Youth Leadership Summit Message BC 301500 April 23

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One of the saddest scenarios I saw on television was youth being involved

in the insurgency and being exploited by the Communist Terrorist Group.

Brilliant students who were influenced to become rebels and enemies of

the state. It is hard-breaking seeing parents cry their hearts out because

their children led a different path, the path to violence without any good

future. I believe with all my heart that this should end. There is no room for

the enemy to exploit you, the youth who remained to be the harbingers of

hope for our beloved Philippines.

YOU, the Filipino youth have a big role in nation building. You are very

special to us. All of us here want to see you succeed in life and make a

difference. You have the power to make your dreams come true. 

From the book of Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go

and when he is old he will not depart from it.” I encourage everyone to

immense themselves in this gathering because you will get valuable

lessons that you can use as you grow. The Youth Leadership Summit will

empower you not only to lead others but also to lead the most important

person in your life, yourself. After all, the most important form of leadership

is leading oneself. I encourage everyone to take the time to listen to our

distinguished and brilliant speakers. One way or another, I am very sure

that you will be learning from them. Take the time to enjoy and have fun. As

you learn every day, never forget to connect with everybody and foster

friendship with our participants and the organizers. I hope that after you

completed the program you will become more empowered, renewed,

motivated, driven, and goal-oriented.   

Today is very special, as you commit to follow what is noble and good. To

help your family. To bless your community. And to contribute to our beloved


 Be successful and be a blessing!

 Always remember this; you have a role to play in the progress of our

country. Nevertheless, you have to start in "YOU". Start small but dream

big. Mother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can

do small things with great love." The small efforts you do will surely bring

astounding results.  

 Isang mabiyayang araw sa bawat isa!

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