vivo normal liver
pendent on carcass temperature and degree of tissue than ex vivo.
degradation.75–77 Haemmerich et al. measured swine
After 2 h postmortem, resistivity decreases consid-
- Heat transport in biological tissues may occur due to
tors contributing to this decrease may include an in- conductive, convective, or radiative mechanisms.47
These heat transfer mechanisms can be charac-
integrity postmortem that allows continuity between
properties. The thermal conductivity of biological
and lysosomal agents are released within the cell, materials describes how well the material conducts
contributing to cell membrane damage.
At microwave frequencies, dielectric proper- –3
], transmitted due to a temperature gradient.
ties are primarily determined by water content and
are thus less affected by tissue removal than at steady state conditions by the Poisson equation

Volume 42, Number X, 2014

476 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

Q = k 2T (17) angioplasty.84 Thermal properties of various animal

tissues were measured by Liang et al. via a custom
Where k –1
K–1] is the thermal conductivity, is developed probe that may be used over a temperature
the gradient operator, and T range from –40 to 150°C and reported a noticeable
Where steady-state conditions are not adequate, the
s ] is used to
2 –1
the thermal conductivity of tissues.85 In agreement,
describe the spatial variation of the temperature T
via heat equation technique and results for the thermal conductivity
T and diffusivity, and density of swine myocardial tis-
T (18) -
ties on water content and irreversible tissue changes
k proteins in the cell structures, was reported.86
c To investigate the temperature-dependent ther-
] (not considered a ther-
–3 -
mal property) and C lation, Guntur et al. presented data from 20 to 90°C.
K–1). In their study, they found that both heat capacity
It is important for mathematical models of ther- and thermal conductivity rose with temperature,
mal therapies to have accurate values of these ther- and found irreversible property changes even after
mal properties in order to generate valid results.19,80 the sample cooled down.87 -
Note that Eq. (19) shows that the three thermal prop- ture range (20–80°C) Choi et al. investigated the
correlation of protein denaturation and water loss
two of these properties for a complete representa- with the thermal properties of human and porcine
tion of heat transfer characteristics. While most of liver. 88 -
the literature available presents data limited to room
temperature, the thermal tissue properties vary with negatively with thermal conductivity and apparent
et al. up to 20% during heating.
via self-heated thermistors and measured thermal Haemmerich et al. measured the temperature-
conductivity and diffusivity of biomaterials (i.e.,
tissues) in the temperature range of 3–45°C.82 Even 85°C, which was found to be increasing for temper-
though they found considerable variations in the ther- atures greater 65°C and presumably related to tissue
mal properties between tissue types, the temperature water loss.89,90 Similar to the dielectric properties,
food industry driven research contributed to the
understanding of temperature-dependent properties
a hot-wire technique and based on the principle of of biomaterials. To design food processing methods
transient 1D conduction and measured the thermal -
conductivity of dead ovine liver and sheep collagen ity, data of various processed meats were presented
as a function of temperature between 25 and 80°C.83 by Rahman,91 Marcotte et al.,92 Baghe-Khandan et
al.,93 and Mohsenin.94 In addition, literature reviews
in thermal conductivity beyond a threshold that was report thermal property values of human tissues at
suggested to be 55 and 90°C for sheep collagen and body temperature.95
bovine liver, respectively. Similarly, van Gemert A representative summary of published research
measured the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of on temperature-dependent thermal properties (ther-
human aorta and canine arteries in the temperature
range of 20–90°C, which has relevance for laser heat capacity) of biological tissues presently avail-

Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at 477
Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures

mal conductivity probe for the temperature range

comprehensive list of studies. On the data of various from +20 to –75°C.96 As several studies suggest that
tissues presented, the studies are in general agreement thermal properties are primarily dependent on rela-
that thermal conductivity of tissue increases with tive content of constituents (i.e., relative content of
temperature within the studies temperature range of 5 water, protein, fat; see Rahman91), it is reasonable
to ~90°C. The presented conductivity and diffusivity to assume that cellular changes following tissue
were calculated for 37°C; original values were pre- -
sented for temperatures different from 37°C. ties. However, ex vivo tissues should be stored in a
No data could be found to demonstrate varia-
tion of thermal tissue properties in vivo versus ex water loss or gain prior to measurement.86
vivo. However, some data are available from food
changes in the thermal conductivity of white and PERFUSION
et al., who studied the
effects of temperature and time postmortem on the
thermal conductivity with a line heat source ther- due to convective heat transfer between the tissue

