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Q: Is it mandatory to write part (a)’s of Surahs together and then part (b)’s together?

A: It is better but not mandatory. You may answer both part (a)’s and then both part (b)’s of Surah OR you
may write (a) followed by (b) of both passages. The examiner will credit you accordingly by turning over
the leaf. Do write the question number, passage number, and part of the passage before writing down the
answer of the part of the opted passage. e.g. Q1 (i) (a) and Q1 (i) (b).

Q: Though Q1 is compulsory with Quranic passages in it, can I still skip ONE Surah from this chapter?

A: Yes, you can as there will choice of one Surah/Passage in Q1.

Q: Are Nasikh Mansukh, Tafsir, Qualities of Mufassir, and Aql part of the Syllabus?

A: Nasikh, Mansukh, and Tafsir are part of the syllabus. No Need to prepare for ‘Aql’ anymore it has been
cancelled from the syllabus now. Though Nasikh, Mansukh, Tafsir, and the qualities of Mufassir have not
been assessed in previous exams, therefore, usually these topics are considered part of the syllabus to
prepare other important topics in the syllabus.

Q: What is the pattern for the following Question concerning all four sources of Islamic law?

(a) Write an account of how the four sources of Islamic Law are used together. [10]

- Discuss 04 main points of Quran; 1st, primary, guides for all topics, indestructible & beyond challenging.
- Write one or two Quranic laws preferably concerning stealing, wine, gambling, or interest.

- Discuss four main points of the Hadith; 2nd, primary, extends Quranic laws, used when the Quran is silent
and offers Tafsir of the Quranic verses.
- Write one example of the relation between the Quran and Sunnah.
- Write one example of the law from Hadith Solely. e.g. of donkeys or mules or punishment of adultery.

- Discuss key points of Ijm and the permissibility of Ijma through Hadith.
- Write general examples of Ijma; Compilation and 2nd Adhan of FCP.
- Give one example of the Quran and Ijma; preferably the example of grandmothers.
- You may also give an example of Hadith and Qiyas.

- Discuss key points of Qiya and the permissibility of Qiyas through the Hadith of Muadh bin Jabal.
- Give one example of the Quran and Qiyas; preferably about the consumption of wine
- You may also give an example of Hadith and Qiyas; an item bequeathed or punishment of the drunk.

P.S: If you think that you cannot finish this answer on time then you may skip the examples of Hadith&
Ijma and Hadith & Qiyas. I have shared the PDF with the model answer for this question. Do read it.

Q: (a) Outline how the following sources are used in establishing law

(i) Quran (ii) Qiyas [10]

A: In this, you need to cover both sources individually and their relations with others.

(i) Discuss the basic points of the Quran followed by its relationship with hadith and an example.
(ii) Discuss basic points of Qiyas followed by its relation with the Quran & Hadith with one example each.

Q: Difference between the source of guidance and the source of legal thinking?

SOURCE OF GUIDANCE: In this, you need to cover the use of the source by a common man and the
discussion will be made only on Primary sources. For Hadith as a source of guidance you need to discuss
the Main Points of Hadith and then its relation with the Quran with examples.

SOURCE OF LEGAL THINKING/ISLAMIC LAW: In this, you need to cover the use of the source by a legal
thinker. The discussion will be made on both primary and secondary sources both. For Hadith as a source
of legal thinking, you need to discuss the Main Points of Hadith, its relationship with the Quran with
examples, its relation with ijma with an example, and its relation with Qiyas with an example. Also, the use
of Hadith by immediate successors of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) means the Caliphs.

Kindly, see Book # 2 Page # 26 for the patterns of the Quran as a source of legal thinking and Hadith as a
source of legal thinking. See Book # 2 pages 11-13 for the answer of Hadith as a source of guidance.

Q: What is the pattern of this question?

(a) The Angel Jibril brought the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad at different times and
places. Give examples to show how this took place. [10]

A: You need to describe Methods of Revelation more in this answer.

Revelations were the notification executed on him secretly. He received them in 23 years between 610-
632 A.D. He first received verses of Surah Alaq. After that, he was given a break of six months or so which
made him upset. After the verses of Surah Mudassir, the verses became frequent and common.


