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Name: khane dhaven o kakal Rating: _________________

Date Performed; 9/11/2022 Grade & Section: 11A9

Teacher: Cherry villaueva

Q1: HBA Task no.1

A. Directions. Encircle the word within the parenthesis ( ) that best completes each statement.

Some characteristics of (Earth) that allow it to sustain life is the oxygen (rich) atmosphere and (liquid
water) that is located on the surface of the earth. Both oxygen and water are the (keys)to life as we know it.
Oxygen is used by (, plants) during aerobic (respiration). Oxygen is (essential) for animals to adhere to their
basic needs. Surface ( ocean) is also a basic need for all living things. Water keeps all living things (hydrated,
dry) as well as help control the (, weather) which affect each organism’s survival.
Earth is surrounded by a (thin) atmosphere that contains nitrogen, oxygen, and other (, tiny) gases. This
atmosphere provides the (air) that we breathe. It also helps to (regulate) the temperature so that we do not
experience extreme (hot or cold,). Earth’s atmosphere also contains a layer of (ozone) a molecule consisting of
three oxygen (atoms) which provides protection from harmful solar ( eclipse). Finally, three-quarters of Earth's
surface is covered by (water,) a necessary ingredient for life. Earth is the only (planet) in the solar system that
contains liquid water.

B. Directions: Put a check ( ⁄ ) mark for statements that describes the uniqueness of Earth. Write your
answers in sheet of paper.
__________1. Presence of oxygen in the atmosphere has no effect on the Earth’s life forms.
__________2. There is a continuous flow of energy within the Earth’s system.
__________3. Earth’s water is in the form of ice and is readily available for organisms.
__________4. The energy of the sun drives all life processes on Earth.
__________5. Earth is positioned in the Goldilocks zone.

C. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a Goldilocks Zone?
The 'Goldilocks Zone,' or habitable zone, is the range of distance with the right temperatures for water to remain liquid.
Discoveries in the Goldilocks Zone, like Earth-size planet Kepler-186f, are what scientists hope will lead us to water––and
one day life.

2. What conditions need to exist in order for life to survive?

All living things need some sort of food, water, the right atmosphere and temperature. Humans for example, need to
breathe in oxygen and can survive in temperatures that aren't extreme hot or cold. Even the strength of gravity
determines the form of our bodies such as our bones and muscle strength.

3. What temperature range is good for life?

Typically anything in the range of 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit is considered normal,” says Dr. Ford. “But there are times
when a perfectly healthy person might have a body temperature that's slightly higher or slightly lower than that.” Your
“normal” body temperatures changes throughout your life, too.

4. What sort of atmosphere do living things need to survive?

Carbon dioxide and oxygen are the gases in the atmosphere that are needed for life.

5. Do living things need water to survive? Why?

All living species need water for existence and survival. All the oxygen-dependent species require water, which assists
them in the process of respiration. Water helps in the regulation of temperature, which further assists in the chemical
reactions essential for cellular processes like respiration.

6. What do organisms get from the food they eat? What is its use?
Food is the material from which organisms through respiration obtain the energy required to sustain life and carry out
all the other defining functions of living things. Food also provides the raw materials for growth and repair. The study of
food and feeding is called nutrition.

7. Is light necessary for living things? How?

Almost all living beings depend on light for their food and energy. Plants and other autotrophs synthesize their own food
materials by use of light. The light which falls on the leaves of a plant is trapped. The trapped energy is converted to
reserve energy in the form of food by the process of photosynthesis

8. How does the earth’s magnetic field affect life on earth?

The Earth's magnetic field does not directly affect human health. Humans evolved to live on this planet. High altitude
pilots and astronauts can experience higher levels of radiation during magnetic storms, but the hazard is due to the
radiation, not the magnetic field itself.

9. Does it matter how massive the planet is? Why?

Typically, the more massive the planet, the more massive the atmosphere it can acquire and maintain. This is important
because the mass of a planet's atmosphere will directly influence its climate.

10.Describe three characteristics that make Earth suitable for life?

What makes the Earth habitable? It is the right distance from the Sun, it is protected from harmful solar radiation by
its magnetic field, it is kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for life,
including water and carbon

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