FIG. 4: Thermal conductivity of various tissues as a function of temperature

Volume 42, Number X, 2014

478 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

FIG. 5:

and circulating blood during heating. Several studies to normal tissues. Thus, heat cannot be removed as
have reviewed the effects of hyperthermia on tumors,
- higher temperatures in tumors during heating. This
- can lead to tumor vascular damage and alter the in-
perthermia varies considerably among different tu- -
mor types, where both higher and lower perfusion
relative to normal tissue have been reported.97–101 deprived at temperatures in the upper hyperthermic
geneous.98 number of studies in large animals and in humans.
- Bicher et al. studied the effects of microwave
hyperthermia and reported a dual effect of hyper-
that of surrounding normal tissues at hyperthermia thermia on local blood of mouse tumors.101 Tumor
temperature conditions. In general, the ability to in-
- whereas higher temperatures caused a collapse in
peratures appears to be limited in tumors compared

Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

SRALK 2: Thermal properties of various tissues from the literature

k k Aoeff. c c Aoeff.
Tefs. Sissue type
Bhattacharya and 0.563 0.626 — — — — Liver, bovine 25–80 Ex vivo

Bhattacharya and 0.582 0.559 — — — — Collagen, ovine 25–80 Ex vivo


Volume 42, Number X, 2014

0.508 –0.114 1.587 × 10–07 0.354 3077 Myocardium, porcine 25–76
Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures

Choi et al.88 0.504 0.222 — — 3112* 0.35* Liver, porcine 25–80 >12–24 h
Choi et al.88 0.503 0.092 — — 3499* 0.2* Liver, human 25–80 > 12–24 h
Choi et al.88 0.550 0.257 — — — — Kidney, human 3–45
Choi et al.88 0.396 0.603 — — — — Lung, human 3–45
Choi et al.88 0.481 0.242 — — — — Liver, human 10–45
Guntur et al.87 0.521 0.615 1.424 × 10–07 0.462 3386 0.32 Liver, porcine 35–90 Samples
1 h before

Haemmerich et al.89 — — — — 3493 0.21 Liver, bovine 25–83 In vitro,

after removal
Marcotte et al.92 0.373 0.780 — — 3167 0.15 20–80
et al.82 0.493 0.120 1.474 × 10–07 0.339 3212 — Myocardium, human 3–45 1–2 days
after biopsy
et al.82 0.407 0.118 1.307 × 10–07 0.237 2967 — Lung, human 3–45 1–2 days
after biopsy
et al.82 0.469 0.116 1.412 × 10–07 0.255 3134 — Liver, human 3–45 1–2 days
after biopsy
Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at

c calculated as k
480 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

tissue, but with 43°C as threshold temperature.

Within 24 h

Within 24 h

after biopsy

after biopsy

after biopsy
1–2 days

1–2 days

1–2 days
KHT tumor in male mice in response to hyperther-
mic temperatures (43–46°C) have been reported by
Brown et al.102 In agreement with other studies, they
measured an initial increase in clearance rate (which
correlates with perfusion) for all tissues and a higher



heat sensitivity (factor two) of the tumor resulting in

heated animal

tumors (Yoshida sarcoma in rats) in a water bath to

Colon cancer, human
Adenocarinoma of
the breast, human

42°C and reported a progressive decrease in blood

Renal medulla,

Spleen, human
Sissue type


four to seven times the resting values. The response

of microvasculature to heating between 41 and 45°C
was studied by Eddy for squamous cell carcinoma in
hamsters. At 45°C the response of tumor vasculature
c Aoeff.

to the elevated temperature included early reduction

in vessel caliber, vascular stasis, and was followed

later by infarction and coagulation necrosis.103
Shrivastav et al. investigated the effects of micro-




wave hyperthermia on microcirculation of normal


and malignant tissues in rats for temperatures be-

tween 39 and 44°C.104 -
culation in the normal or malignant tissues for lower




changes in the tissue vascular resistance and blood

1.436 × 10–07

1.134 × 10–07
1.482 × 10–07

1.470 × 10–07

1.444 × 10–07

for 10 min at 42°C and 3 min at 44°C, the tumor


that of the surrounding musculature remained unal-

tered indicating the tumor vasculature seems more
k Aoeff.