(i) In the Method of Inspiration, you need to give an example of the Prophet (PBUH)’s dream that he was
ordered to visit Makkah for Umrah through a dream which is also discussed in (48:27) Surah al Fatah. You
can also add the example of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)’s dream to illustrate further.
(ii) In the method of Behind the Screen while explaining the difficulties for Prophet (PBUH) you should add
the following examples; (a) Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit feeling the weight of revelations, (b) The camel unable
to carry Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), (c) Report of Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RZ) about perspiration that we
discussed in the topic of Scribes. Further, you can mention that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) heard Allah
but did not see Allah in this method with an example of his communication with Allah in the journey of
Mairaj. For further illustration, you may give the example of Hazrat Musa (A.S) who also heard the voice of
Allah only.

(iii) In the method Via Messenger, you need to mention the appearance of Angel in human form as Hazrat
Dahya Qalbi (RZ) usually and Angel’s actual appearance as Giant. You can provide examples that it is
mentioned in Al-Bukhari (Hadiht-e-Jibreel) that Angel appeared in man form asked a few questions from
Prophet (PBUH) and left where Prophet (PBUH) told companions it was Jibra’il who visited to teach you how
to ask questions. Angel also appeared in man form inside cave Hira. For an angel’s true appearance, you
may provide examples of the angel’s visit outside cave Hira and at Sidra-tul-Muntaha which is mentioned
in Surah Al-Najam.

(iv) They were not in his control. He could receive revelations anywhere and at any time. e.g. receiving
revelations multiple times amidst companions suddenly and receiving revelations on H. Aisha (RZ)’s bed.


He received verses in Makkah and Madinah both. They started from Cave Hira. He then received verses at
different times and places. Give examples of verses he received in Makkah and their topics mainly beliefs,
patience, motivation and migration. After migration, the verses were mainly about rules and obligations.
Give a few examples of revelations he received in Madinah.

Note: The same pattern for the following wordings in past paper questions.

Q(a) Describe the different ways the Prophet (PBUH) received revelation from God. [10]
Q(a) Write an account of different ways in which revelations came to the Prophet (PBUH).
Include examples in your answer. [10]

Q: (a) Describe the Prophet (PBUH)'s experience of receiving revelation after 1st revelation. [10]

A: Its answer is similar to the answer of different ways of revelation. You need to mention the Introduction,
Methods, and the Process of Revelations for this answer. The only difference is that instead of giving
examples of Methods of revelation in Paragraph # 2, you need to illustrate the 3rd paragraph more which
is the Process of Revelation. Mentioning a few verses with a brief discussion on cave Hira and (96:1-5) will
help you secure more marks.

Q: Are we supposed to remember the numbers of all 15 Quranic passages in Q1?

A: Yes, you must remember all the numbers as in previous years the examiner has asked questions by
providing the reference numbers of passages related to the theme of Allah in Himself. Similarly, the
examiner may ask questions related to the themes of Created world and Messengers In the coming years.

Q: What is the pattern of this question from the Practice Paper?

(a) From Qur’anic passages you have studied, write about what lessons can be learned from God’s
conversations with Adam, Abraham and Jesus. [10]

A: You need to mention stories of the prophets in the question followed by their relations with Allah. Also,
the lessons learned from those stories.

Note: Almost all past papers on the theme of Allah’s relation with His Messengers have the same pattern.
The story of the Prophet concisely, followed by part (a) of the passage prepared for Q1 focusing more on
the points mentioning Allah’s relation with the Prophet.

Q: What is the pattern of the following question:

(a) Choose two from the following passages and write in detail about the various ways in which God
describes in them how He is unique: 6:101-103, 42:4-5, 112, 41:37. [10]

(i) Write the Name of Surah. e.g. The passage 112 is Surah Ikhlas.

(ii) Mention the Theme. e.g. The main theme of this passage is Allah in Himself i.e. Tawhid.

(iii) Highlight the Specification of the theme which are highlighted Attributes of Allah. e.g. It particularly
mentions Allah’s existence.

