Foundation: Everything Succeeds On A 4+

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Everything Succeeds on a 4+.

Foundation In any given exchange of arms (rockets or fists) only 2 piles of dice are rolled, the attackers and the defenders. If the defender rolls more successes (4+s) than the attacker, nothing happens. If the attacker rolls more successes (4+s) than the defender, the defending unit loses that many models (or a tank takes vary degrees of damage, or a hero various wounds, etc). From here on out, 4+s are successes and 3-s are failures Smaller Squads Attacking Larger Squads When a unit attacks a unit with fewer models, the Attacking player chooses how many models he is attempting to destroy (the number cannot be less than the number of attacking models) the defending player can only roll Defense dice equal to the number the attack player chooses, AND can only lose a maximum of that many models due to failures. Tanks Some guns have anti-tank values, this is how many dice to roll VS tanks (some guns have 0). The Tank armor is how many successes the Tank has (tanks do not roll defense). If the attacker has more 4+s than the defending tank the tank takes damage. Tanks have a damage capacity of 6, each success made in excess of their armor is one damage. When they have 6 damage they are destroyed. Cover Cover gives a unit 1 more defensive die per model in the unit. The Crackshot Special Rule does not ignore cover dice, roll them separately! Leadership and Blast Markers A Squad receives a Blast Marker (BM) when; they are shot, or if a squad within LOS Breaks or is Annihilated and when they are Charged. BM is represented by a dice and maxs at 6 BM. When a squad has 6 BM it is considered Broken and behaves differently according to one of the Broken Behaviors, which differ from unit to unit. And thats it! Create a unit using the Point Cost system! Special rules and broken behaviors are not pointed. Creating a Unit: The point system Model size/type pt cost. Tax Per Model +5 Unit Card Example Shooting 2 (this means the model rolls 2 dice when shooting) Melee 2 (this means the model rolls 2 dice when fighting in CC)

Defense 2 (rolls 2 dice when attacked in any way, shooting or melee) BB: This is the behavior the model takes when it is Broken. SR: These are any Special Rules the Model may have. Tough +7pt to upgrade a Model to Tough: Tough means it takes 2 failures to kill a tough model. If a Tough model rolls 1 Defensive success, while the attacking models rolls 2 Attacking successes, the Tough model does not die, but if the attacking model rolled 3 Attacking successes, the Tough model would die, because its defensive successes were overcome by 2 attacking successes. Movement Movement has not point cost, it has strategic value but not an easily discernable numerical value, and therefore movement type is determined as special rules are. Range Range has not point cost, it has strategic value but not an easily discernable numerical value, and therefore movement type is determined as special rules are. Shooting & Defense 0pt 0 2pt 1 3pt 1-reroll 4pt 2 6pt 2-reroll Melee 0pt 1 1pt 1re-roll 2pt 2 4pt 2re-roll 7pt 3-reroll

Close Combat After a unit charges, both players roll their attack and defense dice, and compare the results, and take appropriate casualties. Initiative, Who Strike First in CC? Everyone strikes at the same time unless noted by a special rule. Escaping CC If a squad is faster than the squad it has fought a round of CC with, then the faster squad may elect to flee. If they do, they move 2d6 in a straight line any direction. The following chart outlines which kinds of units are faster than others, from fastest to slowest. -Fast -No Special Rule -Slow If both squads are the same speed, you may still elect to flee, roll a die, and if you succeed you flee safely, if you fail, nothing happens.