responsive to heat treatment. An interstitial laser

Doppler approach was used by Sturesson et al. to
measure the increase of liver perfusion in rat liver
at temperatures of 41 and 44°C.105 An increase in




liver perfusion up to 33% was found at a local tissue

continuously during and after heating to 44°C. van

SRALK 2: Continued

c calculated as k
et al.82

et al.82
et al.82

et al.82

et al.82

(undifferentiated Rhabdomyosarcoma BA I 112)


vasculature failure in rats for temperatures between

42 and 43.5°C via stereomicroscope and reported
shorter times (about one third) for 50% vascular
stoppage at 43.5°C compared to heating to 42°C.106

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Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at 481
Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures

Although small animal studies suggest tumors

to be highly sensitive to hyperthermia with reduc- larger tumors tend to be perfused less than smaller
- et al. presented prostate perfusion
ing at 42–43°C, there is evidence that tumors in large data on 18 patients with locally advanced prostate
animals, and more importantly human tumors, are
considerably less sensitive.107–113 et al. beam irradiation and regional or interstitial hy-
perthermia (39.4–53.1°C).117 Their data revealed
19%) of canine soft tissue sarcomas 24 h after local that perfusion increased due to hyperthermia with
hyperthermia, which was particularly pronounced higher perfusion values for interstitial hyperthermia
at temperatures around 44°C.107 Similarly, Milligan (470% increase) compared to regional hyperthermia

mast cell tumors during and after hyperthermia with temperatures during interstitial hyperthermia. No
temperatures up to 44°C. In contrast to normal tissue, change in perfusion during hyperthermic (up to
by ~5%, the mast cell sarcomas showed little change al.; they showed that perfusion in inoperable breast
A thermal pulse decay tumors may both increase and decrease after suc-
technique was used by Xu et al. to investigate the cessful hyperthermia and the average tumor blood
blood perfusion rate of canine prostate under normal 118
and hyperthermic (41–43°C) conditions induced by studies in human patients suggest no reduction in
In agreement with other perfusion at temperatures up to at least 44ºC. Thus,
studies, perfusion increased about 3.5-fold relative in particular, small animal tumor models may not
to the baseline perfusion when the tissue was heated
from body temperature to 41.3°C and increased tumors in response to hyperthermia.
another 0.5-fold with further heating to 43.1°C. In A summary of temperature-dependent perfusion
normal tissues such as canine brain tissue, Lyons et of biological tissues presently available are plotted
rate that occurred gradually throughout the course of presented in Table 3.
heating with temperatures between 42 to 49°C and
heating durations ranging between 15 and 45 min.108 VI. MODELING OF TEMPERATURE DEPEN-
Waterman et al. studied the response of human DENCE OF TISSUE PROPERTIES
Computer simulations have increasingly been uti-
tumors (three adenocarcinomas, one melanoma)
during 60 min of local hyperthermia (40–44°C) and treatments and are used as an aid for planning, eval-

during the course of thermoradiotherapy in all four To


cases.115 In a later study, Waterman et al. presented obtain realistic models of thermal therapies, it is im-
- portant to use adequate mathematical functions to
mors (tumor volumes from 18 to 810 cm3) during 60 model the temperature dependence of tissue proper-
min of local hyperthermia (40–44°C) administered ties, or resort to using interpolation based on tabu-
lated data if necessary.