(iv) Write the Main Teachings of the passage. e.g. It teaches that Allah does exist as a complete and perfect
personality. Allah is one in Existence and He is the only existing God. The Quran states: “And your God is
one God.” It also teaches that Allah is perfect in His existence as He is immortal; He was there, He is here
and He will always be there forever as stated in Quran: “There is no god but He the Living the self-
subsisting, the Eternal.”

(v) Write References from the Surah you are writing about and other similar Surahs. e.g. Allah states in
Surah Ikhlas “He begets not nor is He begotten.” This means He is not born from anyone and no one is
born from Him. He is single and has no associates or partners as being perfect and independent He does
not need them. He has no grandparents or parents and no grandson or son as the Quran states: “How can
He have a son when He has no consort?”

Note: The same pattern for the following wordings in past paper questions.

(a) Write about how God describes Himself so humans can know Him using:
(i) Sura 2.255 (Ayat al–Kursi) (ii) Sura 112.1-4 (Ikhlas) [10]

(a) Using three passages you have studied from the syllabus, write about God’s relationship with His
created world. [10]

Q: Are Shan-e-Nuzool of passages important?

A: Yes, they are important as in 2013 the examiner assessed the background of Surah Kauthar and Surah
Ikhlas. Later, the examiner assessed the background of the first five verses of Surah Alaq in the CAIEs of
Pakistan and outside Pakistan. You also need to prepare for the Shan-e-Nuzool of Surah Duha and Surah
Nas. Their pattern is:

Step # 1: Write a detailed background of the passage.

Step # 2: Outline the main teachings in the passage meaning part (a) of the passage prepared for Q1.
Step # 3: Write references from the passage and other similar passages.

Q: What is the pattern of the following question?

(a) Write about Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)’s interaction with non-Muslims in Madinah. [10]

A: Discuss the charter of Madinah followed by his interactions/relations with Jews and Hypocrites. His
interactions with Christians of Najran in Madinah can also be stated.

Q: Is the charter of Madinah important?

A: Yes, it is as it has been assessed for 10 marks in the syllabus 2056. It is also used in descriptions
of past paper questions related to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)’s relation with non -Muslims.

Q: What is the pattern of 'Lesson Walay Questions?'

(i) Highlight the behavior/attitude/event (Behavior)
(ii) Extract lesson(s) from the behavior/attitude/event (Lesson)
(iii) Suggest actions to implement the lesson in your life (Actions)

(i) Hazrat Sumaya (RZ) was martyred by Abu Jahal during persecution; she preferred to sacrifice her life
instead of leaving the faith. (Behavior).

(ii) This gives us the lesson of sacrificing for the cause of Allah. (Lesson extracted).

(iii) Therefore, learning from this we should be willing to sacrifice our valuables for the cause of Allah. If
needed, we should sacrifice our lives to defend our values which include our religion, country, family, and
possessions. We should prioritize our values and should not accept slavery and aggression. (Actions)

Try giving suggestions to implement from the contemporary world which are more practical like we should
practice patience while driving and rather than cursing our brothers for their mistakes we should be
considerate and tolerant.

Q: What are the unassessed topics in the chapter Biography of Prophet Mohammad ‫?ﷺ‬

A: In life in Makkah, the topic of the Boycott has not been assessed yet.
In life in Madinah, Prophet (PBUH)’s letters to the Kings and Emperors.

Q: What are the topics that have not been assessed in the chapter Biography of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in 10 years?

A: Miracles of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Position of women that is Prophet (PBUH)’s relations with
wives, mothers and daughters.

Q: Is it mandatory for the examiner to assess two questions from the chapter Biography of Prophet ‫?ﷺ‬

A: No, the examiner may assess one question from Biography and two questions from the early Muslim

Q: Does the examiner assess two questions from the chapter The Early Muslim Community?

A: Yes, Examiner does and has done it multiple times since 2009.

Q: Can we leave any one chapter completely?

A: No. You may risk your 14 marks by doing it because the examiner can make two questions from the
biography in some years and two from the early Muslim community in other years.

Q: Are all Imams to be learned?

A: No. The examiner suggests preparing this topic based on past papers so as per past papers Hazrat Ali
(RZ), Hazrat Hasan (RZ), and Hazrat Hussain (RZ), Events of Karbala, and transferring of Imamat of these
three are to be learned. For the rest of the Imams, reading them twice will be enough.