Losing CC When a unit loses more models than the opposing squad in CC, it loses the CC and gains 1 BM. If a squad loses a CC with 6 BM it is forced to attempt to flee, it is fails, it is completely destroyed! Remove all models in the squad. -Any model may direct its attack dice to any enemy unit it is in base contact with. -You may charge multiple units if they are all in range. Vs Tank Shooting 5pt per die i.e. for 1 Vs Tank shot of 5, pay 25pts. This attack would be resolved by rolling 5 Vs Tank dice. Sniper Rules Pay to upgrade a shot to a sniper shot, pay 2pts per die roll in your shooting attack profile. If you roll 2 die when shooting, pay 4pts, etc. Sniper successes ignore cover successes. 2pt Sniper (denies cover die, paid for per die). Vehicles & Giant Creatures Vehicles and Giant Creatures take 1 damage for each success an *eligible success makes against their armor, in excess of their armor value. (Success Armor value = damage). Vehicle and Giant Creatures have a damage capacity of 6 (use a d6 to keep track), when damage reaches 6, they are destroyed. All Giant Creature Melee attacks ignore armor. Pay for attacks like a normal model, a Giant Creature can purchase up to 3 separate attacks (for a maximum or 3 attacks of 3 die that get re-rolls). Giant Creatures purchase Armor in the same manner as a vehicle does, but it has no rear armor. *Eligible successes are Vs Tank shooting or Melee, and Crackshot/Rending attacks that roll a 6. 25pt Tax on Vehicles and Giant Creatures. Movement Movement has not point cost, it has strategic value but not an easily discernable numerical value, and therefore movement type is determined as special rules are. Armor/Hide Rear armor is free and is always 1, unless it has a special rule, the list below is how to pay to increase front and side armor. Giant Creatures have no rear armor. 0pt 1 10pt 2 20pt 3

30pt 40pt

4 5

Special Rules / Abilities Armor Piercing -Renders: Melee Attacks in close combat ignore Defense dice on a 6. Also on 6s these attacks count as Vs Tank attacks. -Crack shots: Shooting Attacks ignore Defense dice on a 6. Also on 6s these attacks count as Vs Tank attacks. Disciplined: At the end of this squads activation they shed 1 BM. Rage: This squad never shoots, and only move, runs, and attempts to charge the nearest enemy unit. (what if it rages a tank it cant harm?) Fearless: Units that lose CC to this unit are conferred 2 BM instead of the normal 1. Terrifying: Units within 12 of this unit are conferred 1 BM at the end of this units activation. Suppressing Fire: A unit confers 2 BM to the squad it shot at instead of 1. Leader: At the end of this models activation, each friendly squad within 6 sheds 1 BM Slow: Attacks last in CC. Cant run. (Disallows escaping from units with the Fast Special rules, or units without the Slow Special Rule) Fast: Attacks first in CC. Can charge after Running. (Allows this squad to escape from, Squads without the Fast special rule, and from Slow Squads). Heroic Defense: Some or all of Defense dies can never be ignored. *Rally: When a unit rallies they shed 1 BM. Once during their activation, a unit may forfeit moving, or shooting and instead Rally. *Run: Instead of shooting a squad may elect to run, roll a d6, the squad may move up to that many inches but cannot charge. *Charge: If an enemy squad is within 6, you may charge. If you do, move models into base contact with the enemy squad, then the charged squad moves 6 to get into base contact with enemy models, then CC begins. Create other Special Rules as you creativity allows! *All units have these Special Rules unless noted on their card. Morale and Behavior A Squad receives a Blast Marker (BM) when; they are shot at, if a squad within LOS Breaks (reaches 6 BM) or is Annihilated (every model removed as a causality) and if they are Charged. They are Special Rules that give out BM and Broken units have Broken Behaviors outlined below. Broken Behaviors Each Squad has a Broken Behavior, that is, how they behave when they begin their activation with 6 BM.

Bloodthirsty: This Squad gains Rage when Broken. It loses Rally. Retreat: This squad moves 12 and ends its movement further from every enemy unit; roll a d6, if you succeed, set the squads BM to 5. Stubborn: Roll the BM die for this squad, the squad takes as many Failures as the result, and the result is the squads new number of BM. For Example, a 10 man squad rolls the dice and get 3 failures, 3 models are removed as causalities, However, if a Tough squad rolls 3 failures, only 1 model is removed as a casualties (remember it takes 2 failures to kill a tough guy). Create your own BB!

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