30 min and remained nearly constant afterward.116 functions most commonly used for modeling the
temperature dependence of the thermal and electri-
though data in one tumor suggest that a reduction cal conductivities (k
in perfusion may occur at temperatures above 44°C. modeling. Using models with constant values or

Volume 42, Number X, 2014

482 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

FIG. 6:

dependence of these parameters, and rapid change at time-temperature curve for relative permittivity and
effective conductivity and compared to simulations
that the different methods of piecewise modeling -
temperature dependence of k tal temperatures in liver tissue. They found from these
studies that a sigmoidal model of tissue dielectric prop-
thermal lesion diameter following ablation thera-
pies.18 Similarly, Lobo et al. used computer simula-
tion via the Bioheat equation coupled with temper-
Ahmed et al. 30
They demon-
strated that while tissue perfusion has the dominant
cooled electrode.123 They demonstrated that thermal

electrical conductivity and temperature distribution. -

measured the dielectric proper-
ties of liver tissue during high-temperature microwave Beep-Min et al. -
heating and derived a mathematical function of the gram to simulate the dynamic evolution of coagula-

Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at 483
Hyperthermic and Ablation Temperatures


Total body heat to
Ardenne and Inhibition of tumor
DS carcinoma (rats) 39.5°C plus local heat
Reitnauer126 microcirculation
43°C/100 min
40–41°C Tumor pO2
C3H mammary increased
Bicher et al. 101
carcinoma, mouse
42.0°C, 40 min
Decreased clearance rate,
vascular damage followed
mammary carcinoma,
43–46°C/60 min a 1°C chance equal
human mammary
Brown et al. 102 change in heating time
carcinomas, mouse
factor 2
Similar to initial clearance
Muscle tissue, mouse 43–46°C/60 min
Yoshida sarcoma, rat 42.0°C/1 h
42.5°C, 40 min
43.0°C/30 min
Squamous cell carcinoma 43°C2, 15 min
43°C >15 min Mild stasis
45°C/30 min
40.5°C/40 min No change
BA1112 rats sarcoma 42.5°C/40 min Dilation and congestion
Emami et al.127 44.5°C/40 min Hemorrhage and necrosis
42.5°C/40 min
rhabdomyosarcoma, rat
40.0°C/1 h

Endrich et al.128 decreased
rhabdomyosarcoma, rat 41.3°C/1 h
Number of functional
>43.0°C/1 h
No consistent or
Gullino et al.129 predictable Change
carcinoma 40–42°C/1 h

13762A carcinoma, rat 43.5°C/1 h
Rappaport and Song130
42–42.5°C/l h No change
Reinhold and van den BA-1112
42–42.5°C/2–3 h
rhabdomyosarcoma, rat vascular collapse
42.5°C/2.5 h

Volume 42, Number X, 2014

484 Rossmanna & Haemmerich

SRALK 3: Continued

Unaltered vascular
39°C/45 min
SMT-2A mammary
Shrivastav et al.104
adenocarcinoma, rat 42°C/45 min
45°C/60 min
Song et al.132 SCK carcinoma, mouse 40.5°C/30 min
No change in tumor blood
43°C/1 h
Song et al. 133

>43.0°C/1 h
Song 98
42.5°C/1 h
42.5°C/1 h
CAMT, mouse 42.5°C/1 h
Stewart and Begg134
CANT, mouse 42.5°C/1 h
42.5°C/1 h
41/30 min
Sturesson et al.105 Rat liver parenchyma
44°C/30 min
Sutton135 Ependymoblastana, mo 42.0°C/1 h
42°C/30 min

DA carcinoma in rat 39.5°C/>30 min

et al.136 O2 consumption

42°C/>30 min
O2 consumption

Waterman et al.116 40–44°C/60 min


tion in tissue considering temperature and damage

dependence of both the optical properties and blood
perfusion rate during laser coagulation.124 A relative- ablation. It is evident that the choice of modeling
the temperature dependence of the electrical as well
occurs if the dynamic parameters are ignored. Blood
perfusion is temperature and time dependent and de- -
pends on the degree of microvascular stasis. The in- bution in computer models, respectively. 17,18,30,64,125

Thus, accurate models require the consideration of

the predicted degree of microvascular stasis found temperature-dependent properties, and among tissue
properties in many cases perfusion and its tempera-
ture dependence is often dominating and of primary
response during microwave thermal therapy.125 importance.30,80,113,126

Diederich126 compared the effect of different mi- VII. SUMMARY

dimensions and found that the choice of micro- In this paper, we reviewed temperature-dependent
vascular perfusion algorithm and baseline tissue thermal and electrical properties of biological tis-

Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

Review of Temperature Dependence of Thermal Properties, Dielectric Properties, and Perfusion of Biological Tissues at 485
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