Q: How to prepare the early Muslim community? What to learn what to leave?

A: Follow the lectures delivered in the classroom. We covered the most important personalities based on
past papers. They would be enough to deal with CAIE.

Q: Selective study of The Early Muslim Community.

(i) Ten Blessed Companions; (First four and H. Abdur Rehman) and conversion of the first four.
(ii) The Wives of Prophet ‫ ;ﷺ‬Hazrat Khadija, Sawdah, Aisha, Hafsa, Umme Salamh & Zainab bint Jahsh (RZ)
(iii) Daughters of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH); All four.
(iv) Grandsons of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH); Hazrat Hasan (RZ) and Hazrat Hussain (RZ).
(v) Muhajirun and Ansars; One Past Paper Question covered in the classroom lecture.
(vi) Scribes; One Past Paper Question covered in the classroom lecture.
(vii) Important Personalities; Abu Talib, Hazrat Bilal, Hazrat Hamza, Hazrat Abu Sufyan, Hazrat Amna,
Hazrat Halima, Hazrat Khalid, Hazrat Zaid bin Harith (RZ), Hazrat Salman Farsi (RZ) and Hazrat Jaffer (RZ).

Q: Where is the answer to the following questions?

(a) Write an account of the work carried out by the Scribes of Divine revelations at the time of the Prophet
Mohammad (PBUH). [10]

A: The answer to this question is provided in Book # 4 pages # 37-38.

(a) Write about the various tasks performed by some of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬Companions as his Scribes. [10]

A: In this answer, along with the point of their work at the time of the Prophet (PBUH), you need to mention
the working, abilities and writings of a few scribes especially Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (RZ), Hazrat Abdullah
bin Masud (RZ), Hazrat Ubay bin Kaab (RZ), Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid (RZ), Hazrat Ali (RZ) and Hazrat Abdullah
bin Amr (RZ).

Note: I am sharing the model answer mentioning the points of both answers. Do read it.

Q: What was the story of Hazrat Abdullah bin Saad in the lecture on Scribes of Divine Revelation?

A: The Prophet (PBUH) dictated revelation to him. He changed them while writing so he incurred Prophet
(PBUH)'s hatred due to this. He renounced the faith and went to Makkah; became a polytheist and started
living with Quraish. After the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet (PBUH) ordered to kill him since he
apostatized but on Hazrat Uthman (RZ)'s request, he was granted amnesty.

Q: What is the conversion story of Hazrat Khadija (RZ) which is also the Shan-e-Nuzool of (74:1-7)?

A: Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) received no revelation for the next six months or so and this absence of
communication disturbed him. However, one day, Hazrat Khadijah (RZ) found her husband asleep and
noticed he was sweating and shivering slightly. Suddenly, he woke up and said the following words:'O you!
The one wrapped up (in a blanket)! Arise and deliver your warning! And magnify your Lord! Keep your
clothes clean, and shun all abominations (idols)! Do not give (in charity) with the expectation of an
increase in return! Be patient and steadfast in the cause of your Lord!’ (74:1-7) Al-Mudassir. Hazrat
Khadija (RZ) tried her best to comfort Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and told him to rest, but he was resistant.
He said, 'No Khadijah, the time for sleeping is over. Jibrail has ordered me to warn people and call them to
Allah. But, whom shall I call? Who will listen to me?' Hazrat Khadijah (RZ) confidently told her husband that
she believed in him and accepted his message. Thus, the first convert to this new way of life and faith that
the Prophet (PBUH) was told to preach and teach was his wife Khadijah (RZ) who trusted him completely.

Q: What is the story of the first bloodshed for Islam which also became the reason for Muslims meeting
at Dar-e-Arqam secretly?

A: Once a group of Muslims was praying secretly at a nearby mount. They were encountered by a group of
idolaters who insulted them. These Muslims could not bear such insult and reacted in which by the jawbone
of camel Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (RZ) struck one of the disbelievers and wounded him. This is called the
first bloodshed for Islam. However, afterward, Prophet (PBUH) on receiving revelation asked believers to
remain patient in response to non-believers’ taunts. Thereafter, Muslims started to meet secretly at the
house of Hazrat Arqam (RZ) i.e. Dar-e-Arqam. There Prophet (PBUH) shared revelations with his
companions and taught the new converts. Muslims usually met there after sunset.

