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The relationship between a state and its citizens is governed by a known legal system called public

law. It is a branch of law that exercises and controls the power of the state through the structure,
functions, and organization of government. Since the beginning of written history, public law has
ensured that government actions are consistent with the rule of law, human rights, and the
implementation of treaties. This essay will explore the key aspects of the rule of law and their
significance in contemporary society.

Constitutionalism plays a critical role in contemporary democratic society. Constitutional law is the
backbone of a society. It is the mirror of society, as the constitution defies the relationship between
the state and its subjects. The constitution outlines all the powers and formations of its institutions. It
is the supreme law of the land, and any law that contradicts the constitution will be null and void.
Constitutional law also includes the mechanism to implement international treaties. Constitutional law
is the political order that identifies the sovereign law-making authority.
Public law is the only set of laws that is consistently evolving due to different situations, such as
financial crises and the innovation of artificial intelligence. Also, the importance of public law is
evident in different jurisdictions worldwide. When the rise of populism and authoritarianism tries to
demolish the very core of democratic institutions, courts and legal experts are key to upholding the
values and principles of public law by challenging the legality of government.
One of the key foundations of modern democratic government is the separation of powers. Without
legal scrutiny, the government will turn into an autocracy. The protection of an individual’s rights
against the state is one of the core principles of the Constitution. Due process and equal protection can
only be guaranteed by a free judiciary, such as in the UK, where the Human Rights Act 1998 was
enacted due to the independence status of the judiciary. In a democratic society, judicial review is the
tool to keep the government and its officials following the spirit of the Constitution. Also, only a free
and fair judiciary can ensure that the criminal justice system is executed fairly and not as a weapon to
control the opposition.
Due to innovation and trade, international law is rapidly developing. Human rights, the law of armed
conflict, and relationships between states are key components of it. Sharing data and protecting peace
and stability between states are vital to keeping international public law developing. It also governs
the conduct of states and sets out the rules for dispute resolution between states.
Now a day’s Public law has become more important than any other set of laws because the
government is facing new challenges with almost every new development in technology. The
framework of public law has to adopt the changes to face reality. An example is cyber law and
national security law.
In the context of national security, the government should keep a balance between individual rights
and the needs of society. Worldwide, governments have enacted new laws and policies to protect the
country, which clearly go against the very core principle of individual rights and liberties. So the
challenge for the government is to protect national security while also ensuring individual liberties.
On social media, an individual can now easily communicate and disseminate information on a global
stage. Worldwide, governments are struggling to manage this by introducing policies and regulations.
The challenge of public law is to ensure freedom of speech and privacy are still available while
protecting the citizens from unexpected unrest as well as harm.
The rise of artificial intelligence has created a group of people who are getting too much power and
authority. To protect and promote public welfare, the government has to enact new financial rules and
regulations to prevent monopolies and promote fair competition.
One of the key challenges facing public international law today is the environment. The rapid rise of
the world's temperature is creating havoc everywhere. International public law has to take initiative,
act fast, and come to an arrangement before it’s too late.
To exceed the challenges faced by public law, it must continue to evolve and adapt to changing
circumstances. The government has to make sure that it always complies with the constitution and
always works along with the civil service and legal experts.
In conclusion, since the beginning of human history, public law has been the framework for
government. It protects individuals’ rights and ensures social justice. Public law has to be flexible and
tolerable to the demands of the 21st century.

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