Q: Where can I find answers to all difficult part (a)’s & (b)’s in practice papers & past papers?

A: Answers to all recent part (a) and (b) questions are mentioned in the Exam Guide (Book # 10).

Q: Can a reference be written without a reference number or the name of the Surah?

A: Yes, you can write quotes without a reference number. You need to mention if it is a verse from the
Quran or the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) you are writing. Vice versa, meaning if you are leaving
the quote and writing the reference number, it is not allowed.

Q: Can we write a quotation using dots (…) at starting, ending, or in the middle?

A: Yes, you may do that if the quotation remains relevant.


Q: Can a quotation be written in our own words?

A: It is preferable to write them in exact words, but you can write them in your own words either if the
context and the message remain relevant and the same.

Q: How many quotations for an answer?

A: It depends on the nature of the question and pattern taught in the classroom. Mostly, one quote.

Q: Is it mandatory to write salutations?

A: No, it is not mandatory to write salutations.

Q: Can we use small forms of salutations like S.W.T, S.A.W, PBUH, RA, and H. for Hazrat?

A: Yes, they all are correct and can be used since the examiner does not demand salutations with names.
My piece of advice to all is to recite Al-Fatiha, Ayat ul Kursi, four Quls if you remember, Durud Shareef
before the examination. While writing the small/short forms of salutations you may softly say Sallalahu
Alaihi Wasallam, Alaihi Salam, and Razi Allahu Ta’ala Anha/Anhu.

Q: Are we allowed to use a ball pen?

A: Yes, it should be bold and dark. You can use all types of pens except erasable pens & correction fluids.

Q: Can we write on the barcode or make a hole on it while attaching extra sheets?

A: No. It will nullify your sheet as it will not be recognized by the computer while scanning.

Q: Is it allowed to take cell phones, hard boards, and digital watches? A: No, they are not allowed.

A: No, they are not allowed.

Q: Will we be provided extra sheets?

A: Yes. You are not at all restricted for the length of your answer. However, first, you should use the
space of the answer you are leaving on the choice among the optional questions. You can also use the
space provided at the end of the question paper. Give priority to using the three pages you will leave in
the choice question from Q3-Q5.

(i) Cut the question with a pencil you are not attempting as an optional question
(ii) Mention Page # and Q # and part # you are continuing
(iii) write the answer you want to continue

Q: How to continue an answer on the extra sheet?

A: For example, you are ending your Q1 (i) (a)’s writing on page # 3 which you wish to continue on an
extra sheet i.e. page # 17. Write on the last line ‘continued on page # 17’. Then on page # 17 write
‘continued from page # 3 Q1 (i) (a)’.

Q: Can we write two questions on an extra sheet?

A: Yes. You may do it but do mention question # by following the above-mentioned criterion.

Q: What is the ideal length of Part (a) answer? Is there any word limit?

A: No there is no word limit for answering questions. The length depends on your comprehension and the
nature of the question. You need to cover all relevant details asked in a question. However, roughly if your
font style is average (i.e. 8-9 words in one line) then the part (a) answer should be of 2 and a half or three
pages where 17-20 minutes are to be spent on it.

Q: What is the ideal length of Part (b) answer? Is there any word limit?

A: No word limit for part (b). The length depends on the nature of the question. You need to cover points
reflecting your understanding. 05 minutes are to be spent on this part. However, roughly if your font style
is average then part (b) answer should be half or 2/3rd of the page.

Note: For the answer to Quranic passages, they should be covered in 15 minutes.

Q: Where can I find the PDF of FAQs, Practice Papers and other materials that you have shared?

A: I have shared the link for this on Whatsapp groups.

Q: What is the Wazeefa for strong memorization?

a) Perform ablution
b) Recite Surah Fatiha
c) Recite Durud-e-Ibrahim
d) Say 'Allahumma Rabbi Zidni Ilma' in odd numbers 3,5,7 or 11
e) Recite Durud-e-Ibrahim
f) Conclude with the praises of Allah
g) Learn with confidence that man can do amazing things if Allah wills

Q: (a) What do you know about the structure/chronology of the Quran?

A: The questions regarding the content and structure of the Quran are not part of the Syllabus 2058 or
0493 that we study. They both are the regular contents of Syllabus 2056. There is a paragraph written in
the Examiner’s book mentioning the chronology of the Quran that resembles the answer of the Division
of Revelations (Makki and Madni). To be on the safe side just read these points once.

- The Quran was revealed to Prophet in 23 years b/w 610-632 A.D

- Started from Surah Alaq that was revealed in the night of power in cave Hira.
- Quran was memorized by his companions and written by his scribes (discuss the working of scribes)
- In the rule of the 1st caliph, it came into book form & was re-compiled & re-arranged in rule of 3rd caliph
- It is divided into 30 parts; each part is further divided into FOUR parts (Al-Ruba, Al-Nisf, Al- Thalatha) and
four parts are divided into various parts (Ruku).
- 114 Surah; unequal length, 1st Surah Al-Fatiha, and last Surah is Al-Nas

- Longer to shorter Surahs; Surah Baqarah is the longest, Surah Kauthar is the shortest Surah.
- The verse of the throne Al-Baqarah (2:255) is the longest, and Al-Yaseen (36:1) is the shortest verse.
- Every Surah starts with Tasmiya except Al-Tauba.
- Surahs are divided into various verses.
- Surahs are named as per dominant content e.g. Surah Maryam and Surah Kauthar.
- Many Surahs are named after Prophets. Give examples.
- Surahs are designated as Makki or Madni Surahs.
- Discuss the difference between Makki and Madni Surahs. - Sujood are highlighted in different places.

Q: Any final tips?

A: Yes, believe in working hard, and rather than relying on a few questions or topics; cover the entire
syllabus. You should not stake your result by just preparing a few topics. Before leaving your home, make
sure you have performed ablution and have attained the blessings of Allah and your parents. If possible,
offer 2 units of volunteer prayer to seek Allah’s help. In the exam hall when you will be waiting for around
half an hour to receive your script DO utilize that time by remembering Allah. Recite Surah Fatiha, Ayat ul
Kursi, all four Quls i.e. Surah Kafiroon, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, and Surah Nas, Durud-e-Ibrahimi then
recite these. Allahumma Rabbee Zidnee Ilma, Rabbish Rahlee Sadree Wayassir lee Amree, and Nasrum
Minallahi Wafathun Kareeb.

Please meet and greet others putting a smile on your face as the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Every good act is
a charity.”

Make sure you do not throw tools of learning on the floor like pens and pencils and in particular all those
papers that have the names of Allah and Rasul on them.

Always remember that exams are the test of your memory, not the test of your learning. Your ulterior
motive is to learn, focus on that and your memory will follow through inshAllah. Exams help you in
battling your inner anxiety and your fears; sail through this and you'll emerge as a better version of
yourself for the life ahead of you. CAIEs are an initial stage and a part of your life, not the end of it. Stay
positive, keep good intentions, work hard, and give it your best.

Never forget that in this entire process, the most important individual is you. What matters the most is
your happiness and your well-being. Whatever you are doing and striving for is for your betterment. In
this process, you need to take good care of yourself by taking care of your diet, your sleep and your
happiness. It is understandable when at times you do not want to study at all, you want to run away
from all this pressure and do what you feel comfortable doing. But if you acknowledge these pressure
times and hardships are for your betterment then you will inshAllah find a way of dealing with it with
discipline and dedication.

Chand din ki baat hai Meray Kakay Kakiyun, uske baad Rahat aur Araam hai. After adversities, there are
longer and then eternal prosperities ‘Kuch hai Raatian Kali phir hain din Suhanay.’ Un suhanay dinon tak
pohanchne kay lie Just go through these pressure times by having faith, having patience, putting your
trust in Allah by working hard and keep moving on. Let the Divine Decree take its course.

All the very best for your exams. My prayers and good wishes are for you.


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